
Typing her name feels so surreal.

Isabel Mawar.

Isabel = my all time

favorite little girl’s name. Mawar = Indonesian for rose…my middle name, my mom’s name.

She is a little girl who is spoken of at our house…but only at our house. She lives in our hearts and was part of our lives for a very short time.

Today she’ d be a year ol

d. (Well, if she had been born on her due date.


I often try to picture her…I imagine she would have looked very much

like Mae. A little pudgy with lots of spunk… and lots of Schroeder.

Smiley, giggly, and definitely a bit ornery.

Her passing was not marked by anything significant. Only her daddy and I knew of her existence, which we celebrated in hushed whispers and looks exchanged between the two of us.

And we mourned her loss alone, crying deep sobs for the little life that would never be spent…at least with us.

Two months later her sister entered our lives…our precious Maelie, the girl we have come to love and cherish

and absolutely adore. Maelie is our girl, the one God meant for us to hold in our arms.

To cover with kisses, dream big dreams for, and watch grow.

But Isabel is no less our girl…and she is missed, remembered, and loved.

So loved.

None of us would change things for a second.

But on days like April 10th, I allow myself to dream.

And remember.

Isabel, we love you so much.

We can’t wait to hold you in Heaven someday.


A Perfect Saturday

A bit of sleeping in…7:30ish.

A happy girl, perfectly content to go with the flow of whatever daddy and mommy were planning for the day.

Graham crackers and frosting…breakfast of champions.

A ride for Mae in her new wagon up and down (and up and down and up and down…) the front sidewalk.

A morning nap for the girl…just long enough for mommy to get a little rest, too.

Dunkin’ Donuts coffee…a little gift from my fabulous hubby.


Guitar strumming and a bit of singing, but not too much, cause I have a sore throat.


Leftover tacos for lunch (for all THREE of us!

)…mmmm, mmmm!

A fun afternoon project in the (partial) sunshine…that involved a very tall ladder, a tree trimmer, and a Philippine machete.

Maelie’s new swing is now functional. And she LOVES it! Special thanks to three awe some neighbors for helping and another two for loaning important equipment

so the job could get done. :)

And while the boys were working on the swing, some fun time and photo ops with my girl and a friend.

S’mores whoopie pie-making.

(I now know how to actually make them the CORRECT way.

Thanks, Lex! And thanks for the pic, too.)

A trip to Target for a few essentials and a little browsing, too…always fun.

A freebie dinner out for the three of us.

(And a girl who loves french fries…big surprise! ;))

Great day.


Our Boys

Today you get to meet two of my good buddies…and two very important members of our family.

It amazes me that I’ve blogged almost two months straight without talking much about these boys.

They are a big part of our lives and have been through a lot with us.

Our first boy is Andre.

Andre joined our family, when he was five months old, in September of 2003. The decision to adopt him was pretty spur-of-the-moment.

We had talked for awhile, but not seriously, about getting a dog. Then we literally woke up one morning, decided that was the day, and had him home with us by 5 p.m. Andre is the most tenderhearted, sweet animal you will ever meet. He loves people and will do just about anything for attention, including stealing socks (WHILE we’re trying to put them on) and dancing around. He has quite the butt wiggle and always has…it still makes us laugh. Andre made t he journey to Indonesia with us, and we are so glad

he did. He was a constant in life when things were very up in the air, difficult, and at times, just plain confusing and frustrating. Now at almost eight years old, he is still all puppy, which we are so incredibly thankful for. We aren’t sure where time went, but we absolutely love our boy and couldn’t imagine our family without him and all the love he brings to it. (Yeah, my hair is craaaaaazy in this pic. I know.) 😀

Puppy Andre

Andre in Indonesia

Enter Andre’s opposite, Sammy. (Samson) Sammy’s coming home story is much different.

When Andre was 2 1/2, we began talking about another dog.

Since we were living overseas and sometimes gone for big chunks of time, we thought it might be good for Andre to have a friend. One night we went to a loc

al mall to get some work done at Starbucks and ended the night by walking through

the new pet store.

Bad idea…I fell in love.

Our eyes connected, and there was no turning back.

Three month old Sammy became ours ten minutes later. We paid an exorbitant fee to take him home in a taxi…and our lives have never been the same since. Sammy took one look at his new brother…and tried to jump on him. He spent the next several hours (until well after midnight) sprinting back and forth in our yard, making us wonder if we had made a huge mistake.

Puppy Sammy

Five years later, I can tell you that it was no mistake.

Sammy has added life, energy, craziness, and completely unconditional love to our family. He has put us through a lot, too, including a heart-wrenching six days without him, which you can read about here. And here and here, too. :) But we wouldn’t trade him for anything and can’t imagine our lives without him.

Perhaps our dogs are more important to us than they would have normally been because we went so many years without having kids. During that time of waiting, in a sense, they became our kids.

While some people disagree with that, we’re ok with it. They are special to us, and while having Maelie has definitely diminished the amount of attention they receive, they are still very loved.

And still very much a part of our family.

Puppy Sammy & Andre

Andre & Sammy Playing

And we wouldn’t have it any other way.


On Love, Laughter…and Love

I’ll be the first to admit that mommyhood has not at all

been what I thought it would be. In some ways it’s been far better…in a few areas, I’ve struggled.

But the one thing I can’t get over is the Love.

Oh. My. Goodness.

I Love my girl so much.

She just makes my heart pitter patter.

I love it when she gives me that snarky, I’m-so-up-to-something-naughty look along with her 7-tooth grin…and I just melt. I love waking her up in the morning and seeing her cute little get-me-out-of-this sleep-sack stretch. I love her morning playtime in her pack and play when she sits there and talks to herself in the sweetest, high-pitched voice. I love the few snuggles she will give me just before I put her down for a nap. I love it when she giggles at the dogs while trying to grab fists full of their fur.

I love the Daddy-Mommy-Maelie hug we all have toge

ther before bedtime.

She also cracks me up.

Oh, she makes me Laugh.

She is going to be a really funny kid…and I’m not sure how I feel about that. 😉

She makes me laugh when she clamps down on her spoon when I’m trying to feed her.

(It takes some muscle to wrestle it away from her, too!) I laugh when I pick up a toy that she’s dropped and she looks at me, kind of does this weird thing with her eyebrows, and then drops it again. (Of course I pick it up!) She makes me laugh when she crawls backwards and ends up with her butt under the couch.

(It’s only happened a couple of times, but boy, is it funny!) She makes me laugh when she sings with me…which she does several times a day.

She makes me laugh when she gets excited and waves her hands back and forth at incredibly high speeds. I love it when I get her to giggle, and then I giggle back, and she giggles back…and we just keep going. It’s hilarious.

I love it when she makes me Laugh.

Sure, I haven’t had more than six hours of sleep without waking up since June.

Sure, my baby belly is still slightly pooching over my jeans nine months later. Yeah, on the days she goes napless, she makes me want to bury my head under a pillow

to drown out the noise. (Sometimes I do.

Shhh…don’t tell. ;)) And yes, since having her, the number of times that Tobin and I have sat through a church service together, I can count on one hand. (And don’t even ask me about the Lent service two nights ago.)

But there’s just so much…Love.

And Laughter.

And Love.

I love what she’s brought to our lives.

I’m pretty sure that being mommy to this girl is the best thing ever.

I’m so thankful.


10 Years

Ten years ago today, I met my hubby.

(It drives him crazy that I have all these “anniversaries” in my head.

So, honey, don’t feel pressured to buy me anything.

Although I do like chocolate…but I think you know that. :))

It w as through

a weird set of circumstances. We were basically being “set up”, but he was “checking me out” first. Does that make any sense


Anyway, we ended up going out after church with some mutual friends and the rest…is history.

I was sure he was “the one” almost immediately, but it took him a little longer to be sure.

17 months after we met, we got married.

Yeah, it was quick.

In some ways, it seems like a lifetime ago; in other ways, the years have flown.

We look so young here…

but I’ll take this…any day. :)


In His Time

Today I started briefly sketching out

an idea for a painting I want to do for Maelie’s room.

It’s really simple, which is a good thing, because I am NOT an artist…just a person with random moments of artistic talent.

Just a flower with the words, “He makes everything beautiful in His time.”

She doesn’t know it yet, but that’s pretty much the story of her life,

the story I want her to know.


I am terrible at waiting.

I do not like to be waiting in line at the grocery store, standing around at the end of the bar waiting for my coffee, and in Indonesia, I really hated waiting for a taxi. (Mostly because I knew that it could be as little as two minutes or as long as two hours before one showed up.

And who knows what the weather would do while I waited?)

Although I am not really Type A, I tend to have a plan for my day…and my life. I know how I want things done, and while there is definitely room to be spontaneous, I like it when my expectations are met. Exceeded is even better.


My husband and I are in the middle of more waiting.

We made an offer on a house this past week.

It’s a house we love and where we see ourselves raising our family. Great neighborhood and location, close to friends

and church. Yeah, it’s the one we’re renting. I love it.

And I want it so badly I can hardly stand it.

I don’t want to wait…I just want an answer. I don’t even know how I’m going to sleep until we know. And the reality is, we may not know for awhile.

I think back not so long ago when we were waiting for something else.

A child.

At times it felt like it would never happen.

I watched as, what seemed like, everyone around me had babies. Multiple babies. Even some of my friends were adopting.

And I? Was just waiting with empty arms and a heart that was hurting more and more the longer we waited.

And in the middle of that waiting, I started wondering, “Is it really waiting if there’s nothing to wait for?”

Oh, Mel…such small faith.

Easy for me to say now, I guess.

At the time, it felt like God was always saying no. “No, I don’t want you to adopt this baby. No, I don’t want you to have this one.”

And then…He said yes.

I still smile really, really, B

IG when I remember the morning we got the positive pregnancy test. It meant about 7 1/2 more months of waiting, but I didn’t care one bit.

We were going to have a baby!

And then…the puking started. And didn’t stop.

I learned even more about waiting while I experienced 24/7 sickness for 18 weeks straight. My body was so physically weak and exhausted that showering and getting dressed were major accomplishments. My head hurt so bad that I could hardly look at a computer or tv screen or read a book.

Really, what does a person do with all of that time? I learned that there was nothing else I could do but pray…and wait it out.

And while it was horrible, we still knew that God was fulfilling His plan for our family in His time. There was comfort in that even though I felt absolutely awful.

And eventually, around the middle of the sixth month, I did stop puking and my head stopped hurting so much. I actually felt somewhat normal and was able to enjoy life…and begin to excitedly dream about the little girl we would be welcoming into our family so soon.

And before we knew it, June 14 was here, and Maelie arrived!

The waiting was long…and hard. But she was so, so worth the wait.

And whether I’m waiting for a baby or a house, I know that God will give us an answer in His time.

Father, remind me of this on the days I don’t feel like waiting.

In His time,
In His time,
He makes all things beautiful
In His time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As You’re teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say
In Your time.

In Your time,
In Your time,
You make all things beautiful
In Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing
In Your time.


No Regrets

I looked in the mirror

the other day and caught the reflection of both myself and my husband.

We looked so old.

Tobin was not pleased when I shared this with him, either.


I don’t think I meant that we look like we’ve aged 30 years in the past eight…I think I was referring to experience. Things we have seen, done, ways we have changed, what has stretched us, what has hurt us, how we’ve grown, and how we have come out of it all looking…well, more experienced. :)

Sometimes when I look back I just don’t believe that we’ve really squeezed all we have into the last 8 1/2 years. It felt like so much of that time was go-go-go, and in the midst of that, I forgot to soak it up. Between the two of us, we’ve had nine different jobs, lived in four different houses on two different continents and two different states,

and driven five different cars and two motorbikes. We’ve “adopted” two dogs, had a baby girl, gone through more transition squeezed into six weeks than most people go through in a lifetime, all while trying to keep it together in our marriage.

And when I look at our marriage and family, that’s where I see the hand of God most clearly in our lives right now. There have been so many times when either of us could have just walked out…quit, been done with it all. There have been a few times when I think the sheer stress and emotions of life could have completely destroyed what we had…but somehow we hung on.

And I know now, more than ever, that we didn’t hang on in our own strength.

So today I’m just thankful for the man I married.

He keeps me laughing with his goofy sense of humor. He shows me his love in a million ways–especially by working so I can stay home with our girl.

He also does the dishes most nights, which I am really thankful for, even if I don’t always express that appreciation.

He goes on crazy adventures with me, like African safaris and Indonesian beach trips. (Heck, for those, getting there IS the adventure.

:)) He even bought me my own website because he thinks I can make it in the mommy blog circuit.

I love this guy so much.

And I have absolutely no regrets…even if I forget to soak up some of the moments.
