
“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.

Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.

So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.

My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.

My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.”

Psalm 63:1-8 (ESV)

Edit: So even though I posted this just a couple hours ago, I came to the conclusion that God satisfies in many ways.

I love His Word, and the passage above is from one of my favorite Psalms.

It was an encouragement to me tonight. But I also have to say that laughter was a close second tonight…I just needed a good smile.

So if you’re a new mom, or even if you’re not, go read this. I just get it. If you usually see me in jeans, this is me the rest of the time. :) She is such a good writer…enjoy!


In His Time

Today I started briefly sketching out

an idea for a painting I want to do for Maelie’s room.

It’s really simple, which is a good thing, because I am NOT an artist…just a person with random moments of artistic talent.

Just a flower with the words, “He makes everything beautiful in His time.”

She doesn’t know it yet, but that’s pretty much the story of her life,

the story I want her to know.


I am terrible at waiting.

I do not like to be waiting in line at the grocery store, standing around at the end of the bar waiting for my coffee, and in Indonesia, I really hated waiting for a taxi. (Mostly because I knew that it could be as little as two minutes or as long as two hours before one showed up.

And who knows what the weather would do while I waited?)

Although I am not really Type A, I tend to have a plan for my day…and my life. I know how I want things done, and while there is definitely room to be spontaneous, I like it when my expectations are met. Exceeded is even better.


My husband and I are in the middle of more waiting.

We made an offer on a house this past week.

It’s a house we love and where we see ourselves raising our family. Great neighborhood and location, close to friends

and church. Yeah, it’s the one we’re renting. I love it.

And I want it so badly I can hardly stand it.

I don’t want to wait…I just want an answer. I don’t even know how I’m going to sleep until we know. And the reality is, we may not know for awhile.

I think back not so long ago when we were waiting for something else.

A child.

At times it felt like it would never happen.

I watched as, what seemed like, everyone around me had babies. Multiple babies. Even some of my friends were adopting.

And I? Was just waiting with empty arms and a heart that was hurting more and more the longer we waited.

And in the middle of that waiting, I started wondering, “Is it really waiting if there’s nothing to wait for?”

Oh, Mel…such small faith.

Easy for me to say now, I guess.

At the time, it felt like God was always saying no. “No, I don’t want you to adopt this baby. No, I don’t want you to have this one.”

And then…He said yes.

I still smile really, really, B

IG when I remember the morning we got the positive pregnancy test. It meant about 7 1/2 more months of waiting, but I didn’t care one bit.

We were going to have a baby!

And then…the puking started. And didn’t stop.

I learned even more about waiting while I experienced 24/7 sickness for 18 weeks straight. My body was so physically weak and exhausted that showering and getting dressed were major accomplishments. My head hurt so bad that I could hardly look at a computer or tv screen or read a book.

Really, what does a person do with all of that time? I learned that there was nothing else I could do but pray…and wait it out.

And while it was horrible, we still knew that God was fulfilling His plan for our family in His time. There was comfort in that even though I felt absolutely awful.

And eventually, around the middle of the sixth month, I did stop puking and my head stopped hurting so much. I actually felt somewhat normal and was able to enjoy life…and begin to excitedly dream about the little girl we would be welcoming into our family so soon.

And before we knew it, June 14 was here, and Maelie arrived!

The waiting was long…and hard. But she was so, so worth the wait.

And whether I’m waiting for a baby or a house, I know that God will give us an answer in His time.

Father, remind me of this on the days I don’t feel like waiting.

In His time,
In His time,
He makes all things beautiful
In His time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As You’re teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say
In Your time.

In Your time,
In Your time,
You make all things beautiful
In Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing
In Your time.



I love my husband.

I’m fighting a cold, going on

half speed, and my brain is so. very. tired.

So I asked him to give me a word to blog about.

He typed in random word lists into Google…and came up with “airports”.

Interesting choice.

And, it works.

I’ve been all over the world…so why not tell you about all the airports I’ve been in

? And if there’s something particularly memorable, I’ll say it, too.

And I’ll even include the airport codes, for those of you who love to be intellectually stimulated. :)

Enjoy, potentially, the most random post ever!


  • CPT – Cape Town International Airport; Cape Town, South Africa. Good Italian food…and one really late night there.


  • CGK – Soekarno Hatta International Airport; Jakarta, Indonesia. Thankfully it had a Starbucks.

  • BDO – Husein Sastranegara Airport; Bandung, Indonesia.
  • MES – Polonia Airport; Medan, Indonesia.
  • SUB – Juanda Airport; Surabaya, Indonesia.
  • DPS – Ngurah Rai International Airport; Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia. Ditto…Starbucks. :)
  • BTH – Hang Nadim Airport; Batam, Indonesia.
  • MLG – Abdul Rahman Saleh Airport; Malang, Indonesia. Sitting on the floor (and killing a roach) while playing cards for three hours and waiting for a very delayed flight back to Jakarta. No Starbucks there.
  • SIN – Changi Airport; Singapore. Many in-transit nights spent in the lounge. McDonald’s breakfast at 3 a.m. After a year without it? Enough said.
  • KUL – Kuala Lumpur International Airport; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • BKK – Suvarnabhumi International Airport; Bangkok, Thailand. Mango sticky rice and Amazing Race moments.
  • CNX – Chiang Mai International Airport; Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  • HKT – Phuket International Aiport; Phuket, Thailand.
  • HKG – Hong Kong International Airport; Hong Kong. Really good chocolate…which I so needed after a 14 hour flight from LA. :)
  • NRT – Narita International Airport; Tokyo, Japan. Not my favorite place to spend anticipating a long flight back to Minneapolis. Cool toilets with too many buttons that I was afraid to push for fear of what might happen.


  • ICN – Incheon International Airport; Seoul, South Korea.

    Chocolate covered sunflower seeds and peach water.



  • AMS – Schipol Airport; Amsterdam,

    Netherlands. Sadly, the only time I’ve ever been to Europe. Good chocolate, though.

    And cheese. :)

North America

  • PHX – Sky Harbor International Airport; Phoenix, AZ.
  • LAX – Los Angeles International Airport; Los Angeles, CA. Really needs to be more accessible for passengers switching terminals. One loooooong walk with several bags, a guitar, and a djembe, when we left for Indo the first time.
  • SAN – San Diego International Airport; San Diego, CA.
  • SFO – San Francisco International Airport; San Francisco, CA.
  • DEN – Denver International Airport; Denver, CO.
  • MIA – Miami International Airport; Miami, FL. The only time I’ve ever been to Florida…and it was in transit to Honduras. I didn’t even get to stay.


  • ATL – Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport; Atlanta, GA.
  • ORD – Chicago O’Hare International Airport; Chicago, IL.
  • DSM – Des Moines International Airport; Des Moines, IA.
  • MCI – Kansas City International Airport; Kansas City, KS.
  • GRR – Gerald R. Ford International Airport; Grand Rapids, MI.
  • MSP – Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport; Minneapolis, MN. We ate at Chili’s there every time we flew out. Good memories. :)
  • EWR – Newark Liberty International Airport; Newark, NJ. Ate a hot dog right before our flight to Amsterdam. Not such a good idea.

  • PDX – Portland International Airport; Portland, OR. Our favorite airport so far.

    Amazing Greek food and a bookstore I could actually afford. I’d go back to Portland just for the airport. :)

  • MEM – Memphis International Airport; Memphis, TN. Flew through this one way more times than I can count.
  • DFW – Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport; Dallas, TX. Eight hour layover that turned into twelve…lots and lots of Phase 10. Good memories. :)

Central/South America

  • LIM – Jorge Chavez International Airport; Lima, Peru. Inca Kola and playing my wooden flute for a crowd while wearing the coolest stocking cap ever.


  • IQT – C.F. Secada Airport; Iquitos, Peru. I loved Iquitos. So I guess I loved the airport, too.
  • MGA – Augusto C.

    Sandino Airport; Managua, Nicaragua.

  • SAL – El Salvador International Aiport; San Salvador, El


  • LCE – Goloson International Airport; La Ceiba, Honduras.
  • RTB – Roatan Airport; Roatan, Honduras. Teeniest, tiniest plane I’ve ever flown on.
  • MBJ – Sangster International Airport; Montego Bay, Jamaica.

Whew! I’m tired.

5 continents. 15 countries. 40 airports.

It’s a beautiful world…go see it. :)


I Will Sing

I love music.

I sing

all day long…really. Sometimes I pull out my guitar and sing for Maelie. (She loves it because she doesn’t know any better yet. :)) Sometimes I just belt out a random tune. Sometimes I make up songs about things like…well, let’s just hope that Maelie’s first words aren’t something about dirty diapers. 😀 Sometimes I butcher “Defying Gravity” and once I even tried to sing the ending of “Think of Me” from Phantom.

Um, no.

It seems there is always a song in my head and usually on my lips. I just love music and the powerful way it speaks to me.

So I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that my daughter is already “singing”. And, at times, sounding better than her mommy.


Last night was praise team practice. (Yes, the cold is at least better enough for me to try singing, but I kept the volume down. :)) It was fun…there was enough humor in the group (Titanic, anyone? And my heart will go on and on…) to keep us laughing, and most of the songs I could at least figure out.

Then we got to the last one.

It’s a Chris Tomlin and one of my favorites.

But it’s also one that I’m not sure I can sing in public.

There’s too much intense emotion that wells up within me when I hear it…imagine trying to sing it. I got through the words in practice, but I couldn’t think about the meaning at all.

Or the time in my life that it points back to.

A time where I was looking so hard for God in the middle of something…and I just couldn’t see Him. I wanted to…but my eyes were blinded by so much.

Loss. Grief. Lack of faith.

One thing that keeping this blog has done for me? It has forced me to revisit some of the tough things in life. And that’s good…I need to process things.

But the thing is…I’m tired of the ashes.

I want beauty.

I want to stand up and shout that He’s my God…and He is Everything…and that the things He’s done are amazing!

On days that are full of sunshine…AND on days that are filled with shadows.

On Sunday we’re going to sing a song…

It might make me cry. It might make me smile.

It might make me lift my hands and say, “God, You are so, so Good.”

But no matter what…I Will Sing.

I can sing in the troubled times, sing when I win.
I can sing when

I lose my step and I fall down again.
I can sing ’cause You pick me up, sing ’cause You’re there,
I can sing ’cause You hear me, Lord, when I call to

You in prayer.

I can sing with my last breath, sing for I know
That I’ll sing with the angels and the saints around the throne

How can I keep from singing Your praise?
How can I ever say enough?
How amazing is Your love!
How can I keep from shouting Your name

I know I am loved by the King…and it makes my heart want to sing.


I Love Thursdays

It’s Thursday. One of my favorite days of the week.

I really, really love Thursdays.

This is the day of the week that life is a little different for me and my girl. Oh, sure, at random times during the week we will get out and do different things.

But Thursday is the day I go to the Mom’s Bible Study at Immanuel.

To say that it is a highlight of the week is an understatement…it is THE highlight.

One of the biggest reasons I dreaded moving here is because we didn’ t know anyone.

That left me with two choices: shut down and never make any friends; or, get out there and make some new ones.

Neither of those choices really appealed to me. I’m not the type to completely shut down and never be social…but go knocking on someone’s door looking for a friend

? Especially in a new place where I don’t know my way around

? Yeah, that’s not me either.

Thankfully God met me where I was and sent me a friend, who knocked on my door instead (literally) and introduced me to a bunch more friends through her Bible study.

The first time I went, I wasn’t sure. My small, narrow mind had never been around a group of women from a Lutheran church. (If you know my background, you’ll understand this…no offense taken, I hope!) But after the second time, the walls started to come down, and I realized I’d been judgmental for far too long.

What I found when I let those walls crumble

? The most amazing group of women who are so Christlike…and real. I need real…not superficial.

This group of women, in every sense of the word, saved me. They scooted over and made some room at their table, accepting me for who I was, exactly where I was…which basically meant they were dealing with a lonely, emotional, sleep-deprived, new mommy in the middle of the biggest changes of her life. And they were cool with that.

And? They even took time to ask me about it all. That meant so much to me.

I so look forward to our study every week. Sometimes we spend more time talking and laughing than we do studying…and sometimes it’s the other way around. But we all need that laughter and conversation as much as we need to gain insight from God’s Word.

That’ s called being human.

I feel so blessed that, at a time where I had no idea what life would look like or how my intense need for social interaction would be met, God had it all figured out.

“Mel, you have no idea, but I’ve got some great people waiting for you…you’ve just got to trust Me.”

I’m so glad I did.

I think it’s funny that at Bible study today, a few women were talking today about reading my blog. (I am so glad someone read that ridiculous post about my hair a couple weeks ago. :)) I had already planned to blog about this today…and I almost changed my mind.

But when God does something cool…it’s worth writing about.

I love stepping back and seeing how God provided something I never thought He would.

I am beyond blessed… and so thankful.

Yeah, I love Thursdays. :)


To Kill a Cold

My wonderful daughter passed on her “I’m-not-feeling-so-great” thing to her mommy.

(And the wonderful part is not sarcastic… I do think she is just that.

I just wish she’d quit being so generous. :))

I wouldn’t be frustrated, except this is cold #3 of the season.

#1 wasn’t horrible, other than it hit a few days before we were supposed to go to Wicked. So I spent most of the play sucking on Halls and blowing my nose. (But I still got to see the most fantastic musical EVER…small price to pay.)

#2 was bad. I could barely sit up for three days. And, of course, it hit right before we took a long

weekend trip to Iowa.

At least I was in a car blowing my nose constantly and not around other people.

And that one took forever to go away–probably two weeks before I was feeling normal again.

#3 is here. Blah. Selfishly, I want it to go away so I can sing with praise team on Sunday. I miss singing and I don’t get to very often anymore. Anyway, yeah…I have so been fighting this thing with everything I have. And with everything I can find on the internet. So far I have tried:

  • Airborne…Lots and lots of Airborne. Probably too much.
  • Zinc tablets…Warning, and I am serious.

    Do. not. take. on. an. empty. stomach. (I found out the hard way.)

  • Gargling with Listerine several times a day…apparently it’s supposed to kill all the bacteria causing the cold? Not working, which leads me to question the effectiveness of its original intended purpose.
  • Tea with lemon and honey. (And I don’t like honey.)
  • Tons of orange juice.

  • Hot water with lemon and honey. (Surprisingly, this seems to be the most effective.

    And if I add a lot of lemon, I can barely taste the honey.)

  • Blueberry and pomegranate tea…not as good as it sounds. Ick.
  • And possibly the most revolting substance so far…cinnamon, pepper, and honey boiled in a cup of water. I cannot even begin to describe the nastiness of this concoction.

    I choked down about 1/3 of it before pouring the rest down the drain.

  • And something I am sure will not do any good, but I woke up this morning craving spicy food.

    Mind over matter, right

    ? Bring on the salsa!

    (Yes, I ate it for breakfast…I’m just cool like that.)

I am so desperate to kill this thing. Is there a miracle cure out there that I’m missing?

Please share!


Last Minute

So it’s 9 pm and I’m staring at a blank computer screen.

There were bound to be days like this.

I had several ideas this morning, but none of them worked for my brain today. I’m sure I wrote a few thousand words…but every one of those words got deleted.

My wonderful husband suggested I do an entire post in Indonesian.

That would be a very short post.

Something like, “Saya suka rumah saya dan saya ingin membelinya.”

That’s about what’ s on my mind the

se days.

(If you speak Indonesian, then you’ll have no problem translating.) :)

Anyway…a friend of mine does a really great post every week or so when she answers a few different questions based on the day she’s having. It’s pretty cool, but I don’t want to copy her…and I don’t want to do that every week either.

So I did a bad thing. I googled “I have writer’s block”. You wouldn’t believe how many ideas popped up!

So today’s post? One of those ideas… well, sort of.

I borrowed it and tweaked it. :)

Take it with a grain of salt.

Yesterday: I went to Goodwill for the first time ever. It was actually kind of cool.

I think I can be persuaded to join the thrift s

tore shopping movement. I just need to know what I’m looking for before I go…otherwise it’s way too overwhelming.

Today: My brain is tired. That is why I’m typing random facts about my life instead of blogging about something deep and thought-provoking.

And my sweet girl decided she did not want to sleep from 11:45 pm-2:00 am. Can’t say I loved that, either.

Tomorrow: I am hoping that Mae will take her two naps so I can get caught up on sleep. It has been a rough few days. I need the naps as much as she does.

Next Week: I’m really looking forward to our next coffee shop pick. Don’t know why I thought of that…maybe I need a cup of coffee tonight? :)

Next Month: Is March. I haven’t spent March in the States since 2005.

Hoping spring shows up on time, too. :) And I really like it that McDonald’s has Shamrock Shakes in March…they don’t have those in Indonesia.

Next Year: Goodness, do I really have to think that far ahead

? Maelie will be walking and talking and getting into more than she does now. I hope time doesn’t go by too quickly.

And maybe tomorrow I’ll blog in Indonesian. :)


I Love My Girl

Ok, I’m gonna do some mommy bragging today. :) I really try not to do too much of that, but I do think I have the coolest girl in the world.


My sweet Mae had a rough week/weekend.

It actually started last Tuesday night/Wednesday with a cough. Things got worse, and by Thursday night she had a high(er) fever going.

Friday she seemed to be ok, but things got bad again at night, and her temp hovered around 102.2 or so.

We decided it was time to take her to the doctor so we headed there on Saturday morning.

He checked her out, said she had an ear infection and RSV, and told us to give it a couple more days but he would write a prescription for her “just in case”.

Just in case?


Maybe I’m off here, but isn’t three days of a fever enough? Tylenol obviously wasn’t doing the trick.

We waited it out anyway, and I put her to bed around 8:00.

She woke up crying at 9:45 or so and I went to change her diaper and take her temperature.


My heart started to pound.

I didn’t even k now

what to do at that point, so I sent a text

to my friend.

We gave her some tylenol and prayed over

her. I took off her clothes and she sat around in her diaper. (We had company…she’ ll be embarrassed someday.


I heard back from my friend and figured that I was doing what I could for now.

Hopefully she’d be better in the morning.

I packed her into her carseat (she sleeps there sometimes) and spent a very fitful night on the couch with her next to me.

She didn’t sleep more than a couple hours at a time, so neither did I.

Poor girl.

But what gets me about the whole thing is that I knew she was feeling awful.

All I had to do is look at her eyes and I could tell she was just not herself.

She was more clingy and cuddly and just wanted to be held, but she wasn’t super whiny or crying…in fact, she was pretty happy (and even laughing!) for having the temperature she did.

I love my girl…and what she teaches me without even trying.

That even on the bad days it’s ok to smile. That we can feel awful and still be a blessing to others around us. That laughter can sometimes truly be the best medicine.

We got the prescription filled yesterday (Thank you, Target Pharmacy, for being open on Sundays.) and gave her a dose of amoxicillin. Which she happily slurped up…and thank you, God, for giving me a girl who will take her medicine. :)

She’s still not quite back to normal…it will probably be another day or so…but she still took some time to laugh with her daddy yesterday afternoon and snuggle with me. And we even got out of the house for a bit today with a friend, and she did great!

Tobin took a few pictures of her this past week that are

too cute not to share. Enjoy them. :)

Love her!



Yeah, I know I made up that word


Warning: This got really, really long. :) And, oh… it is FULL of my opinions today, so you can take

it or leave it. Seriously…you’ve been warned.

A few years ago I had my students memorize James 3. I let them choose the chapter they memorized, under certain criteria, and I believe it won the class vote because of the length.

Hey, they were 5th graders. :) I memorized it with them, and what I didn’t tell them? How much I learned from it…and how completely convicting it was. (If you’re not familiar with the chapter, go ahead and read it.

I’m not going to post it here…you can look it up.) Basically it deals with controlling your tongue, which was actually a very good topic for us to talk about in 5th grade…it provided some excellent conversations.

And the kids just thought they were getting a short chapter to memorize…haha!

No matter how “old” I get, I have to constantly keep my tongue in check…and keep a filter on my words, whether I’m speaking, facebooking, or blogging.

And that can be hard.

A confession.

Daily…and I do mean Every Single Day…I laugh at the status updates of people on Facebook who seemingly have no filter on the things they share with the world.

Maybe that’s not the nicest thing…very possibly, it’s the writer in me that finds it both funny and absurd.

I’m just that way…I need to make sure that before I send something into public cyberworld that I check over what I’m sharing and that I keep what needs to be private…just that, private.

That’s why I surprised myself yesterday when I completely contradicted every standard I’ve ever held myself to in terms of blogging, and I wrote an article without checking it over.


I. always. proofread.

And I almost always take things out because I feel like I’m sharing either too much or unnecessary information.

Or too much unnecessary information? :)

Thankfully, there were no grammar errors, which is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. That’s pretty uncommon for me, though, because I tend to read over each sentence before moving on to the next one. However…

I did use the word, fart.

Really, Mel, did you want to use that word?

I am fully aware that in some circles, that word is not entirely appropriate. That, and it’s just not professional, which…well, I walk a fine line between professionalism and having a good time when I write, anyway. So it wasn’t that I was worried about what people would think of me.

Other than the fact that I used the word, fart.

I find it slightly comical now, and truthfully, I could go back and change it.

I could, but I won’t.

At the time, I w as in

a silly mood. (I would have had to be to write an entire post about Whoopie Pies.

:)) The word fit my mood at the time, even if it caused me to shake my head and roll my eyes today.

Whatever…it’s me.

And when I put my thoughts and emotions out there every single day, there are bound to be days that I wish I had not said something or used a certain word. We all wish we could take back things

we say.

But no matter what, I am bound and determined to use a filter on my words as much as possible, even though I will slip up now

and then.

So back to why I think so many Facebook status updates are completely ridiculous.

If I’m so dying to share that I just had a bagel or that my dog stepped on my foot, I’ll sms a friend. Or call my husband…I’m sure he’ll totally appreciate the distraction in his day just to know that Sammy has possibly dislocated my little toe.

I just don’t understand when I open up my home page and see six posts in a row from someone…just had breakfast; new post (2 minutes later)…leaving for my job; 3 minutes later…stuck in traffic…

And don’t even GET me going on people who update their status while they’re driving. That’s another post for

another day.

The point is…filter, my friends. Share once in awhile…even a few times a day is good…but I don’t need every detail of your lives. If you want to share that much, get a blog or something. :)

I read an article recently on the ten things you should never do on Facebook…and a lot of them have to do with status updates and how the things you are sharing now could hurt your future. (I’m not going to link to it because I don’t endorse some of the language used.

However…if you want to read it, google it. It’ll come up.)

It made me think twice, and I’m pretty sure you will, too.

So if anyone was offended by my use of a certain word yesterday, I am truly sorry.

It wasn’t meant to be that way, and the purpose of my blog is not

to step on toes.

Filterize my mouth…and my life. That’s my new goal.

Want to make it yours, too



Whoopie Pies

Seriously, I can’t even type that title without laughing outloud.

Who the heck named these things?

Makes me think of a fart or something.

Sorry if that’s TMI. 😀

So we had some friends over for dinner tonight, and I speculated…based on some things I’d seen on Facebook…that they had a slight (or not so slight?) obsession with whoo pie


So I decided to make them.

I went with the Red Velvet recipe that my blogging friend posted on her site a few weeks ago.

Holy cow, were they good.

For my first attempt, they turned out ok. (Meaning how they looked.) I made the cookie parts Way.

Too. Big. But that’s ok. :) And the cream filling would have been better (and probably thicker) if I’d had a mixer… but we are mixer-less in the Schroeder house.

So it kind of ran everywhere, but

it tasted good anyway.

And there was some left over…hello me + spoon when no one is looking!


It will probably take a few more attempts before I can get it right.

But here ya go…a whoopie pie. (HaHaHaHaHa!!!!!)

Big laughs.
