What a Find!

So Mae and I were browsing Target today. Yeah, we do that often, but today we actually had a purpose for being there, and it was NOT to buy anything big for ourselves.

We were lookin’ for a baby gift. :)

While we were trying to decide which cute baby toy to buy, my eyes glanced over at a lone bib hanging in the clearance section. One thing Mae has plenty of

? Bibs.

But this one…

I. Could. Not. Resist.

( This was  the best I could do.   It says "Star of Mommy's Blog")


So incredibly perfect!

Yes, I just showed you this picture.

Yes, I am slightly embarrassed that you are seeing this.

Yes, it now proves that I do NOT need to look perfect in every photo to share it with the world. And yes, it defin

itely warrants an explanation.

The look on my face? Let’s fake being happy so we can finally get this picture right after several failed attempts!

Or something like that…

The look on her face

? Clearly, I am not happy about this. Can we just be done already?

Grumpy or not, the bib was one of my favorite finds so far.

I think Target knew I was coming!




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