What a Find!

So Mae and I were browsing Target today. Yeah, we do that often, but today we actually had a purpose for being there, and it was NOT to buy anything big for ourselves.

We were lookin’ for a baby gift. :)

While we were trying to decide which cute baby toy to buy, my eyes glanced over at a lone bib hanging in the clearance section. One thing Mae has plenty of

? Bibs.

But this one…

I. Could. Not. Resist.

( This was  the best I could do.   It says "Star of Mommy's Blog")


So incredibly perfect!

Yes, I just showed you this picture.

Yes, I am slightly embarrassed that you are seeing this.

Yes, it now proves that I do NOT need to look perfect in every photo to share it with the world. And yes, it defin

itely warrants an explanation.

The look on my face? Let’s fake being happy so we can finally get this picture right after several failed attempts!

Or something like that…

The look on her face

? Clearly, I am not happy about this. Can we just be done already?

Grumpy or not, the bib was one of my favorite finds so far.

I think Target knew I was coming!




Spaghetti Face Steals the Saturday-Blog-Post Show

Ok…so it has been a good week, mostly.

Lots of good stuff…my hubby had a birthday, some good friend time, excursions for me and Mae, laughs and memories, and…of course, the house.


Can ya tell I’m still excited about that one?!

Thought so.

For the most part, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous, too.

I love an upper 70’s/lower 80’s day. That is just perfection in my mind. Today was a little too hot, but it gave me a taste of my Indo weather, so who am I to complain?

Today ended up being a pretty good day even if it started off rough. (And early.)

I woke up with a killer headache around 6:15. The kind that you go to bed with the night before, hoping and praying that you can sleep it off, but it only gets worse.

That kind. It was so bad that even though Maelie was up, I followed my husband’s orders, took five Ibuprofin (I NEVER take more than three…), and crawled back into bed.

An hour later? Headache gone. Thank You, God!

We kind of took our time getting ready for the day.

We took Maelie for a walk, brought her home and let her swim in her sandbox (yeah, yeah, yeah…but how many one year olds do YOU know who know how to properly play with sand?!), and then we headed down to the Farmer’s Market in East Dundee. It was hot. And we walked around for about 30 minutes before giving up, grabbing some lunch, and heading home.

Maelie took a nap for over two hours and so did mommy and daddy. Once we were all awake, we played outside, swam some more, and a friend brought us a couple tomato plants so Mel can attempt to actually grow something in her yard/keep something alive. Wish me luck!

Then we went out for dinner to The Village, a place that friends had recommended.

We tried the double decker pizza, and it was good, but I was so stuffed when we left that it was painful.

We made a quick s top after dinner and then came home and some more good friend time before Mae headed

to bed.

But was MY day over

? Heck no…I went to Target, grocery shopping, and now…at 10:30 p.m., I am blogging. :)

You know, when I read over everything we did today, I actually feel a teeny, tiny bit accomplished.

(Oh, and I did laundry in there, too…so there’s some more accomplishment.)

Really, it was a great day. I love days when we just are. We h ang out

as a family, kind of take things as they come, and make memories.

Oh, and here is a memory…even if it’ s from la

st night.

At supper we let Mae eat spaghetti on her own for the first time.

This is what she looked like!!!!

We had a good time laughing with her, and I am SO glad we’ve got pictures to document this. Oh, she will so love us when we pull out this photo when she brings her boyfriend home to meet us someday.


Thank you, God, for memories, laughs, fun, friends…and family.

We are so blessed.


Loved This!

After some deep thoughts, I need a Friday break. (And I’m in a bad mood ’cause I lost my driver’s license…so I need a diversion.


I saw this on a friend’s blog and loved it…it kind of got me excited again to finish making my bucket list and to keep adventuring…no matter where I am.

Items in bold? Are what I’ve done. (And because I’ m full of words

? You’ ll even get a few comments to go along with them!


The rest? Things I’d love to do…well, not all of them.

(And don’t judge me for anything you may discover that you didn’t know…or didn’t need to know!)

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world (Disneyland for our first anniversary…so fun!)
8. Climbed a mountain.

9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped

Visited Paris

Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning (Um…we won’t go here.)
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train (I am dying to do this one!

Hopefully soon!!!)
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon (A half is on my bucket list…not sure about a full.)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29 Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33 Seen Niagara Falls in person

Visited the birthplace of your ancestors

Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41 Sung karaoke (More times than I can count…oh, how I miss Indo karaoke!)
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45 Walked on a beach by moonlight (Tobin and I did this all the time in Bali. We love Kuta Beach! :))
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing

Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain 😀
53. Played in the mud
54.  Gone to a drive-in theater

Been in a movie (Does the movie my 5th graders made count?! I still have it somewhere…)
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60 Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching (I count it if the whale came to us while we were hangin’ out at the beach. We sat there and watched it for a long time, so that counts as “whale watching”, right?)
63. Gotten flowers for no reason
64 Donated blood, platelets, or plasma
65. Gone sky diving (This one will never happen…sorry.)
66 Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67 Bounced a check (Ooops! It was during college, though. Who has money then?!)
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial

Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle (Um…I lived in Indo! But then, what is speeding there? Not sure it exists…)
79 Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book (most DEFINITELY on my list of must-do’s!)
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House

Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee

How many? 45

What about you?


Toenails, Shopping Cart, and Laundry Basket

I decided to play a l itt

le game tonight with the blog.

I know, I know…I’ve been lacking depth. It isn’t that I’m not writing anything deep…I’m just not publishing it.

Later this week there will be one. Or maybe even TWO. I just worry far too much about how I say things…and I so badly don’t want to offend anyone that I go over words a thousand times before I let people read them.

To be honest, sometimes I wonder why I have a blog in the first place.

Oh, yeah…I like to write.

So tonight I chose the first three items I noticed in the room and made them my title.

And now you get to hear about them. Aren’ t you lucky.


So in no particular order, I bring you…Toenails. Shopping Cart. Laundry Basket.

My toenails still look pretty good almost four weeks after my pedicure. Of course, the clumsiness that I demonstrate every day has caused me to stub my toes a few times here and there, but amazingly, I think they still look good.

And they’re pretty dang cute, too.

I put together Maelie’s shopping cart on Friday with the help of a friend…cause, yeah, those Little Tikes toys can be a challenge. (Seriously. The directions were so not helpful.) Her shopping cart was a birthday gift, and I wondered if I should wait awhile before giving it to her just because I didn’t want her to try to stand up and faceplant. Thankfully, she is more fascinated with sitting, pushing it across the living room, crawling after it…repeat twenty times. It’s cute. And I love it that she loves her shopping cart.

Oh, green laundry basket, with one lonely sock, you and I have spent far too much time together this weekend.

Somewhere between Friday morning and this afternoon, I managed to wash, dry, and fold eight loads of laundry, which is a LOT for a family of three with two dogs. I hope to not spend as much time with you this next week.

There you have it…possibly the most randomness that has ever spilled from

the brain of Mel.

I’m sorry. And yes, I’m strange. But you already knew that.

And yet, you still read my blog.

So you must love me. :)



Pieces of a Saturday

So today we’re gonna

go back to the randomness that used to make up my Saturday posts.

Today has definitely had some random moments, so it’s good.

First up…welcome back, sunshine! After several gloomy, cloudy, rainy days, it was so wonderful to wake up to the sun shining!

We tried to enjoy the gorgeous weather, too.

We had coffee on the back porch, tossed around the frisbee a bit, I attempted to blog outside but kept getting distracted by talking to people who walked by ;), and had (another) coffee with a friend in her backyard. Definitely some good sun, and the tan that was fading is revived a bit. Always good.

Mae is back to her two naps right now thanks to the lovely little fever/rash that she’s got. She is NOT happy about it, either, although the extra sleep is good for her. In between naps, though, we packed her up and headed to the farmer’s market in East Dundee.

We browsed a bit and then walked to DQ, which wasn’t very far.

(Yeah, now you know the REAL reason we went there! ;))

And somewhere during our excursion I got wind of some Cupcake Days goin’ on not too far from DQ and ditched the ice cream in favor of cake. (That’s a lingering effect of pregnancy…I LOVE CAKE!) I ate the most expensive cupcake of my life. (To date.) It was YUMMY! And I devoured it so quickly that there is no pic…sorry about that. But for those of you who are interested, it was Raspberry Key Lime and worth every calorie.


Tonight we wanted to check out a freebie concert not too far from our house so we packed up Mae again and headed over there.

But we knew, just a few minutes from our house, that it was a bad idea. Our poor girl just wasn’t up for it…she was cranky, moody, still not feeling well…and we knew better than to try the concert.

We did, however, think that it was worth it…even in the midst of her crankiness…to make a quick run to Old Navy for $2 Tank Top Day.

Oh, how Mel learned her lesson. The lesson that goes something like this:  If-you-want-a-deal-go-in-the-morning-not-at-night.

No more tank tops.


And we ended the night with the girl peacefully drifting into dreamland, Tobin and a friend moving our (new to us) freezer to the basement, and me and a friend making a run to Menards to pick up Mae’s new swimming pool while it was still on sale. 😉 Now we just have to make sure we can set it up without a fence…yeah, it’s on the big side for a first pool. She’ ll love it, though.

And I think?

That’s it for tonight.

Hope you are all having a wonderfully random weekend, just like me.



Counting Blessings

Just a few thoughts today.

We are headed to Iowa in a couple hours and will be gone til Wednesday…but I won’ t be gone from

< a h

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the blog. Promise. :)

I’m not gonna lie…it’s been a hard week.

It’s been busy…and a good kind of busy, but there have been some tough moments wrapped up in the week, too.

I’d much rather be running around than be stuck at home for days at a time, though…so it was good to have my mind occupied.

(Not sure how I survived winter…)

Anyway, today’s that kind of day where I need to count the blessings instead of the things that have kept me on the verge of tears for days. Isn’t it amazing how we just naturally tend to focus on all the bad stuff


So let’s look at some good.

And smile. Lots of smiling.

It’s good for the heart. :)

😀 Rummage Sale. That’s one thing that kept me busy this week. Immanuel’s PTL (the parent association) had its annual rummage sale this past Thursday-Sunday.

I showed up to help out because there was no good reason to not go…I have more free time than most people, and because people = fun. (Even if I’m working!) It was fun to get out, do something for a good cause, and get to know some people better, too. (And I’m still pretty proud of the Jeep Stroller I managed to snag at the sale, too.


😀 Park. Yay for warm weather and being outside! Maelie and I had a lot of fun with a bunch of friends on Thursday morning at the park. We both got a little pink… thankfully I put sunblock on her!

It was fun, though.

😀 Pedicure. I’m throwing this one in here because it had been over a year since I’d had one. Therefore, completely justified. Even for this super-ticklish girl, there is almost no better way to spend an hour than to have someone ELSE make my toes pretty.

😀 Random naps.

I have napped in the strangest places over the past few weeks.

I’ve taken a couple outside in the yard, one on the porch with my feet sticking up in the air…no idea HOW I managed that one, and just a few minutes ago I woke up from a power nap I accidentally took while blogging. And I never sleep sitting up, so I MUST be tired!

😀 Music. I love it. I th ink you know that if you read this blog once

in awhile. 😉 Listening to it, making it…it’s all good. We sang Glorious Day (Casting Crowns) this morning at church…I just love that song. It made my heart happy.

😀 Road trips. Maybe. Honestly, I don’t love long trips, but sometimes they’re necessary. Like when a sweet former student is graduating or a sweet little girl is turning one and needs to celebrate. So I’m trying to be happy about the impending road trip we are beginning in just a couple of hours. We chose to leave in the evening hoping that Mae will sleep most of the trip and through the night. (The last two hours of the drive yesterday were kind of brutal. Earplugs, anyone?) Please pray for safety and for a happy little chica.

😀 Golden retriever love. Oh, the exuberance these boys bring to my days. As often as I get annoyed by the constant love-in-my-face all the time, I love my dogs.

😀 My sweet girl. I don’t give thanks for her enough…but I am thankful for her. Every. Single. Day.

😀 My hard-working hubby. In any relationship, it’s easy to look at the negatives, but really, there’s a lot of good with us. I love him, even on the hard days.

Ok, I could keep going, but really…we leave in an hour, and I’m not done packing yet…for me or my girl. I’ll see ya next time…from Iowa!


Embrace It

Is there one particular quality you don’t really love about yourself?

I definitely have one. (Actually, a bunch, but tonight you just get one.) :)

And since Mae and I had a pretty long day, I decided you get to read all about that ONE quality tonight.

I’m a total klutz.

I always have been…I’m pretty good at hurting myself doing bizarre things.

Like the time I w as

trying to make Maelie laugh and made a sliding-superhero entrance into the living room…and totally crashed into a wall. (And Tobin laughed at me. Dork :P)

Or the time I was juggling in an attempt to entertain her again (see a theme here?!) and I totally ate it down the basement stairs. My butt was sore for days.

Yeah, I’ m just cool like that.

And I’ve got a dozen more random stories of things I’ve done that confirm my total klutzy-ness.

Tonight I pulled a pretty good one. Actually two good ones within the span of about twenty minutes.

(I should totally win an award.)

I was putting laundry away and yanked the drawer out to put Tobin’s socks away.

The entire drawer came flying out and landed square on my foot.

(Ok, I suppose we can debate as to whether this was a moment of being a klutz or a possessed dresser drawer. I’ll let you debate.)

For a few minutes I thought something was broken, but after crying to Tobin after awhile I figured it was probably just a good bruise.

I limped for awhile but needed to get Maelie’s bath going…so I kind of ignored it.

Until I bent down to check the temperature of her bath water.

And I totally stubbed my last three toes on the toilet. (Seriously, WHO does that?)

I guess

I do.

That hurt more than the dresser drawer falling on my foot. (Still hurts.)

I am such a klutz.

Sometimes I just cannot understand how God could possibly give so many clumsy characteristics to ONE person.


I guess He has a sense of humor. :)

Anyway, so yeah.

My foot kinda hurts tonight. (But I’m still planning to run in the morning because I’m also stubborn.

At least I’m going to try…and I hope I can.)

With all of this accident-prone-ness that tends to infiltrate my daily life, I have two choices.

Hate it.

Or embrace it.

Honestly, it’s part of who I am.

So I guess I choose to embrace it.

And if you’re lucky enough to be a fellow-klutz, I hope you embrace it, too.

‘Cause we’re a pretty special group of people. 😉


Random Dreams

In keeping with the random Saturday tradition, today I’ m going to let

myself dream. Feel free to come along for the ride.


I could start off my random with a rant of sorts…how I dream that maybe the residents of this house could be in GOOD moods today, but that does not seem like a possibility.

Maybe it’s the wea

ther? All I know is that we all woke up cranky. I tried to make it better, but nothing really helped. Thankfully we don’t have to see any one

today. (And thankfully, the girl is down for her second…and hopefully long…nap of the day.)

End of the Day Edit: Maelie took an incredible afternoon nap, and when she woke up, we were all happier.

Definitely a much better ending to the day…Hallelujah! 😀

So I’m a dreamer, as those of you who know me well are aware.

I’ve had some run-ins with people who aren’t dreamers…and are more dream-squashers. While I don’t necessarily dis like people

like that, sometimes they bug me.

I told my husband the other day, I’d rather dream and get my heart broken than never dream at all.

I think that’s pretty profound, though I am rarely that.

So, I bring you some of my latest and biggest dreams. (Yeah, I know they won’t all happen, but a girl can dream, right?)

First off, I’ve always wanted to see Europe. Really, see it. Some of the places on my list besides the standard London and Paris? Istanbul, Athens, and Budapest. (I love history.) Some of you know that we have actually been to Europe… for three days.

On our way home from South Africa in 2004, we took a short stopover there because our flight was insanely cheaper if we stopped for a few days.

(And spent the money we saved seeing

the best of Amsterdam. And…ahem…eating our way through it!) Yeah, I want to see Europe.

But beyond travel…’cause, really, we all want to see the world, right?

I dream of writing/publishing a book. I love the blog and will keep it going probably until I die, but I really dream of seeing that cover with my name on it. I actually wrote a book several years ago, but after living overseas and realizing how far off my perspective actually was, I have never done anything with it. No, you may not see it. (Cause I know you’re thinkin’ about asking!) I’m not even sure what I’d write about. Any thoughts?

Another thing I’d like to do

? Completely redecorate my house (once I own it…yeah, still waiting). Included in that redecorating? Knocking out a wall that divides our two “living rooms”, completely making over our bedroom, and doing one room completely Indonesian. (I actually have some fun ideas for that one…again, I just need to own the house.)

One of my biggest professional dreams is to blog a Compassion trip. Every year Compassion sponsors several trips, and they take bloggers with them. Oh, how much I would love that. I have no doubt that it would completely break my heart in half to experience some of the heartaches that come with a trip like that, but I also think it would change my life.

That’s one of those dreams that I keep locked away in a corner of my heart, hoping that someday it might happen. (I guess it’s not locked up anymore since you all know about it now! ;))

Another dream I have that’s a little less tangible…to live fully for Christ. That’s a hard one. I think as a Christian, I struggle in giving it all…there are always things I want to keep back for myself, those little things that, if released, would give me so much freedom. But it takes strength…and I’m weak. I sometimes wonder what that life would look like…and realize that dream isn’t so far out of reach.

It just takes Mel letting go a little. Working on that. :)

Just a few things I’d love to see happen.

What about you?

What do you dream of?


More Random (This Time With Pictures!)

Just not feeling the depth today. I’ve got a post that’s about half finished, and you may see it sometime in the next week. To say that it’s deep is an understatement…it contains so much heart-spilling that I need to be careful about how I say things and what I share…another reason that I’m waiting it out to make sure it’s okay. Ya know?

But, really, my random is a fun peek into the inner workings of Mel’s ever-racing brain.

How can that NOT be enjoyable?! AND I’m kinda enjoying the random Saturdays. Maybe we’re finally getting into a blogging groove.

First up? Seriously, world, abandon ALL hygrometers. (Ok, ok, so I really wanted you to think I was smart, but even I am not that smart.

A hygrometer is what’s used to measure humidity. Thank you, thank you Wikipedia.

:)) Anyway, with Mel’s head, you will never need one again. Oh. My. Goodness. I diffused it for LESS than two minutes…and this picture was taken AFTER I calmed it down with the help of some serious hair gel and a straigtener. Even my daughter laughed at me, and I am not kidding. Tobin was there and can testify. THIS is why I rarely leave it curly.

Yesterday at Target I found 10 episodes of Punky Brewster for $4something. Awesome. Does anyone else remember that show

? It has been a happy couple of days in the Schroeder house. Even Mae watched an episode with me.


I dug out the volleyball today so Tob and I could bump it around a bit before the big volleyball tournament next month. I haven’t touched a volleyball since before getting pregnant with Mae. Oh, wow, I have some practicing to do!

I woke up this morning craving sausag

e. Sausage. Really?! Who craves sausage? Just sayin’. And I didn’t eat it cause we didn’t have any, but don’t think I wasn’t slightly grumpy about that. I had a brownie instead, which wasn’t a terrible trade-off.

Caribou has buy one get one free drinks this weekend, which is pretty sweet. So we had a short coffee date after our weekly run to Target.

Just FYI, don’t order the White Berry Cooler made with Dark Chocolate. It pretty much tastes like cough syrup after the first few drinks. (However, ordering it also kept me from drinking the whole thing, so there ya go…we’re lookin’ on the bright side.


Do you see this ugly sign in our yard? Yeah, we’re ready to see it GO AWAY!!!!! Will you pray that this coming week that will happen? It could, and we would LOVE for it to be gone!

The last few Oprah shows are this week. I can’t say I’ve watched her religiously this year…I guess missing five years straight kind of weaned me from the need to watch every day. However, I am a bit sad on many levels. Sometimes, she had really good shows.

I’m sad that I will never get to go to a taping, although I tried multiple times! I hope she uses her seriously powerful influence in a good way. I am looking forward to the Farewell Oprah party at a friend’ s hou

se, though. :)

And my favorite random for last…Maelie’s scrunchy face. Seriously, I love this face. She got it from me…which I am extremely proud of.

Yay for my UH-dorable daughter! And a picture that should make your weekend complete.

Happy Saturday to all of you!


Rockin’ the Random

Seriously, my brain must be exhausted.

‘Cause other than a way deep post that might make it to the blog tomorrow, the only things left swimming around in my brain are random.

So random is what you get tonight!

I got my eyes checked today for the first time in, I don’t know, eight years? I sort of got lectured, too, on the importance of having them checked once. a. year.


Is this news to anyone else?

The good news…my eyesight has actually improved. YAY! The bad…I still need glasses. (insert sarcasm) YAY! Which is not really a surprise since I knew I should be wearing them for the last several years but just never did. My new ones are cute, though.

A little funky.

Let’s just say they make me look like a writer. Which is what I am, so it’s all good. :)

I should get them next week, and if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get a pic. Maybe. If you’re nice.

One of my dogs is deathly afraid of thunderstorms. Which is shocking to us because it stormed ALL the time in Indonesia, and both of the dogs were just fine during those storms. We got hit with a crazy storm on Wednesday…and Sammy proved to me just how tough he is not. For half an hour I was racing around the house trying to get a bunch of things done before waking up Maelie so we could go pick up Tobin from work.

That dog would not back off me at all.

Not only did he need to be close to me, he needed to be touching me.

He just could not settle down. And I have no idea what happened or why he is suddenly afraid.

Any thoughts on that?

Our Maelie girl is 11 months old today. And that’s all I have to say about that because I really can’ t believe i

t. And she proved what a big girl she is today by taking TWO naps IN HER CRIB.

(FYI: This is an extremely rare occurrence.) I am so proud of her.

:) And thinking that maybe, just maybe, we are nearing what people would term “normal”.

I am not a fan of the weather today. After three days in the 80’s and one in the 70’s, it is not ok that today is in the 50’s! I am cold. Yet I do not want to wear socks. Therefore, my feet are very cold.

Hmph! It’s. Not. Fair.

And for whatever reason, I have been dying to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic.

(I own it, but it’s oh-so-much-more-fun with a friend!) I actually really enjoyed the books, but they didn’t make the luggage cut when we moved back from Indo, so I haven’t read them recently.

Funny storylines, but definitely written by an author who is a little more “free” with her language.

But if you can get past that, totally hilarious books.

What, I’m writing book reviews now? (Hey…that could be an idea…)

Um, maybe not.

At least not now, although I did read an excellent book this week that maybe I’ll talk about later. :)

I really should go. I have a lot to get done tonight before a busy morning at church tomorrow.

Hope you all are having a fantastic weekend.

Thanks for reading!
