“Attitude: The Difference Between Ordeal and Adventure.”
My favorite quote.
We’ve been completely blessed to have some of the most awesome adventures…many, things I never even dreamed I’d get to do.
Like…surf the waters of the Indian Ocean. Hike through a remote jungle in Sumatra. Drive a motorbike in an over-crowded city with no driving rules…and not die. (The not-dying part is big.) Swim in the Amazon River. Snorkel in the Caribbean. Ride an elephant in Thailand. See the Towers in Kuala Lumpur.
Yeah, I’m going somewhere with this.
Cause I’ve also had other adventures that don’t involve being halfway around the world.
Like…leaving home when I was barely eighteen years old to make a life for myself. Watching God take a shy, afraid-to-talk-in-public girl and turn her into someone who could give speeches and sing solos and do something for Him. Falling in love at the one time in life when I did NOT want it. Marrying him anyway.
(THAT has been an adventure. ;)) Dreaming…and seeing the goodness of God when He worked things out according to His plan and not mine.
Giving birth to the most amazing little girl.
Learning to love in a way I never dreamed possible. Leaving all we’d known (again) to start a new life in a new place. Seeing God bless…again. 😉 Learning to love a place I never thought
I could.
Those? Are adventures, too.
The quote above was shared with us by a couple we met while backpacking in Cape Town.
They had taken a year off from life, sold everything, and were seeing the world.
I was envious, I was fascinated, and I clung to each story they shared.
Because a theme emerged…no matter where they were or what the situation…there was an adventure to be had. One that would stretch them, amaze them, teach them. And make them better people.
We spent less than two days with Brad and Dennyse, but I have never forgotten them or the wisdom they passed on to us through this quote and the stories that came with it. It’s a mentality that we, as a couple and now family, have tried to practice.
Adventure is all around us…and it’s all about attitude.
Whether we’re living a crazy life in Southeast Asia or a more “normal” one in the Midwest.
Whether we’re taking a trip to Bali or a drive to the South to see some dear friends.
Whether we’re off on a romantic getaway or a family road trip.
There’s adventure.
Today I woke up. (A little late, but I needed the sleep…) I made coffee, worked out, had breakfast, and got the girl up. She’s finishing her breakfast now, and then we’ll probably play outside and go for a walk while the weather is still beautiful.
Then I’ll get some things done around the house, get a few thank-you’s written (hopefully!), and head to work for a few hours.
It’s normal…it’s life.
But there are adventures even in normal.
And I hope I never, ever forget to find them.