Being Held

So yesterday’s mail brought a new ch

apter in Maelie’s life…or at least, the beginning of a new chapter.


(Goodness…I don’t know when I’ll ever be ready for this thing we call potty training!)

Right now, it just sits in the downstairs bathroom, and she’ll sit on it, play with it, haul it into the living room. You know, the things 19 month-olds are supposed to do with a potty chair. 😉

Tonight she was sitting on it and saying, “Potty, potty!” So we did what any intelligent, sure-their-daughter-is-a-potty-training-prodigy, parents do…we removed the diaper and plopped her, cute little naked butt and all, on the chair.

She thought it w as gre

at and giggled and squealed for a couple minutes.

(But, alas, no actual potty.) As we were trying to pick her up to put her diaper back on, she fought us and ended up pinching her finger on something.

Oh, she cried. Squealed. Howled.

She. Could. Not. Be. Comforted.

I finally managed to get the diaper back on, her pants pulled up…and I held her close as she cried. The tears flo wed for several minutes, and

we ended up in the front room on the couch snuggling under a blanket as we shared a pillow.

It’s where she felt safe.

Eventually the pain (must have) lessened because she hopped down for a minute to go play in her kitchen…only to return, running to mommy’s arms, where she snuggled up again for several minutes.

This scenario repeated for probably half an hour…each time, she’d come running to me and want to be held.

What a beautiful picture. And reminder.

It’s been a couple months.

And there is far more meaning to those previous five words than most of you know.

To say it’s been hard, difficult, challenging…only scratches the surface.

Heart-wrenching, tear-stained…are far more accurate.

But those snuggles tonight reminded me that just as Maelie found comfort in her mommy’s arms, I can also always, always find comfort in my Father’s arms.

Even if I leave them to go try something on my own, I know I can always return to be held.



When I talk about the last two months, I also need to interject that things are getting better. There’s no such thing as a perfect day, but I have a Hope that is certain…and that? Is comfort. :)

My Father is so very Good, and He held me and loved me exactly as I needed during that time. And I know He always will whenever I need Him to.

That’s incredible.

What love.


Just Because…

Just because I can


No, truthfully…I sat down at the blog tonight because I want to. It felt strange for the entire day to go by without feeling pressure to sit down and write my required daily post. Maelie went down for her nap, and I ran three miles on the treadmill. Showered. Folded laundry and put it away. Picked up the house. Sent a couple e-mails. Got a lot done. It’s amazing the feeling that comes with freedom.


And, yet, somehow I missed something. Sharing my heart, maybe.

It’s been an encouraging week. A few little things here and t

here that are giving me glimpses of what the future might look like. Nothing big, nothing too exciting, but something to make me feel that I have a purpose outside of being a mommy.

It will be fun to tell you more about that…later. :)

But I have to admit to you that yesterday, I almost signed on for another year of blogging every day because I was so afraid to let it go. And I make no promises…who knows? Maybe I will blog another 365.

Oh, wait…366. It’s leap year. 😉

But for now, I’ll just write because I love it. And that’s enough. :)

My hubby bought me a present to celebrate blogging for a year. I’ve really wanted to see this movie since it was in the theatre, and he came home with it today. So…this is what we’re doing tonight. After we eat ice cream ’cause I saved my calories for it. :)

It’ s a good night.

Back soon.


A Year

Ok, so I literally typed the title of this post, and that’s how long it took for the tears to start streaming down my cheeks.

I have no idea why I’m crying.

No…actually, I think I have a little one.

A year.


Golly, that’s a long time.

A year ago, I sat down and stared at a blank text box wondering how to start this new adventure. I decided to tell you the basics…why I do what I do.

I really had no idea at the time what might turn into. Possibly, a place to share my heart on those days when God was speaking loud and clear. Or a place to share pictures of the new things my sweet, then-baby, girl was doing. Or a place to tell my funny culture-reentry stories. Or a place to cry. Or laugh. Or be crazy, adventurous, often-emotional me.


Just being me on any given day, in any given mood.

You, my friends, have been such a part of this journey. You make me smile when you comment…and sometimes you make me cry, too. You make my heart happy when you talk about something I wrote.

Well, most of the time…there are always those posts that make us all wonder (myself included) what exactly Mel was thinking.

And then we just laugh, and that’s good, too.

I don’t often talk about how scary it was to move “home” to the States, though I tell plenty of the funny stories.

A year ago, I was still in scared-and-shocked mode. I was still figuring out this how-to-function-in-America thing.

And when I sat down to write that first day, I didn’t know that this would be where I threw all of that out there.

For you to read, offer advice, sometimes laugh (or roll your eyes!), and just be there.

Just the fact that you were here for me this year…means so much.

I think the tears came today, partly because I realized that I no longer have an obligation to my blog every day. I won’t be intentionally finding time every day to write, though I still plan on three times a week.

Or more.

It feels strange, almost sad…like a death. And I honestly don’t know how I’m going to tear myself away from the blog…because eventually there’s going to be a day when I don’t write.

But that’s a good thing…I think.

Words are such a gift…one for which I’m incredibly thankful. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t write…couldn’t share my heart. I can’t always do that when I’m speaking, but when I write, it just works. For me, it works.

But maybe the tears also came today because I have a lot to be thankful for. Including you. Thanks to each of you…for being a friend. For reading. For laughing. For loving me.

It’s been a life-ch

anging year.

And, most likely, I’ll be back tomorrow.

:) Love you all.


Just Curling Up Under a Blanket with a Diet Coke…after 11 p.m.

Nothing new…

Really. This scenario is not all that uncommon as the amount of caffeine in a Diet Coke does not affect me. And I often consume it late at night, too.

But, note to self: Blogging must be done before the weekly Monday night workout.

Because once the post-workout socializing is complete, there is still the drive home, the obligatory long, hot shower, the inevitable snack to replace some of those calories burned…and by then it’s after 11.


True, I do work out on Monday nights.

(Actually, I work out a lot more than that, but this workout is different.) My cool, trainer-friend, Sarah, puts together a workout…one that could rival Jillian Michaels…for a bunch of us (there are usually around eight) that makes us sweat and hurt and limp around for two days after. Kidding, kidding…well, sorta. 😉 It’s one of my favorite parts of the week…I really look forward to it.

It was a good day, despite the fact that it started a little rocky.

For once, I got up early to run on the treadmill, headed downstairs…and five minutes into the run, I knew I couldn’t keep going. I’ve been battling runner’s knee, and it’s the strangest thing. It hurts at odd times…mostly when I’m walking down stairs, but if I try to run two days in a row…um, no. I’m almost not sure what to do with it, but I guess it’s to be expected since I’m a runner and I typically run more than the suggested 3-4 days a week. Ooops. Let’s just say ibuprofin has been a good friend the past couple of weeks. Really, I just need to rest, which I don’t do well.

But once I decided that the morning run was not happening, I went on with my day and played with my girl and then picked up the house while she was watching Elmo, the new fave.

(All I can say is THANK YOU to my sweet friend for the new stack of Elmo DVD’s…I could not sit through Elmo’s Potty Time one. more. time.!!!)

Then our friend came over, and we made lunch…which is becoming another Monday tradition. We both love to cook, so we’re getting a little creative and trying some new recipes on Mondays.

It gives us a chance to drink coffee and catch up, too. And makes a Monday a little more bearable because, let’s be honest, Mondays are still Mondays. Yep, they are.

(No matter how much caffeine we add to them. ;))

And now that I’ve shared all this glorious random with you…I think I’m going to hit the hay. I still have no clue how it got to be so late, but I need some sleep.

Tomorrow’s a big day. Well…it’s a new d

ay. And it marks a year of the blog…wowsers.

Hope your Monday was fabulous!


A Thankful Moment

I had a little moment tonight.

It was sweet, it was sad, it was tear-jerking…it made me thankful.

I had to run to my (insert sarcasm) favorite grocery store to pick up a few things. Thankfully my list was short, but still…not my favorite activity to do ever.

But that’s ok…I’ll suffer so we can eat. 😉

I was trying to make it as quick of a trip as possible, and for the most part, it was.

But as I got to the checkout, I realized I’d forgotten coffee creamer…which is definitely not a good thing in our house.

So I reluctantly turned my cart around and headed back to get it.

It was then that I heard her

laugh…it was loud.

Joyful. That kind of laugh that makes you look because you want to see the child making such a happy sound just so he/she can brighten your day.

When I saw her, my heart skipped a beat. I smiled, but I had to fight back tears.

This little girl had some pretty severe burns/scars on her face.

It was sad for me to see…but I noticed something.

She was just oozing JOY.

Completely. Maybe it was because she was allowed to stay out past her bedtime to go to the grocery store

? :) As a kid, that would have made me happy!

It was one of those moments that made me smile and cry at the same time. And one that made me wish I had my sweet girl in my arms…just so I could love on her. Hold her close and be reminded that each moment is precious…

Part of me wondered this girl’s story, but I knew it wasn’t my place to ask. So I just smiled, moved on…

…and let that moment soak in while I silently gave thanks…over and over…as I finished my shopping and paid the cashier.

Sometimes I forget to say thank you for the things that seem so simple…a healthy daughter. The freedom to run and laugh. The ability to walk through the grocery store.

May I never forget to be thankful for those things.


Little Blessings (Pt. 19)

:) A video camera to record moments like Mae’s first sledding “trip” and her piano “playing”. Love memories.

:) A daughter who “sings” at the piano and a husband who doesn’t. (Tobin said that…really. :))

:) A breakfast date with

my good friend and sweet girl.

:) The fact that I didn’t burn ALL the bac on

on above date.

:) A first snowboarding lesson, and, other than a sore bum, my body is still intact.


:) Watching my doggies romp in the powdery snow…and come inside with it on their noses. Too cute.

:) Dropping my phone about six times this week on the marble floor..and, amazingly, it still works.

:) $5 purse. (Yes, pursE…only onE. ;))

:) Hugs and kisses from a certain little girl.

Pretty sure there’s nothing better.

:) Dark chocolate and a friend to share it w



In My Imperfect

I had a moment today.

The kind I wish

or~~ –>

I could take back, the kind that makes me cringe and shudder.

The kind worth blogging about…for just those reasons.

It wasn’t a bad day…just one tainted by that imperfect

moment when the human in mommy comes out in front of the daughter.

Something happened, and it made me mad.

(Someone hacked my blog again and posted some inappropriate stuff, just so you don’t speculate too much.

:)) A brief phone call trying to figure it out…followed by a few choice words uttered by yours truly.

I’m sure she didn’t hear them, she didn’t repeat them, they didn’t faze her whatsoever.

But they fazed me as I tossed them around in my head, over and over, wondering why I’d chosen them.

A few moments later, I moved on.

Yeah, I said a couple bad words.

A million will judge, and yet ONE loved.

He didn’t say it was ok; he simply died to save me…despite my imperfect.

It was a good reminder today. That I am not perfect. That I will make choices I shouldn’t…and need to accept the forgiveness of which I am so undeserving…and move on.

He is Love, He is Forgiveness, He is Life.

And He is all of those to me though I am imperfect.


Blog Reflection, #3: Encouragement

So when I hop over to one

of my favorite blogs, I go for one of two reasons…

…the writer encourages me, challenges

me, or makes me think.

…the author has the ability to make me laugh and brighten my day.

I hope that’s true of my blog, at least most of the time.

Some days I share from the depths of my heart; other days, I tell you how much coffee I’ve had or what I ate for breakfast. Some days I’ve been laughing and smiling all day, others I cry

through my entire post.

Regardless of those things, I want barefootmel to be an encouragement and a place to smile, laugh, and cry.

Well, aside from the really, really weird days I have. Those could potentially be the days that you begin to read, roll

your eyes, and leave. 😉 (That’s ok…trust me.)

I seriously can’t believe I have five days (after today) left before my year is up. It kinda feels like a death, though I can assure you I’ll still be writing multiple times a week.

But honestly, it will feel really strange to have the choice of whether or not to blog each day. Yikes. Decisions…

I’m thankful for the chance to share some encouragement here and

there over

the last year.

And thankful for the encourgement I’ve gotten from others, too.

Nothing too profound, but definitely worth reflecting on.

G’nite. :)


Just Liked This…

I’m not big on quotes, especially when I’ m not even sure of the original source.

(But I totally swiped this one from a friend who posted in on Facebook today, and I know if she was reading this, she wouldn’ t mind a

t all. ;))

I just liked this…it gave me a lot to think about.

“The most beautiful smiles hide the deepest secrets, the prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.”

I don’t know that it’s completely true, but it did remind me today…

That life can sometimes be hard, but we

can still choose to be a blessing to others.

That people all around me are hurting…and often hiding it.

It’s up to me to love…and to be Jesus to them.

That I should pray for opportunities to love… and take them.

That’s all tonight, friends.

It sure gave me a lot to think on.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
John 13:34, NIV


Blog Reflection, #2: Recording Moments

Not too much wisdom today, just a reflection.

A little one.

I really started this whole blog to have my own space to share my life and moments and the inner workings of my brain.

I’ve definitely done that… 😉

But I’m also so thankful that I chronicled, in detail most of the time, an entire year.

Because my life with Mae was the majority of the year…and so a lot of the things she did and said are recorded now.

(insert evil laugh) Won’t she love me when she’s a teenager?!?!

I also love it that we took lots of pictures of her…especially since somewhere between then and now, she turned into a little girl.

Moments like this one are priceless…and make every late night, every rushed blog post, every.

single. word…worth it.

