A Perfect Saturday

A bit of sleeping in…7:30ish.

A happy girl, perfectly content to go with the flow of whatever daddy and mommy were planning for the day.

Graham crackers and frosting…breakfast of champions.

A ride for Mae in her new wagon up and down (and up and down and up and down…) the front sidewalk.

A morning nap for the girl…just long enough for mommy to get a little rest, too.

Dunkin’ Donuts coffee…a little gift from my fabulous hubby.


Guitar strumming and a bit of singing, but not too much, cause I have a sore throat.


Leftover tacos for lunch (for all THREE of us!

)…mmmm, mmmm!

A fun afternoon project in the (partial) sunshine…that involved a very tall ladder, a tree trimmer, and a Philippine machete.

Maelie’s new swing is now functional. And she LOVES it! Special thanks to three awe some neighbors for helping and another two for loaning important equipment

so the job could get done. :)

And while the boys were working on the swing, some fun time and photo ops with my girl and a friend.

S’mores whoopie pie-making.

(I now know how to actually make them the CORRECT way.

Thanks, Lex! And thanks for the pic, too.)

A trip to Target for a few essentials and a little browsing, too…always fun.

A freebie dinner out for the three of us.

(And a girl who loves french fries…big surprise! ;))

Great day.



  1. Hello darling blog friend!! After a week away, I can say I’m led back to be an ear, a shoulder and a friend. You’re writing is gettin’ good my friend…..gettin’ good!!

    Your sweet daughter…..SAWEET!

    And your curly hair….with the flower headband…..ADORABLE!!!! 32 years old or not!

    Keep sharing. Keep wearing that heart on your sleeve. I took that to the limit on my Faith Friday post…..I deleted it later that day. I just can’t have too many people really knowing everything. I want that. But I don’t. Rejection and condemnation is real.

    Hope your Sunday has been blessed!

    It’s snowin’ here in Denver! I can hear the earth breathing a sigh of relief! We just really need the moisture! The fires we’ve been having and it’s only spring! A beautiful and restful Sunday afternoon!


    • It’s good to see you here again…I’ve missed ya, but I’ve spent plenty of time at your blog, so you weren’t too far away! 😉

      I always find it challenging on how much I should share…but I worry about everything, so I decided if I have the guts to push the publish button, I will leave it on the blog…at least for now. The word rejection has been spinning around in my blogging brain for a few days now…there’s a post forming, but it’s not there yet. We shall see…

      Thanks for your honesty in what you write. No judgment here…in so many ways, I can relate. And I love you for the Truth you write, so just keep sharing! When you’re ready, anyway.

      Hope it’s been a good weekend…how could it NOT be with those tacos?! Even Maelie ate TWO! Haha!


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