30 Days of Thanks, Day 22: Whatever

Haha. 😀

I laugh because it ha s ju

st been one of those “whatever” kind of days.

I suppose it really started off that way because of that huge dose of NyQuil I took last night.

Really, it took me until about noon to fully wake up.

But obviously, Maelie didn’t wait for me to wake up…she was goin’ strong at 7:30 a.m.!

We hung around the house and played until about 11 a.m. and then I packed her up and took her to the Sears Outlet, where we can get a free item of clothing every Tuesday til the end of the year. (I love a deal…especially a FREE one!) I am using this opportunity to restock my running wardrobe, and today I scored an Adidas running jacket. Oh, yeah! (Definitely thankful for that!)

Then we came home, and I tried to feed Mae lunch, but she gave most of it to the dogs, who I’m sure were most thankful for their not-so-little treat.


Then…nap time.

And I? Decided to get a head start on my Thanksgiving prep and made two pies.

Cranberry pecan. (My favorite. But I have a deal with myself that I must run two miles for each piece I eat. I could be running a marathon over the course of the next few days.)

I went to work only to find out that I should have actually looked at the schedule.

When one’s hours are the same every week…week after week…ye ah, th

at person gets a little lazy. I wasn’t on to work t


So I hung out, chatted for a bit, and came home.

And made more pie.

This time, Pumpkin Cream Cheese.


Four pies done BEFORE 10 p.m.

I think I’m a rockstar.


It’s just been a weird, whatever kind of day.

The funny thing is that though it wasn’t perfect, I’m still thankful.

Thankful for those little blessings that popped into the weirdness of my day: like, a text from a friend sharing some good news that made me smile so BIG; like, a surprise fun chat at Sears with two friends from church; like, the blessing of a daughter and the spunk she adds to life; like, a new friend from work who just makes me smile; like, neighbors who have extra eggs on hand so I can finish my pie bake-a-thon; like, a place to call home; like, a comfy couch to sleep on when I’m sick; like, a lot of things…


Whatever it is, I’m thankful for it. :)


What Did YOU Do Before Church Today?!

So…we woke up today.

A little late, too, which was so nice.

I love the days when Mae sleeps ’til 8…it happens often on Sundays.

But that’s when our Sunday morning normality ended.

The short story is that we’ve been looking for a second car. Tobin found one that we were sure would get snatched up immediately, and the price was so good that we decided we needed to see it.

Before church.

Which starts at 10:45.

And the car was 25 minutes away.

Enter…let’s get ready at lightning speed. (Translation: I didn’t even look in a full length mirror ’til I got to church.)

We got to the guys’ house at 9:45.

Tobin looked at the car, drove it a bit, made an offer.

At 10:00, we drove to the bank which, thankfully, was literally around the corner.

At 10:15 we returned with cash to pay for the car.

At that point, I left in the van with Maelie in an attempt to get to church on time…no worries, friends, we made it w

ith five minutes to spare.


Tobin missed the opening praise but was there by 10:55.

It’s funny… that we woke up, bought a car, and went to church.

In that order.

What did YOU do before church today




Chitter Chatter Late on a Saturday Night

It’s been a weird day.

Weird in a not-so-good way, so I’m very thankful that today is almost over and I get

to start again tomorrow.

Thanks, God, for your new mercies. I will be intentionally soak

ing them all in tomorrow.

To be honest, I would love to have a virtual coffee date with you all right now. Unfortunately, I’ve reached my max for caffeine with an Americano and a Diet Coke, both since 2:00 today, and I need to sleep tonight. Enough said. :)

Instead, we can just talk while I finish up my late-night, day-off snack of tortilla chips and melted, buffalo flavored Velveeta. Seriously, it’s good, but I was also raised on processed cheese, so I think it always tastes good…I think certain friends I have who were raised on dairy farms would disagree with my thinking.

😉 I will tell ya, though, that over in Indonesia, I missed Velveeta so badly that I once had a friend bring me a huge two pound block of it when she came back after Christmas one year.

It was glorious. And I didn’t share…at all.

I’ve been trying to pull three mile runs in the mornings when I go out.

That’s almost double what I was running for so long that it feels like a lot. The good news is, I think I might actually be ready to run this 5k next weekend. I’m not looking forward to running in the cold…or being cold, in general, but I do like the whole chocolate everywhere thing. I WILL run for chocolate.


And as a bonus, since packet pick-up is only Thursday and Friday, and since I also have praise team Thursday night, Tobin took Friday off.

We’re gonna trek downtown, pick up my stuff, then go check out an Indonesian restaurant…possibly the only one in all of Chicago. Bring on the sate and rendang and pisang goreng…woohoo!

I could not be more excited about Indonesian food.

And I NEVER got excited about it when we lived there. Funny.

While I’ve tried to not obsess on the blog about weight loss, today was monumental.

I’m a pound UNDER my pre-baby weight.

I saw a number on the scale today that I thought I might never see again…and I loved it so much that I went for a three mile run…and then ate a bagel. (It was worth it, since I know you’re all wondering!) And tomorrow night at my weekly workout with friends, we’re gonna celebrate with these.

If you’ve never tried one, you should. For an energy bar, they’re pretty amazing. And I like that they’re not full of grainy stuff…I don’t feel like I’m eating cardboard.

So I love my daughter.

Really. But somewhere between Tuesday and today, she decided that one hour naps AND shorter nights are enough for her. She has been giving me about an hour nap each afternoon and sleeping about an hour less at night, too. I am not sure what to think of this… it kinda makes me grumpy if I think about

it too long. I always enjoyed my afternoons when she was napping because I could catch up on blogging and squeeze in some strength training and shower before she even woke up.

Life as we know it has changed.

Thankfully, she is generally JOYful just to run through the house and get into things. I love that about her, minus the getting into things part.

😉 And just look at what she built all by herself today…she truly amazes me. :)

Every year I spend $1 in the Target Dollar Section.

(Ok, ok, so I spend a LOT more than a dollar every year, but THIS dollar is for something specific…) I joke that it’s the best dollar I ever spend…but that might be true. I buy a little day planner that’s the perfect size…I write my life in it and take it everywhere I go. I actually bought one at Michael’s a couple weeks ago because Target didn’t have theirs out yet, but as I was wandering through the Dollar Section today, I saw this.

And I totally spent another dollar because it’s way too perfect.

Think God is trying to remind me of something


After a day like today, JOY is hard. My heart is not ok, and I’ve cried more than I want to admit. I feel broken, I feel lost…and the only thing remotely salvaging tonight is the fact that I know God is there…and that He’s able to fix broken and find lost.

And His mercies are new Every.

Single. Morning.

Praise Him for that.

I need to wind this up…long, emotional days require extra sleep, and you don’t need to ask me twice to sleep. 😉



Little Blessings (Pt. 13)

:) A night of praise music.

:) Percussion instruments.

:) A quick visit today with some dear friends from Indonesia.

:) Seeing my daughter spread the love around tonight

at church.

:) Learning discipline in some areas…and seeing the areas in which I still need it.

:) Funky earrings.

:) A day in the 50’s, giving me an excuse for flip flops tonight.

:) Seeing God’s purpose for something…after the fact.

:) A tired girl who will (hopefully!) sleep in a bit tomorrow morning!

:) Missing Indonesia…and remembering how wonderful it was.

Thanking God for blessings today.

What about you?


October Thunder

God gave me a little gift tonight.


Oh, I do love a good thunderstorm.

So I’m curling up on the couch under a blanket and having a little chat with you all before I hit the hay way too late.


God has been impressing on my heart the word obsession lately, and it’s challenged me to think through the things I obsess over and whether they are worthwhile. That will probably be a blog post for another day…but let’s just say that

it’s making me re-evaluate my idea of balancing things.

I made a small-world connection last week at Firefly with a guy who is shooting a movie, and he wanted to use the exterior of our house for a few scenes. He shot a couple of them today, and it was cool to kind of see what goes on with something like that.

In chatting with him after that, I found out that he graduated from college with one of my good friends that I taught in Indonesia with.

Small world just became microscopic.

Goodness, connections are funny things, huh?

Sundays just make me really happy.

I love going to our church…and while no service is perfect with a 16 month-old, I always leave feeling challenged and encouraged.

This Sunday made me even happier because after Mae was down for her afternoon nap, I wrote my Patch article and took a nap myself.

It was wonderful, and I fell into such a deep sleep that I had a very hard time waking up.

I had the sudden realization today that next month is November, and I’m not sure what to do with that.

I suppose I should look on the bright side and realize that I can decorate for Christmas…I really love putting up the tree and decorations.

And…ahem…eating the cookies.


The thunder is still going strong outside, and I’m tempted to keep writing, but I know I need to crash if I’ m going to get up for a run in the


I’m hoping it will continue for a bit longer because, in my opinion, there’s nothing better th an f

alling asleep during a thunderstorm.

I wish they could happen every day.



Little Blessings (Pt. 12)

:) I might actually be ready to RUN an entire 5k in two weeks!

Yay for motivation!

:) A sweet girl who continues to as

tound us.

Her newest wor

d? Strawberry, or as she says it, strawbaby. Too cute!

:) My creative juices are definitely flowing again! I finished the necklace I was working on today and even made myself a pair of funky earrings, which I was going to post a picture of… but I forgot.

Maybe tomorrow. I can’t wait to keep creating!

:) Facing a situation recently where I was able to choose JOY.

:) A chat with a friend today that encouraged my heart.

:) More friend time tonight…perfect night for a fire in the

fire pit.

:) God’s Word…and how He truly does give us an answer for everything we might be facing.

:) Sleeping in ’til 7 tomorrow…hopefully!

:) Three less loads of laundry to fold.

:) Answered prayer and new opportunities.

:) An idea for my Patch article.

:) Being loved.


Random…With Some Help From a Friend

Tonight, friends, you are in for

a treat!

My sweet friend, Lex, aka: Whoopie Pie Queen, is helping me come up with the random that makes

up a day.

Just for your information, at this late hour, neither of us claim total responsibility for the randomness and/or craziness that may come from this post.

Here we go!

#1: If you’re having a crappy day and your eyes are all puffy from crying, walk down the coffee aisle at the grocery store.

Just sayin’…it made me feel a little better.

#2: Lamps from the clearance section at Target can often turn into cool decorations.

#3: Always leave at least one safety lock open on your windows so you can break into the house if necessary.

This is wisdom spoken from very recent experience.

#4: Google Maps and GPS cannot always be trusted to get you to your location. This is being written by a girl who had a very, very early coffee date this morning and couldn’t find the hotel where she needed to pick up her friend  in the dark.

Frus. Trat. Ing.

#5: I just want french fries and chocolate. I want them so badly, I would eat them together. Mmmmm.

Have you had enough random


I’ll be back tomorrow… hopefully a little more awake.




We’re Goin’ Running!

So…um…at least I am.

I’m kind of a runner…at least I pretend to be. And I probably run about ten miles a week; that qualifies me as a real runner, right? 😉

I got into running the year

before I had Maelie…I loved to go for late night jogs in Kota Baru.

After I had her, I decided that to help me get back into shape (um, that’s questionable :)) I would run a 5k, and I literally registered for the first one I found online.

Thankfully it involved chocolate or I would have had zero motivation.

I r an it with Tobin

and a friend, and we had a good time. It was more than a little early, but the chocolate waiting for us at

the finish line made up for it.

:) And we got a nifty jacket/hoodie, so that was kinda fun, too.

But the course was extremely crowded, almost to the point of being dangerous, and I decided that I didn’ t wan

t to run it again this year.

Until last week.

I randomly decided that I couldn’t NOT do it… and so I registered.

The problem is that I can’t find anyone who will run it with me…so I’m facing a 5k in 19 days alone.

Well…alone, along with 14,999 other people I don’t know.

Unless you want to run it with me.




And to give you plenty of notice, I’m planning on the Chicago Marathon 2012.

You are welcome to join me.


I’m sure there will be plenty of pain and puking, but I totally plan on finishing it and getting that medal.

(Ok, I really need to make my bucket list, huh?)



Thinking Aloud

Sometimes I drive my husband crazy when I “think aloud”…he’ll try to figure out what I’m talking about and then get frustrated when I inform him that I’m just saying what I’ m thinking about and not talking to hi

m at all.

I suppose I can see where he’s coming from…a little, anyway. 😉

Tonight my brain is just a jumble of thoughts that don’t really relate to each other at all.

And, I’ve got a nasty headache that I’m hoping to sleep off.


I’ll let you know how that goes tomorrow. :)

Just think of tonight’s blog post as a coffee date without the coffee ’cause I had too much Diet Coke tonight, anyway. :)

I’ve been thinking all week about what I blogged last Sunday. Feel free to hop back and read my kinda-long-winded thoughts about how I was feeling somewhat worthless. After I blogged it, I noticed this quote on a friend’s refrigerator:

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

I like it…but it also made me think even more; about how even if I may not be the best at anything, it’s still important to do things to the best of my ability, to work hard, and to leave the rest up to God.

Something I’ m definitely still working on.

It’s been an I-miss-Indonesia day. I’m really ok, just a little teary about it all. Tobin and I went out on an actual date tonight (sorry…that completely deserved bold letters!) and chatted about it a little. One thing we’re so thankful for is how God has blessed us with good friends from each sea

son of life.

We love where we are now and wouldn’t trade it for a second, but those friendships from our time overseas are so valued.

Yeah, definitely missing Indo and all the craziness that it held.

On the flip side of that, I’m having to show some restraint already in my writing for the Patch.

I want? To write about Indonesia this week.

I need? To stick with my original theme at least for a week or two before I divert.

You know, I’m really thankful for writing.

Sometimes I complain when it’s 10 p.m. and I haven’t blogged yet, but really, the blog has become so much more than words to me. It’s almost like a friend…the place where I hash out beliefs and convictions, share stories and dreams, and remind myself over and over of how blessed I am. I also love that my daughter will be able to come back to this someday and read what we were experiencing as we raised her.

Hopefully she won’t be mad at the funny/slightly embarrassing stories about her that I’ve shared with you all. :)

I warned you…I’m really random tonight. :)

And sticking with the random, I’m going to crash.

It’s been a long, busy day.

Love you all.



Ok, just so we’re being up front, I typically don’t use “LOL”.

Unless I really do laugh out loud.

..then it’s ok. :)

Today I totally laughed out loud.

For real…I’m surprised I didn’ t wake up Maelie.


For those of you on facebook, you know how there will be friends’ previous status updates that randomly pop up on the sidebar

? And how they can be from eons ago?

This showed up a few minutes


Tobin Schroeder: My wife’s water is going to break on Monday!

I laughed so stinkin’ hard. 😀

Then I stopped, and thought to myself…Goodness, I’m so glad that’ s not true anymore!

Haha. :)

Thought I’d share.
