Where I Am…With Some Coffee Thrown In

Ok, I liked my coffee post so much last Thursday that I decided we may have a new tradition going. So grab a cup of your favorite joe, kick off your shoes, and let’s chat!

And please forgive the hair in the photo today…I let it go curly this morning,

and I never know quite what it will look like when I do that. :) Today wasn’t nearly as crazy as it can be…really, not even close, but it wasn’t fabulous, either. I decided a flower headband would make everything better. Never mind that I’m 32 years old…no comments please. (32 year olds can wear headbands, right

? Why does it feel so wrong?!)

Anyway, today I’m drinking the same stuff as last week…decaf with caramel vanilla creamer.

Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm! This time it’s out of my Jakarta mug, though. I have six Indonesia “City” Mugs…Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Jogjakarta, and Bali. I had a goal while I was there to actually go to Starbucks in each of those cities and buy the corresponding mug there. I was successful and pretty stinkin’ proud of it, until they opened a Starbucks in Bogor during the last few months I was in Indonesia.

I didn’t make it there…so I’ve got six out of seven. The Jakarta mug was actually the last one I purchased…in the airport on my way home last April. And one of those cities (Surabaya) I flew to with some friends just so we could go to Starbucks and buy the mug.

True story. πŸ˜€ Although we did make a girls’ weekend of it to stay at the Sheraton, hang at the pool, and drink coffee. (Ahem…multiple cups of coffee…) All weekend…tons of fun!

I’m sitting here on a sunny Thursday afternoon wishing that Maelie and I were at the park. However, we passed on her morning nap and went to the outlet mall with some friends.

So there’s no way we can skip the afternoon one…and she is currently fighting me with everything she has, but she’ll give in. She’s too tired to not sleep. In fact, I think she’s out now…aaaah. Peace.

So we browsed a few kids’ stores this morning. I was looking for a few things for Mae…and maybe I’m cheap, but I’m not willing to pay even most of the clearance prices we found today. Sorry, but $11 for a little sweater is not a deal. Bummer, too, cause it was way too adorable.

:) I did find a couple cu-UTE flower headbands for her, though, one she can wear on Easter Sunday with this precious little daisy sundress I have for her.

And a pair of sunglasses with some bling, cause a girl always needs some sparkles, huh? The Children’s Place was good for stuff like that…I didn’t think the prices were bad at all.

Maelie and I shared a piece of pizza for lunch…well, I use the word “shared” loosely. (I ate 90% of it. :)) It blows my mind that she is eating the same things we do. And reaching for my coffee and Diet Pepsi…which I haven’t given her yet, so relax. :) My little girl is growing up way too fast. But I love it.

Love it, love it, love it. Love HER.

We had a (real, not virtual) coffee date yesterday with one of our favorite friends. It was fun to get out of the house, have some time to chat and catch up, and give Maelie a chance to spread some love (and Cheerios) all over Starbucks. I realized when I got home that the bag of chocolate I took with me never made it out of my purse…sad, cause I think coffee tastes better with chocolate and chocolate tastes better with coffee. And coffee and chocolate are both better with a friend. So it’s win-win-win. Another bummer…at least I’ll have some for next time if I don’t eat it all first!

So enough small talk.

Eventually we’ll get past what happened yesterday and today and talk about other stuff.

Like the house. The topic currently occupies most of my brain, but I attempt to push it back as far as possible so I can focus on other things.

Things are looking good, though…and my emotions and hopes are already way too high. Do I dare plan for this or do I need to start on a Plan B?

I realized in typing that last paragraph that it is so me to try figuring out things all on my own. I really just need to let go of this and trust Him to work it all out. And mostly, I have…I just have a hard time with the trusting part. As a follower of Christ, I know so much…but knowing it and believing it are two different things. I’m working on letting go…but it’s tough. Cause I don’t want to…but that’s just me being selfish.

It’s part of the refining process…I know God is teaching me things through this, and that I need to keep my heart soft enough for the changes He wants to make. If God wants to change something in me, it has to be good because He’s not exactly in the business of doing bad.

I so need to get over myself.

I caught myself being selfish yesterday with my time and taking it out on my girl. I sometimes forget that Maelie is: a) 9 months old; b) active and energetic; c) a normal kid; and d) incapable of reasoning why she should behave a certain way. Therefore, when I take her to Starbucks, I should not expect her

to sit there like an angel, totally engaged in the conversation going on.

She doesn’ t work

that way. I truly don’t see her as an annoyance…she is such a blessing, and I really do love my girl, but yesterday I think I treated her like she was getting in the way of my plans. Father, please forgive me. And I already asked Maelie to forgive me. Which she responded to with a giggle, so I translated that as a yes.

And then we giggled together some more.

Cause we’re just like that. :)

That’s something I’m trying to work on as a mom…even now. When I need to apologize to my child(ren) that I take the time to make things right…even if they don’t understand what’ s going on.

Parenting is humbling, isn’t it?

Despite the challenges, though…and the lack of peaceful coffee dates ;)…I love this girl.

She brings so much joy to my days. I just really, really love her.

I could keep going, but I’ve already hit over 1,000 words…and I need to save some for later!

Tobin and I have been reading through the book of John during Lent this year. I have to admit that it means a lot more to me this year, and I’m not quite sure why, but I think it has something to do with the fact that we are purposely (re)evaluating why we believe what we believe. And getting to the core of what faith really is and what it means to truly have that relationship with Christ. Without citing specific examples, just reading Scripture together is speaking Truth into our lives, whether we discuss it or not.

And for now, that’s enough…God is meeting us exactly where we are with what we need.

I love that about Him.

Well, over 1200 words later, you’ve made it through another lengthy coffee date.

Thanks for joining me. :)


Wordless Wednesday

A lot of people do a post on Wednesdays…Wordless Wednesday. Just a picture of something…well, I don’ t know wha

t of exactly. :)

But I like the idea.

I could do a Wordless Wednesday to describe my day.

Like a picture of me, my girl, and our sweet friend on our coffee date today…except there’s no picture because I sort of always forget to take pictures at things like that. Or maybe a picture of Mae throwing Cheerios all over the floor at Starbucks.

(Again, no picture…but she was as cute as she could possibly be while she disposed of her snack.


But since I have no pictures, I’ll one-up the whole Wordless Wednesday thing…

And tell you what it’s like to BE wordless on a Wednesday.

For what seems like weeks I have been fighting this thing called writer’s block. I’ll get the most ingenious (well, to me, anyway :)) ideas in the most inconvenient places…like the shower, the middle of church, or while I’m driving…when I obviously can’t write down what’s going through my head.

I’ll get to my computer as fast as I can, and poof!

The words are gone.

It’s kinda like a magic trick, ya know? πŸ˜‰

I joke that my life is boring.

It consists of staying home with my daughter (which, truthfully, is often anything but boring), Bible studies, occasional coffee dates (yay for having one today!), and sometimes another reason to get out of the house (always a welcome change). Oh, yeah, sometimes I cook and clean. But, really, if you crawled into my brain for a day, I have a feeling you’d emerge with your head spinning. The things going on in there are pretty complex.

And tough to put into words, which may be why I’m experiencing such severe writer’s block.

I’m not a naturally gifted writer.

I have to work at it somewhat…although there are days when the stories just pour out. And then there are days like…ahem…the last month (?) when almost every day I have wrestled with what to write, how to write it,

and if

I should even write it.

I almost feel like I need to channel my blog in a narrower direction to avoid the wide range of topics I could write about.

(And to minimize the amount of brain spinning currently going on in my head…) I don’t feel ready to choose a direction, though, and anyway, this style fits my personality. I’m all over the map (literally ;)), so why shouldn’t I just leave it open and write about whatever’s on my heart


Yeah, I think I’ll do that.

So, basically, nothing’s changing. :)

Don’ t you jus

t love the creative rambling nonsense of my brain


I believe I just successfully posted my first Wordless Wednesday.

I said a whole bunch without saying much of anything. :)

Happy Wednesday to you all.

Thanks for reading. :)


My Own Song

It’s a rhythm I’ve heard all my life.

Steady, strong, telling me just how things are supposed to be in this familiar world.

A rhythm I should be able to play without even thinking by now.

I tap my foot, trying to get the tempo just right.

But I can’t.

The beat goes on around me…louder, stronger, more overwhelming w ith

each passing minute.

I listen carefully and try to imitate it, but I stumble yet again.

All the rules of this music…I know. I’ve spent my life

Singing it.

Loving it.

Living it.

But somewhere in the middle, I began to dance to another rhythm. For five years, I lived, moved, and breathed this new cadence of life.

I embraced it as my new song, one the Father had given me

To sing.

To love.

To live.

And then,

the song changed again.

The drums became louder.

The tempo picked up speed.

And I no longer feel as if h

ave a place among this chorus in which I used to play a part.

I wait, listen, and sometimes…I try. I’ll tap my foot again to see if maybe I’ve found this old rhythm again.

I don’t have it today…I may never have it again.

Maybe God is giving me my own song…one that goes against what those around me are playing.

And it’s up to me what I do with it.


Pisang Goreng

Today I finally made some Indonesian food.

After being back in the States almost eleven months…took me long enough. πŸ˜‰

Pisang goreng (fried banana) is my favorite Indonesian food. It could be one of my favorite foods ever. In Indo, it’s usually served with brown sugar and shredded cheese, which I love. But I’ve also had it with ice cream, which I almost love as much.

Next week I’m going to talk about Indonesia at Bible study, and I thought it would be fun to make pisang goreng. I’m usually a procrastinator and don’t try out recipes ahead of time, but instead, trust the judgment of the reviews online.

I know,

I know. Not smart.

And with my lack of cooking skills, there was no way I

was going to do that this time.

They turned out really yummy. I’m going to have to make another batch tomorrow because the recipe needs to be tweaked. (I’ll tell you what I’m planning to change on the recipe below.) Check it out and give it a try.

Mmmmmm. πŸ˜€

Pisang Goreng

1 1/4 c. flour
2 T sugar (I’m going to double the sugar next time…they needed to be sweeter.

That might be because the bananas were green, though.)
1/4 T vanilla powder

(I skipped this because we didn’t have it.)
1/2 c. milk
1 egg
2 T butter, melted
1 tsp rum flavoring

(I substituted vanilla because I don’t like rum flavoring.

4 ripe bananas, sliced (I prefer them greener, and I only used two. I think three is about right.)
oil for fying

In a bowl, mix flour, sug

ar, and vanilla powder. Add milk, egg, butter, and rum (vanilla), and mix well. Add sliced bananas.

The original recipe says to use a deep fryer…I just fried them in shallow oil in a regular frying pan and cooked them a few minutes on each side.

Top with brown sugar and cheese, vanilla ice cream, or whatever you want.


I was missing Indo this weekend…it was kind of nice to have a little piece of it today. :)


The Napless Wonder

I affectionately refer to my girl as the above title.

Oh, she is a wonder.

One who has the most irregular sleeping patterns I’ve ever seen.

For the first two months of her life, she napped like an angel.

I swear there was a halo floating over her precious little head.

Then around the middle of August, she decided, Nope. The world is much too exciting for me to sleep.

You can only imagine what this did to mommy. And? It continued.

For three stinkin’ months.

Then, just after Thanksgiving, she decided that naps were a wonderful thing, and she made a regular habit of taking a daily three hour afternoon nap.

To say that was awesome is completely understating it.

It. Gave. Me. My. Sanity. Back.

This continued for a couple months.

Sometimes? She’d even give me a morning nap, too.

Then around the middle of February, she decided that naps were for wimps.

We went a few weeks

with maybe one nap a week. And Mel, of course, is ready to pull her hair out during all of this.

And then a couple weeks ago, she decided, Yeah, I’ll nap again. Sleep is goooooood…Momma likes it, so I should like it, too!

And she’s been a pretty good napper for the last couple of weeks.

Except on Sundays. Oh, Sunday morning services make me want to cry, laugh hysterically, and crawl under the pew. (All at once, if possible. ;)) She just won’t nap at church.

She coos and giggles her way through the class we go to at 9:30. (I spent half of it in the hallway today.) She’s usually ok during singing, but then she gets cranky and almost never makes it through the sermon.

And then one of us ends up in the hallway with her. Today it was Tobin, and he brought her back in during communion because there was a lot of singing, which usually keeps her happy (and quiet).

Not today.

She was just not doing it and was a crying mess by the end of the service.

Part of me felt bad for her…really, to be so tired and not be able to sleep would be frustrating. I’d cry. But she did redeem our less-than-pleasant morning at church by taking a 2 1/2 hour nap as soon as we got home.

When I went in to get her after that glorious nap, she looked up at me, grinned, and the frustrations of the morning melted away.

I love this girl.


Really, how could anyone not love my little napless wonder? πŸ˜€

Oh, Maelie girl, you give me such great stories to tell.

I love you!



Yowsers, I’m homesick for Indonesia tonight.

It doesn’t really happen often, although sometimes I’ll see a picture and feel a little tug at my heart.

And then I’ll think of a gre

at memory from there, and the tug turns into more of a pull, which hurts a little.

Have you ever had a moment of wishing that just took your breath away

? That’s kind of what it’s like. No tears, really…just a really deep breath.

And missing it.

So I thought I’d share a happy memory from our time in Indo.

I had some pretty great students…they were each cool in their own way.

But I have to admit that the group I taught for two years (4th and 5th grades) has a special place in my heart.

One of my favorite memories of that class was early on in their 4th grade year.

We were just getting to know each other but having some fun with everything that comes with the beginning of a new school year. One of the girls was a bit of a class clown but loved by everyone, and once in awhile she’d have a hard time staying in her seat. One day during math class, I said to her, “Student, pretend your bottom is glued to your chair.”

She got a sheepish look on her face, and I turned back to the board

to finish writing the math problem.

Suddenly, my class broke into hysterical laughter.

I turn around, and here is the student, running laps around the classroom, holding her chair to her butt.

We. Laughed. SO. Hard.

True, I probably should have maintained a little more professionalism, but it was one of the funniest moments of my teaching career.

She did it to be funny, and hey, we can all use a little more laughter in our days.


I smile whenever I think of that class, but I really smile when I think of her and that moment. I wish I had a picture of it or something…but it’s still etched in my mind.

And that’s enough for today.

If you’re a student from that class, and you happen to be reading my blog, I’m sending you a hug from Americ

a. (Or a fist bump if you’re a boy. ;)) I miss you all.


A Late Night Ode to the Blog

Yes, the queen of procrastination is reigning supreme tonight.

After a fussy, emotional day on the part of both of the girls of the house, πŸ˜‰ I opted for some R & R over actually writing anything of significance this afternoon.

And now, of course, I’m paying for it.

So, tonight Tobin and I had pizza, played with the girl a bit, laughed at her antics as she (again) crawled backwards, rolled around, and somehow ended up stuck under her exersaucer. It was quite a sight, and somewhere, there are photos. Maybe tomorrow. Then she went to bed, and I decided I needed an hour-long soak in the tub.

Then I did laundry, and here we are.

Almost 11:00 p.m., and here I sit, just me and my Mac, hoping and praying for some inspiration.

(And that I don’t fall asleep and fail to post this before midnight…of course I need to actually write it first.)

Back in the day when I had to come up with a poem here or there, I could usu

ally pull some pretty good sap and cheese out of nowhere. So tonight I will give it a try. However, poetry is not my forte whatsoever.

Enjoy. (Or, leave now…I don’t blame you.)

A Late Night Ode to the Blog

Oh, barefootmel, you frustrate me,
It is now exactly 11:03.
I have nothing to say and nothing to write,
I wish it wasn’t so late at night.

My eyelids are drooping, my brain is fried,
I’ve got nothing for you, I’ve tried and

So I decided to give rhyming a try,
I’ m so bad at it, I think this

might make me cry.

But I promised to visit you every day
And think of something meaningful to say,
Which hasn’t really happened today…
But that’ s ok, my reader

s love me anyway.

Good night. I promise you all something more thought-provoking tomorrow. πŸ˜€


Chatting It Up Over Coffee

So it’s been over a week since I’ve had coffee with a friend…and I’m missing it.

Thankfully I have a coffee date planned for next week, but this week has been a little long just because we’ve been home for most of it.

Today I decided that

you, my readers, can have a coffee date with me through the good old blog. I’m drinking decaf (Still nursing…I’ll pay for it if I drink the real thing!) with caramel vanilla creamer. One of my favorites. If I make a whole pot, I usually drink it, so today I made just enough for 2-3 cups, depending on the size of the mug. πŸ˜‰ And I’m drinking out of my very favorite mug…my Starbucks Bali one. (If you come have coffee with me in real life, I’ll even let you drink out of it.)

So go ahead and kick of your shoes (cuz barefoot is the way to go, ya know?) and grab some coffee for yourself. YOU are probably lucky and can have the real stuff.

The first thing we’ll talk about is Spring Break and how everyone (it seems) is going somewhere except me. I think this hits extra hard because just a year ago I was soaking up the Bali sun, drinking coffee at my favorite Starbucks in the world on Kuta Beach, and shopping at my favorite markets…all of this with a 6 1/2 month prego belly.

Oh, how life has changed.

And the thing is that, though I miss these things, I wouldn’t change the way life is now. Because it’s different…but really, really good different. Everytime I see my baby girl I am reminded that though I love adventures, being a mommy is enough. I so love my girl.

But what about you? You going anywhere? You should share your stories so I can live your adventures through you. :)

Time to move on and talk about the weather. Can you believe there were snowflakes yesterday? Ok, so I realize that the friends in Minnesota that I’m currently having a coffee date with are like, Really, Mel, snowFLAKES? We got 8″ yesterday! Or something like that. πŸ˜‰

Eventually we’ll decide that spring is just around the corner. Well, maybe…this is the midwest. Spring will for sure be here by June.

Then we might get to the deep stuff.

But not before I refill my coffee mug…be right back. πŸ˜‰

You’ll hear me talk about how, despite living here for 7ish months, I’m still feeling very unsettled. Probably a few tears fall as I talk about how much my heart aches to know that I truly belong somewhere.

I’ll probably even admit to you that I often put on a brave face and act all tough and I-can-handle-this because I think it will make people believe that I really am ok.

But I’m not.

It’s not that I’m dying or anything…just that life is mixed up right now. I’m having an identity crisis, which I’ve found happens often with someone who moves around a lot.

I know it’s just a phase and it will pass, but I admit that I don’t feel like that right now. What my heart wouldn’t give to be able to walk into church and know that I really belong there and wasn’t wrestling with some pretty deep stuff. That I’d feel comfortable picking up my phone and calling a friend without worrying that I’m bothering them or getting in the way of their plans.

I guess that’s just me…worst case scenario girl.

And eventually I’ll probably open up about how insecure I’m feeling. (As if that wasn’t totally obvious after that last little paragraph.) How I worry about everything I say and wish I could take back half of it. How I wonder if I join a conversation if it’s ok to share my thoughts. How I feel like a complete stranger in a place that doesn’t feel familiar and secure.

But I’ll end with the thought that I have so many hopes and dreams for life right now. How I’m excited that out of all the places God chose to send us that it was here. That despite feelings of insecurity and not belonging that I believe we’ll get to the point where this is home and we do belong.

We might even talk about the house, too. We got some encouraging news this week and were able to resubmit an offer.

Things look promising, and of course my ENFP, wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve hopes are sky high. Please pray for that. We should know soon if things are going to work out.

That would be the best news ever.

Eventually we might come around to a little more non-serious chit-chat.

Like American Idol, and how I think Pia will win it all.

Or Casey. I think the talent this year is phenomenal, and it makes me wish

I could sing like that.

Oh, wait. I totally can.

Just kidding.

Cause I can’t…and pretty much never will be able to. So I’m content just strumming my guitar and belting out whatever tune is in my head that day. Today, it’s still “Blessings”, by Laura Story, and I’ll probably let you know (again) that I think it’s the best worship song I’ve ever heard.

I might even sing it for you later…no, not really. (What’s the point of singing to my computer screen anyway?) :)

Ok, time out…I need to go throw some laundry in the washing machine. My girl went up a size in diapers yesterday…and there was a reason we moved her up a size. (I know, I know, TMI.) :) Let’s just say that by the end of it, she was wearing red pants with a pink onesie because that’s ALL I had left for her. So, I’ll be back in a minute.

And when I come back from doing laundry (really) I’ll tell you about the trip I took to Target last night. I needed something for Maelie, and while I was there, realized that it is March.

Um, hello?!


Holy cow, it was like being let loose in a candy shop. Literally.

I practiced incredible self control and only bought Cadbury eggs (the number I purchased will not be disclosed during this conversation) and jellybeans. Oh, Easter candy, it has been too long. Is is my imagination or is my belly pooching out further already?

Stupid candy.

And then I’ll tell you that the real reason I went to Target was to get a cute little flower for Maelie’s hair when she gets her nine month pictures taken today. I can’t believe it’s already been that long.

And since I know time is ticking down and that you’ve hung on with me for well over 1,000 words, I’ll wrap things up.

But not without sharing a verse or two. Lately, I’ve loved the Psalms. They just speak so much Truth and Peace to a heart that is up and down and all around.

“I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.”

Psalm 16: 8-9

He knows…it all. And that brings so much peace. I am so thankful for a Father who loves me and cares for me and accepts me the way I am…and most of all, understands me when I don’t understand myself.

So, if you made it through our whole coffee date, you survived over 1,200 words…which translates to…probably hours. :) See, honey, THIS is why when I go for coffee I don’t come back for hours. πŸ˜‰

Love you all.


My Favorites

In the interest of getting my blog post done BEFORE ton

ight AND so I can go to the Lent service tonight and not sit there thinking about what I should blog about…I bring you a post that doesn’t require too

much thinking…and is a teeny bit indulgent. πŸ˜€ But at least you get to find out some quirky stuff about me.)

If you’re bored you’ve got the time, leave me a comment with your favorites.

Happy Wednesday! (Is it really only Wednesday?)

  • Ice Cream Flavor: pistachio
  • Sport: volleyball
  • Season: fall…I love the colors and crunchy leaves. But right now, I am sooooooo ready for spring!

  • Hobby: Oooh, lately, I haven’ t had much

    time for one of those. Does drinking coffee coun

    t? :) I guess playing my guitar/singing and writing.

  • Song: This changes often. Right now it’s “Blessings” by Laura Story.

  • Band: I have a lot…mostly CCM. I re ally like C

    asting Crowns, and I also like the Parachute Band, a pretty obscure praise and worship band from New Zealand. Best concert I’ve ever been to.

  • Female artist: Bethany Dillon, Nichole Nordeman
  • Male artist: Chris Tomlin, Mark Schultz
  • Place to Hang Out: any coffee shop with a good friend
  • Musical: WICKED! Although, The Sound of Music is up there, too.
  • Book: Three Cups of Tea for intelligent reading; The Shopaholic Series for fun.
  • Color: turquoise/brown
  • Animal: golden retrievers…although I would looooove to hold a koala someday.


  • Food: pizza
  • Drink: it’s a tie…coffee and Diet Pepsi
  • Subject in School: Well, it was English…forever ago. I’m also a geography rock star.


  • Flower: daisy
  • Veggie: eggplant (yeah, I know I’m weird)
  • Fruit: jeruk bali (from Indonesia…kind of like a grapefruit)
  • Music: praise and worship
  • Store: depends on the day…Target or Maurices
  • Day of the Week: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday…all of them?
  • Number: um, who cares

    ? I guess 19. Or 3. Or 12,997.

  • Movie: Steel Magnolias, The Sound of Music, Anne of Green Gables Trilogy
  • Pizza Topping: pineapple
  • Fast Food Restaurant: Chipotle
  • Vacation: South Africa or Bali…loved them both for different reasons.

  • Dessert: cheesecake…mmm, cheesecake.
  • TV Show: I love American Idol for sentimental reasons. The Amazing Race is my favorite, though.

    I would love,

    love, love, to be on it.

  • Place: I love a lot of pl

    aces. Right now, I love where I am…so I guess that’s C’ville. :)


Micah 6:8 (Part 3): Love Kindness

So I am somewhat hesitantly picking up

thi s

post and running with it tonight. I’ve inadvertently been putting it off for weeks awhile now.

The word kindness has perpetually been in my mind for the past several days and the need to write about it has been nagging.

Annoyingly nagging.

Which probably means there’s something I need to think about.

I don’t think any of us are ever intentionally mean to others…ok, I take that back. There are bullies in the world who just love to be mean.

Sadly, I’ve encountered a few.

I don’t get people like that and I stopped trying long ago to understand them.

The only thing I can conclude is that they need Jesus.

But I’ m getting ahead of


So let me tell you a little story here that has to do with adorable, little Mel (approximately age 5) being not so nice to cute, little Becky (approximately age 4). (Becky, I hope you don’t mind that I’m telling this story. :D)

My two best friends growing up were sisters, Missy and Becky. We basically grew up together and remain best friends today. Their mom would babysit me and often they’d come over to my house, too, and one Sunday afternoon they came over to play after church. We usually played Barbies or with my Strawberry Shortcake dolls.

I remember that we started to argue over who got to play with Orange Blossom, the favorite doll among the three of us. Somehow Becky ended up with that one, and I wanted it.

I remember staring at her as she unassumingly giggled.

She really had no idea what I was thinking.

And then, it happened.

I punched her in the stomach.

We joke about it today, but I. got. in. BIG. trouble.

The funny thing is that I don’t even really know why I hit her…I just think I was annoyed with the fact that she had what I wanted.

There were consequences…I’m pretty sure I got sent to my room while Missy and Becky continued to play. And worse than that was how horrible I felt, even at the age of 5…ish. I had been mean to my best friend and hurt her feelings.

(But I didn’t really hurt her stomach…she told me that later.


I have often thought back to that moment and realized that if

I had just thought about it for a minute, I never would have hit her.

And if I think about that now?

Well, I’ve grown up. I don’t go around hitting people anymore. πŸ˜‰

But there are other ways to be unkind, to do damage.

And most often, it’s with our words.

I always have open-mouth-insert-foot moments. I know I am bad about speaking before I’ve fully processed the words about to come out of my mouth. It’s never intentional…but that doesn’t make it right.

Part of being kind is stopping to consider others’ feelings.

We saw the ultimate example of k indness

in Jesus. He lived a perfect life, walked among sinners, and loved them anyway. He loved them with his words and actions and ultimately, his sacrifice for us on the cross.

The least I can do is work on loving others with my actions and words.

I’m not perfect…and that has ever-so-in-my-face been pointed out to me the past week or so. But when I know there’s something I should be working on…well, I should do it.

Father, guard my actions and my tongue…help me to show kindness in the way I treat others and speak to them.

P.S. And a little treat for ya all…the three amigos from about the year 1987, give or take.

:) Aren’t we so cute? (And I am such a dork…in an equally dorky outfit. ;)) Here’s to happy memories. I love these girls!
