In My Imperfect

I had a moment today.

The kind I wish

or~~ –>

I could take back, the kind that makes me cringe and shudder.

The kind worth blogging about…for just those reasons.

It wasn’t a bad day…just one tainted by that imperfect

moment when the human in mommy comes out in front of the daughter.

Something happened, and it made me mad.

(Someone hacked my blog again and posted some inappropriate stuff, just so you don’t speculate too much.

:)) A brief phone call trying to figure it out…followed by a few choice words uttered by yours truly.

I’m sure she didn’t hear them, she didn’t repeat them, they didn’t faze her whatsoever.

But they fazed me as I tossed them around in my head, over and over, wondering why I’d chosen them.

A few moments later, I moved on.

Yeah, I said a couple bad words.

A million will judge, and yet ONE loved.

He didn’t say it was ok; he simply died to save me…despite my imperfect.

It was a good reminder today. That I am not perfect. That I will make choices I shouldn’t…and need to accept the forgiveness of which I am so undeserving…and move on.

He is Love, He is Forgiveness, He is Life.

And He is all of those to me though I am imperfect.


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