Open Mic Night…

I survived.

I did.

I wish my stinkin’ nerves didn’t always get in the way of everything, but by the last song, I was actually having a good time.

(So I’m really glad I saved my favorite song for last.) Oh, and I had some pretty fabulous impromptu backup singers for Let It Be. They are so cool.


One of them asked me why I was doing this on the way there. I believe that question came after I said something to the effect of, And WHY am I doing this

? :) So her question was totally legit.

And deserved.

It was always on my bucket list. (The one I’ve never officially made.

I better hurry up and make one before I cross of all the items…cause then I will really have to do some crazy stuff! ;)) I love to make music. Coffee shops make me happy. Hanging out with friends makes me really happy. I think everyone should do things once in awhile that are wildly out of their comfort zones.

All of those reasons, I guess.

The first time was scary, but I’d do it again.

Yay for new experiences that stretch us.

And yay for adventures…I do love those!


There are no photos of me singing.

(That’s really ok.) But here’s one with two pretty awesome friends…who also sang some pretty sweet harmony on a certain song.

:) Love them.


Diet Coke, Anyone?

Ok, we are on the second week in a row of Diet Coke instead of coffee and a big fat headache.

Oh, shoot. That’s a bummer.

I blame it on the weather. Frustrating.

Today if you came over, you wouldn’t find me vegging on the couch…I’m not feeling quite as bad as last week. I’m just feeling busy, and (of course) headaches tend to show up on my busy days.

So I have clearly overcommitted myself in the next few days, especially since my in-laws will be in town for two of those days. I am trying to breathe and smile since most of what I have committed myself to are things I truly enjoy. Like music and coffee and more music. Oh, and royal weddings.

For a brief moment I entertained the idea of inviting a bunch friends over to watch with me at 3 a.m. But when the first person I mentioned it to was like, “Um, no,” I accepted the fact that none of them are as crazy as I am. I am still going to watch it. I will even wake up for a bit of the pre-wedding coverage, but I doubt I’ ll make it through the whole thing.

I’m going to watch the whole shebang in all of its pre-recorded glory at a decent hour.

(Thanks, Alison.)

I kinda wonder what it must be like to be Kate Middleton.

The girl is beautiful…and truly carries herself like a princess. I love it that she is so classy and just the girl next door.

(I really want to have coffee with her.) She is just the type of girl I want to see actually become royalty. (Listen to me, I sound like she’s going to be my princess or something!) As happy as I can be for a girl I don’t know, I’m happy for her.

πŸ˜‰ I wish her and Prince William a lifetime of happiness and love. (And may the paparazzi stay far, far away.)

Maelie has been a superb napper this week.

This is a very good thing since from the second she’s gone to sleep, the guitar has been in my hands for hours. I truly love to play and sing. Sometimes I wish I was better, but the fact that not all the notes are perfect doesn’t take away the pleasure of it. I love music.

And as stinkin’ nervous as I am about tomorrow night, I’m also looking forward to it. Music is one of my favorite things.

I also got to do something tonight I hadn’t done in eleven years…play handbells. I was not good. But it was still fun, there was a lot of mercy extended to me, and I’ve been blessed with the ability to laugh at myself, which was necessary several times tonight. Then I had praise team practice…it was nice to know most of the songs for once. πŸ˜€

I’ m starting to get the itch for real spring to show up.

Really, enough with these mid-40’s days. I’M COLD! AND I WANT TO BE WARM!

Ok, I’ ll quit ranting about the weather today.

Soon enough I’ll be complaining that it’s too hot.

Wow, I’ve been random today, which is pretty much the way I am when it comes to coffee…ahem, Diet Coke.

But I want to end with something from Bible study that really challenged me.

I’ve mentioned that we started a new Beth Moore study on the Fruits of the Spirit, and it’s good. Really good. She was talking about being filled with the Spirit and said, “There is nothing our fleshly desires can give us that is worth what they take from us.”

Wow. Powerful. I’ve been thinking about that today, and I’m not sure what it means for me…yet. But I’m thankful for those little things that God keeps giving me to think over and process. He’s working in my heart even if the words to verbalize what He’s doing aren’t there yet.

Wishing you all a wonderful (almost) Friday! Thanks for stopping by!


Just One Espresso Shot Today…

So today’s coffee is gonna be short and sweet.

If you came over today you’d find me vegged out on the couch, pretty unmotivated to do anything.

The house…ahem…is a wreck, and I’m going to have to muster the strength and motivation to pick it up be fore

my hubby gets home. Maybe.

And I’m actually cheating today…no c offee, just working on a BIG refill

of Diet Coke.

I needed the caffeine today, which is doing absolutely nothing for the killer headache that crept up a few hours ago.

It’s Holy Week…and Tobin and I have spent some time talking and reflecting and attempting to figure out some stuff. It’s been good to take that intentional time to focus on Christ.

But it only makes sense that during a week like this satan has made his very unwelcome presence known.

I feel defeated.

I feel discouraged.

I feel…I don’t know what I feel.

I so want a place to belong, that’s what I want.

I’m so tired of waiting…and I don’t even know what I’m waiting for.

I’ m just struggling with still being in that transition


Having a place to live but being unable to completely live here. Having a church but wondering where exactly we fit into it.

Having the desire to serve but not knowing what to do with it.

It hurts.

I just long to be settled.

And since that was kind of a depressing espresso shot, check out the new photo on the sidebar of my blog that Tobin took today. I needed a new one anyway, but it’s actually for something later. I think it’s cute…well, cute for me. πŸ˜‰

That’s all for today.



Thursday Espresso Shots

Ok, after yesterday, I think espresso shots might be more effective than just a normal cup of coffee. (Decaf with cinnamon creamer for those of you who care.

;)) Although I will tell you that, soon enough, I’ll be back on the real stuff. (And I’m already back to drinking Diet Coke with abandon. Yum.) I’m starting to wean Maelie…which is actually a good thing.

Nursing her is not bringing out the best in either of us or doing anything to help the mother/daughter love. I made it ten months…I’m very happy with that. And she’s happy to be moving on to formula and juice.


Anyway, regardless of what I’m drinking (or what Maelie’s drinking, for that matter), grab yourself a cup of java and let’s chat!

Ok, so today I’m drinking coffee from my Starbucks mug from Medan, a city on the island of Sumatra. Medan is an interesting story.

I realized onlyΒ after I’d purchased my plane ticket there

that there was a Starbucks waiting for me. I love happy surprises! (I was going with some friends on a jungle hike at an orangutan preserve, and Medan was the closest airport…four hours away.) So, of course, IΒ had to buy a mug there.

I can’t say I have any wonderful memories of the actual city of Medan, but it was a memorable trip in general.

And, of course, a necessary stop in order to complete my Indonesia mug collection.

Good Bible study this morning.

We’re starting a new Beth Moore study called Living Beyond Yourself, and I’m really excited about it.

Beth Moore is such a good speaker and writer, and I love the group of women I get to study with. It will be so good…just what my heart needs right now.

Maelie is ten months old today which just blows my mind. Really?! How did that much time go by? In the past few days I’ve really tried to soak up every little cuddle and snuggle because I know that those days are coming to an end. Sometimes I really miss her being so tiny, but I truly do enjoy every stage with her.

My sweet little baby is growing up into a beautiful girl. She just makes my life…I am so very blessed.

I read one of the most horribly written articles in a local newspaper today. I couldn’ t believe

the bad grammar, even worse spelling, and generally poor structure. I am thinking about writing to the editor and offering to write for them…for little or even nothing. I’ve always wanted to be a columnist…do you think I’d be any good


I think I’d rock. Ok, I’ll deflate my head now. :)

I’m feeling scattered lately and fighting the Big Block again…it just seems like I write a good post and then battle for several days, trying to come up with something equally good. I am also learning the value of re-reading the things I write to make sure I’m saying the Truth in love. That’s so difficult…especially when the drama side of me wants to stir things up a little.

But I’m being challenged in that area…a little drama is good πŸ˜‰ as long as I’m not stomping all over people’s toes while I write.

(That’s part of the reason my second post on Grace is still a draft.)

I broke down and cut my hair this week. Actually, I got it trimmed over the weekend and when I went home and straightened it, decided that I was done growing it out for awhile. I bopped back in on Tuesday and had her chop up the back again. Aaaaaahhhhh, bliss. I really am a haircut addict…I suppose there are worse things in life. However, there will be no ponytail in the near future, so there will be no party.


Maybe in a few months I’ll be inspired again. The main thing is, my ears are covered again.

That is very, very important to me. (And you don’t need to leave me any comments telling me how weird I am… I already know.


I feel like my posts have lacked depth often lately…and it isn’t because I’m feeling dry.

I feel like God is doing some huge things, but the words just aren’t coming fast enough. I’m of the opinion that a good writer can push through a lack of words and produce something worth reading…but not necessarily something deep.

I hope I’m a good writer.

I better run…thanks so much for joining me for our weekly coffee date. You bless me!


Late Afternoon Caffeine

It’s Thursday.

Three Thursdays in a row means that this is now tradition…right?

And I’m still drinking decaf, so for me, this is late afternoon NON caffeine. But that’s ok…it’s the whole sipping something fro m a


while we chat thing that counts…right?

We were gone all day, from 8 am until after 3 pm. That’s a long time to be gone from home with an almost-ten-month-old. I have to admit that she was a trooper and did well and even took a cat nap for about 45 minutes.

I’ll take it. (And here’s hoping, at 4 pm, we’ve got another of those cat naps coming. She’s. SO. Tired.)

Today I’m drinking out of my very HUGE Starbucks mug. This one was a gift from a friend who went to Scotland. The thing holds 20 oz…which today translates into something that will require me to get up for a refill less often.

I’m drained, not gonna lie. I’ve never had such a crappy feeling week.

The good news is that, for the most part, I think I’m over the worst.

Hallelujah! And thanks to those of you who prayed. :)

Maelie and I were out the door by 8 am this morning to head to church because today was the big Indonesia Day at Bible Study. It was fun.

:) I made pisang goreng (fried banana) and my friends wore sarongs. They took an Indonesian quiz…which I have to admit was not very nice of me, but they were good sports.

Then I sho wed them our video and

we did some Q and A time. It was good…I really loved being able to share that part of my life with people who mean a lot to me.

I did find yesterday emotionally exhausting, though, as I went over in detail, really, the last five years. Wow.

No, WOW!!!

Sometimes it feels so surreal. To have had the privilege to be part of something like that…not just the living in another culture part, but being in the middle of all the cool things God was (and still is) doing there.

Even though I don’t look back on those five years and long to do them again, I’m so very grateful for the gift of Indonesia and the amazing memories we have. And for the gift of being here right now. Maybe that’s the biggest lesson I took away from our time there…to love the here and now and live it fully.

After Bible Study this morning, Maelie and I stayed at church for an organ recital played by our sweet friend, Kris. I’d never been to an organ recital before…it was impressive. I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to multitask enough

to play that instrument.

Kris did a great job! And I have to brag a bit on my girl, too…who managed to sit through the whole thing.

She did so well…adding her own little touches to the whole thing. A couple coos here and there and one LARGE burp between songs, of course. Her daddy would have been proud. Her mommy was just mortified for a few seconds…and then I couldn’t stop laughing. I sure hope it didn’t ruin the meditative mood for those around us.

Then after the recital we grabbed some lunch and coffee with a friend at the place I blogged about not too long ago, Cafe Firefly. Maelie took a short nap, Alison and I chatted for awhile, then it was home for us.

Mae and I never stay out that long…I’m amazed she lasted without turning into a sobbing, tired mess.

Good for my girl…maybe there’s still hope for her and coffee dates.


Taco Bell for dinner tonight. I have not done much cooking this week, and honestly, I can’t wait to crawl into bed tonight just as soon as the girl is asleep, too. Anyone else think Taco Bell is some of the best cheap fast food you can find? Granted, it’s not that good for you, but I don’t get the really-bad-for-you-full-of-fat-stuff…just the this-has-lots-of-calories-so-I-need-to-run-soon stuff. There is a difference, right


Ok, enough chit chat.

So, I am still being tested in the area of patience. We’re still waiting on the house, and I’m being forced to accept the fact that we may be waiting for awhile. The bank isn’t in a hurry to process anything…and I’m starting to feel anxious about things.

It’s a daily struggle for me to give it to God and to not feel that discouragement each time I see someone stop to pick up a flier from the sign in our front yard. But He knows…exactly who should live here, and we believe with all our hearts that it’s us. And that has to be enough reassurance for now. (And I must admit, as completely wrong as this sounds, I get a small amount of pleasure each time the dogs pee on the for sale sign…) :)

Maelie wore the sweetest little Bali dress today to Bible Study while I wore my Indonesian kebaya. So I’ll end with this picture that I just love…I think it’s so great that we can pass on little pieces of Indo to her even if she can’t be there to experience it. Someday. :) (It’s blurry, too close, and overexposed…but I still love it…something about how happy we both look.)

Thanks for joining me. Have a wonderful, caffeinated evening. πŸ˜‰


Where I Am…With Some Coffee Thrown In

Ok, I liked my coffee post so much last Thursday that I decided we may have a new tradition going. So grab a cup of your favorite joe, kick off your shoes, and let’s chat!

And please forgive the hair in the photo today…I let it go curly this morning,

and I never know quite what it will look like when I do that. :) Today wasn’t nearly as crazy as it can be…really, not even close, but it wasn’t fabulous, either. I decided a flower headband would make everything better. Never mind that I’m 32 years old…no comments please. (32 year olds can wear headbands, right

? Why does it feel so wrong?!)

Anyway, today I’m drinking the same stuff as last week…decaf with caramel vanilla creamer.

Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm! This time it’s out of my Jakarta mug, though. I have six Indonesia “City” Mugs…Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Jogjakarta, and Bali. I had a goal while I was there to actually go to Starbucks in each of those cities and buy the corresponding mug there. I was successful and pretty stinkin’ proud of it, until they opened a Starbucks in Bogor during the last few months I was in Indonesia.

I didn’t make it there…so I’ve got six out of seven. The Jakarta mug was actually the last one I purchased…in the airport on my way home last April. And one of those cities (Surabaya) I flew to with some friends just so we could go to Starbucks and buy the mug.

True story. πŸ˜€ Although we did make a girls’ weekend of it to stay at the Sheraton, hang at the pool, and drink coffee. (Ahem…multiple cups of coffee…) All weekend…tons of fun!

I’m sitting here on a sunny Thursday afternoon wishing that Maelie and I were at the park. However, we passed on her morning nap and went to the outlet mall with some friends.

So there’s no way we can skip the afternoon one…and she is currently fighting me with everything she has, but she’ll give in. She’s too tired to not sleep. In fact, I think she’s out now…aaaah. Peace.

So we browsed a few kids’ stores this morning. I was looking for a few things for Mae…and maybe I’m cheap, but I’m not willing to pay even most of the clearance prices we found today. Sorry, but $11 for a little sweater is not a deal. Bummer, too, cause it was way too adorable.

:) I did find a couple cu-UTE flower headbands for her, though, one she can wear on Easter Sunday with this precious little daisy sundress I have for her.

And a pair of sunglasses with some bling, cause a girl always needs some sparkles, huh? The Children’s Place was good for stuff like that…I didn’t think the prices were bad at all.

Maelie and I shared a piece of pizza for lunch…well, I use the word “shared” loosely. (I ate 90% of it. :)) It blows my mind that she is eating the same things we do. And reaching for my coffee and Diet Pepsi…which I haven’t given her yet, so relax. :) My little girl is growing up way too fast. But I love it.

Love it, love it, love it. Love HER.

We had a (real, not virtual) coffee date yesterday with one of our favorite friends. It was fun to get out of the house, have some time to chat and catch up, and give Maelie a chance to spread some love (and Cheerios) all over Starbucks. I realized when I got home that the bag of chocolate I took with me never made it out of my purse…sad, cause I think coffee tastes better with chocolate and chocolate tastes better with coffee. And coffee and chocolate are both better with a friend. So it’s win-win-win. Another bummer…at least I’ll have some for next time if I don’t eat it all first!

So enough small talk.

Eventually we’ll get past what happened yesterday and today and talk about other stuff.

Like the house. The topic currently occupies most of my brain, but I attempt to push it back as far as possible so I can focus on other things.

Things are looking good, though…and my emotions and hopes are already way too high. Do I dare plan for this or do I need to start on a Plan B?

I realized in typing that last paragraph that it is so me to try figuring out things all on my own. I really just need to let go of this and trust Him to work it all out. And mostly, I have…I just have a hard time with the trusting part. As a follower of Christ, I know so much…but knowing it and believing it are two different things. I’m working on letting go…but it’s tough. Cause I don’t want to…but that’s just me being selfish.

It’s part of the refining process…I know God is teaching me things through this, and that I need to keep my heart soft enough for the changes He wants to make. If God wants to change something in me, it has to be good because He’s not exactly in the business of doing bad.

I so need to get over myself.

I caught myself being selfish yesterday with my time and taking it out on my girl. I sometimes forget that Maelie is: a) 9 months old; b) active and energetic; c) a normal kid; and d) incapable of reasoning why she should behave a certain way. Therefore, when I take her to Starbucks, I should not expect her

to sit there like an angel, totally engaged in the conversation going on.

She doesn’ t work

that way. I truly don’t see her as an annoyance…she is such a blessing, and I really do love my girl, but yesterday I think I treated her like she was getting in the way of my plans. Father, please forgive me. And I already asked Maelie to forgive me. Which she responded to with a giggle, so I translated that as a yes.

And then we giggled together some more.

Cause we’re just like that. :)

That’s something I’m trying to work on as a mom…even now. When I need to apologize to my child(ren) that I take the time to make things right…even if they don’t understand what’ s going on.

Parenting is humbling, isn’t it?

Despite the challenges, though…and the lack of peaceful coffee dates ;)…I love this girl.

She brings so much joy to my days. I just really, really love her.

I could keep going, but I’ve already hit over 1,000 words…and I need to save some for later!

Tobin and I have been reading through the book of John during Lent this year. I have to admit that it means a lot more to me this year, and I’m not quite sure why, but I think it has something to do with the fact that we are purposely (re)evaluating why we believe what we believe. And getting to the core of what faith really is and what it means to truly have that relationship with Christ. Without citing specific examples, just reading Scripture together is speaking Truth into our lives, whether we discuss it or not.

And for now, that’s enough…God is meeting us exactly where we are with what we need.

I love that about Him.

Well, over 1200 words later, you’ve made it through another lengthy coffee date.

Thanks for joining me. :)


Chatting It Up Over Coffee

So it’s been over a week since I’ve had coffee with a friend…and I’m missing it.

Thankfully I have a coffee date planned for next week, but this week has been a little long just because we’ve been home for most of it.

Today I decided that

you, my readers, can have a coffee date with me through the good old blog. I’m drinking decaf (Still nursing…I’ll pay for it if I drink the real thing!) with caramel vanilla creamer. One of my favorites. If I make a whole pot, I usually drink it, so today I made just enough for 2-3 cups, depending on the size of the mug. πŸ˜‰ And I’m drinking out of my very favorite mug…my Starbucks Bali one. (If you come have coffee with me in real life, I’ll even let you drink out of it.)

So go ahead and kick of your shoes (cuz barefoot is the way to go, ya know?) and grab some coffee for yourself. YOU are probably lucky and can have the real stuff.

The first thing we’ll talk about is Spring Break and how everyone (it seems) is going somewhere except me. I think this hits extra hard because just a year ago I was soaking up the Bali sun, drinking coffee at my favorite Starbucks in the world on Kuta Beach, and shopping at my favorite markets…all of this with a 6 1/2 month prego belly.

Oh, how life has changed.

And the thing is that, though I miss these things, I wouldn’t change the way life is now. Because it’s different…but really, really good different. Everytime I see my baby girl I am reminded that though I love adventures, being a mommy is enough. I so love my girl.

But what about you? You going anywhere? You should share your stories so I can live your adventures through you. :)

Time to move on and talk about the weather. Can you believe there were snowflakes yesterday? Ok, so I realize that the friends in Minnesota that I’m currently having a coffee date with are like, Really, Mel, snowFLAKES? We got 8″ yesterday! Or something like that. πŸ˜‰

Eventually we’ll decide that spring is just around the corner. Well, maybe…this is the midwest. Spring will for sure be here by June.

Then we might get to the deep stuff.

But not before I refill my coffee mug…be right back. πŸ˜‰

You’ll hear me talk about how, despite living here for 7ish months, I’m still feeling very unsettled. Probably a few tears fall as I talk about how much my heart aches to know that I truly belong somewhere.

I’ll probably even admit to you that I often put on a brave face and act all tough and I-can-handle-this because I think it will make people believe that I really am ok.

But I’m not.

It’s not that I’m dying or anything…just that life is mixed up right now. I’m having an identity crisis, which I’ve found happens often with someone who moves around a lot.

I know it’s just a phase and it will pass, but I admit that I don’t feel like that right now. What my heart wouldn’t give to be able to walk into church and know that I really belong there and wasn’t wrestling with some pretty deep stuff. That I’d feel comfortable picking up my phone and calling a friend without worrying that I’m bothering them or getting in the way of their plans.

I guess that’s just me…worst case scenario girl.

And eventually I’ll probably open up about how insecure I’m feeling. (As if that wasn’t totally obvious after that last little paragraph.) How I worry about everything I say and wish I could take back half of it. How I wonder if I join a conversation if it’s ok to share my thoughts. How I feel like a complete stranger in a place that doesn’t feel familiar and secure.

But I’ll end with the thought that I have so many hopes and dreams for life right now. How I’m excited that out of all the places God chose to send us that it was here. That despite feelings of insecurity and not belonging that I believe we’ll get to the point where this is home and we do belong.

We might even talk about the house, too. We got some encouraging news this week and were able to resubmit an offer.

Things look promising, and of course my ENFP, wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve hopes are sky high. Please pray for that. We should know soon if things are going to work out.

That would be the best news ever.

Eventually we might come around to a little more non-serious chit-chat.

Like American Idol, and how I think Pia will win it all.

Or Casey. I think the talent this year is phenomenal, and it makes me wish

I could sing like that.

Oh, wait. I totally can.

Just kidding.

Cause I can’t…and pretty much never will be able to. So I’m content just strumming my guitar and belting out whatever tune is in my head that day. Today, it’s still “Blessings”, by Laura Story, and I’ll probably let you know (again) that I think it’s the best worship song I’ve ever heard.

I might even sing it for you later…no, not really. (What’s the point of singing to my computer screen anyway?) :)

Ok, time out…I need to go throw some laundry in the washing machine. My girl went up a size in diapers yesterday…and there was a reason we moved her up a size. (I know, I know, TMI.) :) Let’s just say that by the end of it, she was wearing red pants with a pink onesie because that’s ALL I had left for her. So, I’ll be back in a minute.

And when I come back from doing laundry (really) I’ll tell you about the trip I took to Target last night. I needed something for Maelie, and while I was there, realized that it is March.

Um, hello?!


Holy cow, it was like being let loose in a candy shop. Literally.

I practiced incredible self control and only bought Cadbury eggs (the number I purchased will not be disclosed during this conversation) and jellybeans. Oh, Easter candy, it has been too long. Is is my imagination or is my belly pooching out further already?

Stupid candy.

And then I’ll tell you that the real reason I went to Target was to get a cute little flower for Maelie’s hair when she gets her nine month pictures taken today. I can’t believe it’s already been that long.

And since I know time is ticking down and that you’ve hung on with me for well over 1,000 words, I’ll wrap things up.

But not without sharing a verse or two. Lately, I’ve loved the Psalms. They just speak so much Truth and Peace to a heart that is up and down and all around.

“I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.”

Psalm 16: 8-9

He knows…it all. And that brings so much peace. I am so thankful for a Father who loves me and cares for me and accepts me the way I am…and most of all, understands me when I don’t understand myself.

So, if you made it through our whole coffee date, you survived over 1,200 words…which translates to…probably hours. :) See, honey, THIS is why when I go for coffee I don’t come back for hours. πŸ˜‰

Love you all.


Friday Coffee: Cafe Firefly

So a couple weeks ago I said that some friends and I were going to try out different coffee shops and let you know what we find.

I realize this is (pretty much) useless information for anyone who doesn’t live in the Chicago area…but maybe you’ll be passing through someday. (And if you do, please let me know so I can meet you for coffee!)

And if you are from the area, consider it your own personal guide on where to find the best java by someone who loves the stuff.


So I need to set some criteria, otherwise my coffee house reviews will have no rhyme or reason…although I do tend to have a random brain, so maybe I should just fly by the seat of my pants on these reviews.

We’ll see.

So a little background before I get going on my first “official” coffee house review.

Every other Friday afternoon Maelie and I go to coffee with our friends Alison and Kirsten.

It’s more just social time than anything, but I always come away from our time feeling encouraged in some way, so it’s definitely good for us. And Maelie really likes coffee dates, even if she’s too young to k now it right

now. Haha :)

A couple weeks ago, Kirsten mentioned something about me blogging about the different places we have coffee…and I figured, hmmm…that could be fun. So let’s give it a try! I mean, I live in (or close to) the suburbs of Chicago…we definitely aren’t going to run out of places to have coffee!

So here we go… (and I apologize for not having pictures with this one…next time I will take my camera!)

Today was Cafe Firefly in Algonquin, which is just about a ten minute drive from my house in Carpentersville.

Atmosphere: We fell in love with the atmosphere of the place immediately.

It’s small…but cozy, and we were lucky enough to grab the two big couches in the back.

Coffee: I’d give it a 9 out of 10…and I’m a coffee snob, so that says something. I had a Mexican Mocha (made with spicy chocolate), decaf (of course…I want my daughter to sleep!), skim. I left the whip on it because it’s Friday. I don’t usually let myself have it, though, because so much of the bad-for-you fat comes from the whip.

It was really, really good…I think I will have a hard time going back to Cafe Firefly and NOT ordering that drink.

Food: I don’t always order food when we go for our Friday coffee, but I hadn’t had lunch today, so I had the chicken salad, and my two friends had the tuna. I think if I order food there again, I would go with

the tuna. It was good… but the drinks were better.

(But that IS why it’s a coffee shop. :))

Prices: About average for a coffee shop. For a sandwich and coffee I paid around $10, which is not extremely cheap, but not on the outrageous side, either. Since I have a (pretty) strict coffee budget, I probably won’t be eating lunch very often when we go for our Friday coffee, but it was okay today.

Extras: The owner is really friendly. I love small coffee shops for that reason…it’s more like a f

amily atmosphere. They have a lot of board games if you like that kind

of thing. Tonight they also had Open Mic…which was really tempting–I’ m hoping they have it again.

Now I just need a friend to go with me… :)

Recommended: Definitely. I’ll go back for the Mexican Mocha if

for nothing else. And if they have another Open Mic night

? I’m totally there.

So for our first “official” Friday Coffee, Cafe Firefly was a good choice.

Give it a try if you’re ever in the area!


The Healing Power of a Coffee Date

I don’t know what it is with women and coffee.

Give us a cup of java and a good friend and all is right with the world.

A few weeks ago I had an almost-meltdown.

It had been ages (we’re talking months) since I’d gone out for coffee with a friend. For the last five years, that’s how I’d dealt with the stress of life–I’d grab a friend, jump on a motorbike (or in a car, depending on where we were living), and head to Starbucks. I can’t begin to count the number of times I spent hours

having coffee and talking about everything with a friend in Indo.

Then we moved to a place we didn’t know anyone.

And I don’t know why, but it took me forever to get up the courage to ask someone to go have coffee with me. It was almost like I needed to make sure they would want to.

Well, duh…we’re women.

Anyway, back to the almost-meltdown. It had just been a rough week…fussy baby, stuck in the house for four days straight…yeah, it was time to get out. At the end of Bible Study one Thursday morning, I was on the verge of tears. To save myself, I just threw out, “Does anyone want to go get coffee tomorrow?”

Amazingly, a couple friends were like, “Sure, we’d love to.”

Again, duh…we’re women. We drink coffee and talk…it’s just what we do.

And so we went…to a new place I’ d never hear

d of. (And can’t remember the name right now…I love mommy brain. :)) Good coffee but even better conversations.

Some serious, some fun. It was so incredibly healing for my heart… I just needed some time to sit with friends, talk, and process the million things racing through my brain.

So good…so good that we’ re going to make it an every-other-Friday tradition and check out some other cool spots to grab coffee.

(I will let you know what we find!)

I was blessed with two more fun coffee dates this week.

Yesterday Alison and I hit Starbucks and the mall for a couple hours.

And this morning my friend Kris and I headed to Caribou for what could have been longer, but we only stayed three hours. :) (And as a side note, we know that Maelie is truly my daughter when she can be an angel the entire time.

Yep, coffee dates already agree with her!


It’s almost like sitting down with a cup of coffee gives us freedom…to laugh, cry, share stories, get frustrations out, talk about the good stuff…and the tough stuff, too. I love it. And I need it.

So here’s to coffee, good friends, and lives that are worth sharing.

And being blessed.


bless the person…

who took this

and this

and came up with this.


Why, yes, I do believe I will have my coffee today.

About six times.

