Late Afternoon Caffeine

It’s Thursday.

Three Thursdays in a row means that this is now tradition…right?

And I’m still drinking decaf, so for me, this is late afternoon NON caffeine. But that’s ok…it’s the whole sipping something fro m a


while we chat thing that counts…right?

We were gone all day, from 8 am until after 3 pm. That’s a long time to be gone from home with an almost-ten-month-old. I have to admit that she was a trooper and did well and even took a cat nap for about 45 minutes.

I’ll take it. (And here’s hoping, at 4 pm, we’ve got another of those cat naps coming. She’s. SO. Tired.)

Today I’m drinking out of my very HUGE Starbucks mug. This one was a gift from a friend who went to Scotland. The thing holds 20 oz…which today translates into something that will require me to get up for a refill less often.

I’m drained, not gonna lie. I’ve never had such a crappy feeling week.

The good news is that, for the most part, I think I’m over the worst.

Hallelujah! And thanks to those of you who prayed. :)

Maelie and I were out the door by 8 am this morning to head to church because today was the big Indonesia Day at Bible Study. It was fun.

:) I made pisang goreng (fried banana) and my friends wore sarongs. They took an Indonesian quiz…which I have to admit was not very nice of me, but they were good sports.

Then I sho wed them our video and

we did some Q and A time. It was good…I really loved being able to share that part of my life with people who mean a lot to me.

I did find yesterday emotionally exhausting, though, as I went over in detail, really, the last five years. Wow.

No, WOW!!!

Sometimes it feels so surreal. To have had the privilege to be part of something like that…not just the living in another culture part, but being in the middle of all the cool things God was (and still is) doing there.

Even though I don’t look back on those five years and long to do them again, I’m so very grateful for the gift of Indonesia and the amazing memories we have. And for the gift of being here right now. Maybe that’s the biggest lesson I took away from our time there…to love the here and now and live it fully.

After Bible Study this morning, Maelie and I stayed at church for an organ recital played by our sweet friend, Kris. I’d never been to an organ recital before…it was impressive. I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to multitask enough

to play that instrument.

Kris did a great job! And I have to brag a bit on my girl, too…who managed to sit through the whole thing.

She did so well…adding her own little touches to the whole thing. A couple coos here and there and one LARGE burp between songs, of course. Her daddy would have been proud. Her mommy was just mortified for a few seconds…and then I couldn’t stop laughing. I sure hope it didn’t ruin the meditative mood for those around us.

Then after the recital we grabbed some lunch and coffee with a friend at the place I blogged about not too long ago, Cafe Firefly. Maelie took a short nap, Alison and I chatted for awhile, then it was home for us.

Mae and I never stay out that long…I’m amazed she lasted without turning into a sobbing, tired mess.

Good for my girl…maybe there’s still hope for her and coffee dates.


Taco Bell for dinner tonight. I have not done much cooking this week, and honestly, I can’t wait to crawl into bed tonight just as soon as the girl is asleep, too. Anyone else think Taco Bell is some of the best cheap fast food you can find? Granted, it’s not that good for you, but I don’t get the really-bad-for-you-full-of-fat-stuff…just the this-has-lots-of-calories-so-I-need-to-run-soon stuff. There is a difference, right


Ok, enough chit chat.

So, I am still being tested in the area of patience. We’re still waiting on the house, and I’m being forced to accept the fact that we may be waiting for awhile. The bank isn’t in a hurry to process anything…and I’m starting to feel anxious about things.

It’s a daily struggle for me to give it to God and to not feel that discouragement each time I see someone stop to pick up a flier from the sign in our front yard. But He knows…exactly who should live here, and we believe with all our hearts that it’s us. And that has to be enough reassurance for now. (And I must admit, as completely wrong as this sounds, I get a small amount of pleasure each time the dogs pee on the for sale sign…) :)

Maelie wore the sweetest little Bali dress today to Bible Study while I wore my Indonesian kebaya. So I’ll end with this picture that I just love…I think it’s so great that we can pass on little pieces of Indo to her even if she can’t be there to experience it. Someday. :) (It’s blurry, too close, and overexposed…but I still love it…something about how happy we both look.)

Thanks for joining me. Have a wonderful, caffeinated evening. 😉



  1. Oh goodness! Where do I even start???

    That is a long day out with a baby and after feeling cruddy all week! I hope you both were able to sleep in this morning!!!

    My mom used to play the organ, something she wishes was still prominant in the church. My childhood memories are of her playing the piano we had in our house. She wanted me to learn, I didn’t want to. Typical. She thought she had a girl when I was born, turns out I was more of a tomboy. Sorry ma!

    I’m so glad it went well and you were able to share that piece of your life with the others.

    I had to laugh about Mae burping, too funny! And Taco Bell….no thank you. Sorry!

    Oh the green in that picture on the walls……I WANT IT!!!!! Soi cute!! Not to mention that adbrable baby! Those eyes Mel……whew! I’d be givin’ her kisses all day! I’d never get anything done!

    The house……Oh Mel, I understand your anxiety, really I do. We never had to wait in the way you are waiting. My husband and I lived in apartments the first 15 years of our marriage. I lived and breathed envy towards anyone I knew who was getting a house and anytime I drove down the street at nighttime and saw the cute houses with their families living inside with the lights on. There was always something about, and still is actually, a home. I don’t know if it’s because mine was broken when I was little girl? Or if I never felt like it was a “home”, just a place I lived. In all honesty, I’d be freaking out too! A for sale sign? And you want it? No! Take that down, the house is sold, it’s ours now. Didn’t anyone get the memo? Sheesh! But yes, we don’t learn patience in getting things right away. I don’t like that either! Ha!

    I’m heading out to another possible wedding venue with my oldest daughter this morning. The other day, with both daughters and my mom was such a fun time! I wish we had thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars! Then this wouldn’t be so stressful! Ha!

    Have a truly wonderful day Mel!


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