What Did YOU Do Before Church Today?!

So…we woke up today.

A little late, too, which was so nice.

I love the days when Mae sleeps ’til 8…it happens often on Sundays.

But that’s when our Sunday morning normality ended.

The short story is that we’ve been looking for a second car. Tobin found one that we were sure would get snatched up immediately, and the price was so good that we decided we needed to see it.

Before church.

Which starts at 10:45.

And the car was 25 minutes away.

Enter…let’s get ready at lightning speed. (Translation: I didn’t even look in a full length mirror ’til I got to church.)

We got to the guys’ house at 9:45.

Tobin looked at the car, drove it a bit, made an offer.

At 10:00, we drove to the bank which, thankfully, was literally around the corner.

At 10:15 we returned with cash to pay for the car.

At that point, I left in the van with Maelie in an attempt to get to church on time…no worries, friends, we made it w

ith five minutes to spare.


Tobin missed the opening praise but was there by 10:55.

It’s funny… that we woke up, bought a car, and went to church.

In that order.

What did YOU do before church today




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