Just Because I Can…

Maelie’s new favorite is Veggie Tales.

I like that a lot, and am hoping and praying that King George and his duckies get through to her and her often-inability to share. THOUGH…the other night when Tobin took us out for ice cream, she was very content to “Share ice cream!” as she pounded her fists on the table waiting for the next bite.

Oy. πŸ˜‰

I understand that she’s a typical two year-old but because there’s no guarantee of a sibling (aka: a built-in, must-share-with friend) teaching her to be willing to share is harder.

She does, however, loooooove King George and his duckies.


So in honor of my girl, and just because I can…

Here you go.

P.S. I guarantee you’ll be singing, “I love my duck!” as you go on with your day. Hee hee hee. πŸ˜€



I’ll confess tonight.

I am unbelievably homesick.

Like, tight-ache-in-my-chest homesick, tears-springing-to-my-eyes-constantly homesick, wondering-why-on-earth-I-am homesick.

I mean, I know this is my home. And I heart it. You’ve all read the love I have for where God has brought us. (And if you haven’t, I believe that the March-July 2011 blog archives will give you more than just a glimpse of that love.) :)

I was reminded today, though, that no place that becomes even a little part of us is ever gone from us.

And regardless of whether we were ready to move on or not, that means I now have this multicultural heart that will always bleed a little Indonesian.

And, boy, did it bleed today.

I think it had something to do with the fact that a pretty great class graduated today, and included in that class is a dear friend of ours. (And she reads here sometimes…so congrats, Amie! :)) I think Tobin and I both wished that we somehow could have been there. Instead, I had to live it through photos. Which was nice, but…you know, it’s not the same.

Big events like graduation and end-of-the-year events always bring back so many memories.

Memories are supposed to be reMEMbered…I get that. But sometimes I just want to hop back into them and LIVE them again. Just for a few minutes.

But I can’t, so I guess homesick is what I’ll be tonight.

Indo, I miss you.


And…We Talk

I won’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down tonight to try to write something.


Then, thought repeatedly about not blogging tonight, which is really fine, but I know that it’s far easier to fall asleep if I’ve just spilled my guts. Or, my brain. (Really, who came up with that phrase…spill your guts…? It sounds like it should involve puking or something.)


Probably more than you needed to think about right now. Sorry about that. πŸ˜‰

So it’s kind of been a roller coaster week.

Two trips to the doctor…we ended up going in for x-rays today because that darn limp is still there. Poor Mae. :( Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to be in much pain, but it’s frustrating to not have answers. The doctor we saw was nice, but he also didn’t really have anything earth-shattering to share with us. Just told us to watch her for another week or so.

I realized today that I like answers and knowing exactly what’s going on. That doesn’t typically fit my fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants personality…maybe I’m just that way when it comes to people I love. Anyway, that made the week not great.

Kinda hard, in fact.

But even though she’s limping, we’re going to have a good weekend. I’m determined. πŸ˜‰ The pool is already warming up, and I’m gonna have to get in tomorrow, whether I want to or not, just to skim it. Lesson learned already? Cover. Absolutely. Necessary. πŸ˜‰

There’s a parade on Sunday we’ll go to and then we’re having friends over Monday night.

Good times.

It’s been an emotional week for other reasons. I really try not to let emotions take over my days, but sometimes…

Well, sometimes there are just those days.

The kind that creep up and, at the time, seem unavoidable, and the only thing you can do is pray they’ll improve. The kind that make a twelve-hour nap while buried under layers of blankets seem much preferable to the reality that is cleaning and laundry and chasing an active-but-wonderful girl.

But I don’t really want to talk about those days too much.

Because I HAVE had some really good times this week…hence, the roller coaster. :)

Like…walks with friends and ice cream dates with my hubby and girl and swinging and water splashing and dollhouse playing and hug giving and…just lotsa smiles. I’m pretty blessed to have the girl I do. In fact, I caught myself re-writing some words to a song…

I’ve got sunshine…on a cloudy day.
And when it’s cold outsside, I’ve got a girl named Mae…

I was thankful this week for friends…and for friendships that continue to grow, which I think is so important. I was able to have a couple really good talks this week with people…deep stuff, things that I don’t just talk about with everyone. It made me thankful for listening ears and sisters willing to love without judgment.

We all need those people, and I am incredibly blessed with the friends God has given me.


Tomorrow’s Friday. And I do love Fridays. :) Not too much planned, but that’s ok. I’ll take sunshine and my girl any day!

I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to come up with a huge list of blessings by the end of the day, too. Maybe I’ll even share it with you. :)

G’nite, friends. Thanks for being here.


Looking Back

It isn’t that I don’t have deep thoughts to share.

There’s a lot going on in this brain. (Isn’t there always?!?!) πŸ˜‰

But seeing this today reminded me that the days just fly. I’m intent on soaking up the moments we’re so blessed to have.

Aaaaahhh, the Maelie-preciousness that is completely abounding here.

So. Sweet.

I love her so much.

It was fun to look back today. :)

Happy Wednesday, friends!


Cherry Drool

I took Mae to the doctor today to get her leg checked out.

She was cranky and crying, as usual, while Dr. F was examining her, making it hard for him to pinpoint if he was dealing with a little girl in pain or just a mad little girl. πŸ˜‰ He invited her to take a walk down the hall with him to “get a sucker”…or, so he could see her limping.

She gladly obliged, and he was suddenly at the top of her “favorite people list” after giving her a sucker from the basket. (I think this made him feel good after so many visits of not being especially loved. True.)

The second she tore that wrapper off the Dum Dum, she stuffed the candy into her mouth…and I watched in amazement.

When did she learn to do this?

I’d never given her a sucker before, but she knew what to do!

And…what not to do.

Enter…The. Drool.

Cherry flavored.

Mmmmmmmm. (Or not.)

I could not believe the amount of drool that teeny, tiny sucker produced. It soaked the front of her shirt. It left a trail AND then a puddle on the floor.

And all Dr. F and I could do…was laugh.

Golly, it was funny.

AND a sticky, gross mess (that I got) to clean up…BUT it was such a good reminder to me.

Sometimes there are pieces of life that are not the easiest to deal with. The best we can do is laugh, clean it all up, and keep going.

Which is exactly what I did…except, I waited until she was done with her candy before I took her out of the office. (No sense in continuing the trail of cherry goo.) πŸ˜‰

We got out to the car, changed her shirt, and were on our way home.

With a story that, I’m sure, will be told over and over. :)

(Oh, and her leg is ok…just a sprain. Thanks for praying! :))


Boring (Or Not)

I’m boring tonight.

Or, more accurately, having a boring night.

I wasted my brain on tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette (why?!?!?!) after Mae went to bed. Tobin was gone for the night, and I’m not used to it being “just me”. (Still scratching my head over why I waste my time on that show…it is not good.)


It’s been one of those I-need-all-forms-of-chocolate days. Seriously. I had to intentionally go find something to distract myself more than once today just so I wouldn’t dive into the bag of Ghiradelli Dark Sea Salt Caramel squares (they’re the best!) without coming up for air.

I am convinced that candy manufacturers put something in chocolate that forces females to eat large quantities of it. Yeah, that’s my excuse. πŸ˜‰

It was actually a good day. We had a quick visit from one of our favorite friends this morning, went for a walk with another friend, went shopping and scored some good deals, and then I took Maelie for a lunch date to Culver’s because she was so good while we were out. (Translation: I ordered a kid’s meal and ate what she didn’t. It was actually a good plan and one I will remember for the future!) It was cute…she sat in a “big girl chair” and didn’t once try to climb down and run around the restaurant. She even “chatted” with the little girl at the table next to us. So cute. :)

Then we came home and played for a bit before she went down for her nap. She is lovin’ her new garage-sale-finds from the weekend…a “new” picnic table and dollhouse, which will eventually end up in her nursery. All of that morning running around and playtime made her tired, and she fell asleep right away…a welcome change. :)

I mentioned this briefly last night, but Maelie hurt her leg yesterday while playing in the nursery at church. Tobin didn’t see what happened…he had turned his back for a second when she fell somehow and was lying on the floor, crying.

:( Big sad face. I tear up thinking about it.

What’s scary is that she is still limping, so something’s wrong. I’m calling in the morning to hopefully get her in to see her doctor…I’d just feel better knowing that she’s not hurt badly. I have to be honest with you all, though…it cracks my momma-heart in half to see her like that. She doesn’t seem to be in much pain, but when I asked her tonight where it hurts…she pointed to her leg. Twice. She gets it.

So, prayers are appreciated.

I’m thinkin’ it’s funny that I titled this blog post “boring”…the last two days have been far more exciting than our lives usually are! For mostly good reasons. :)

I have to remind myself that kids are kids and that part of being a kid is getting those owies and boo-boos and scrapes and scratches. It’ll be ok. For now, we’re enjoying the extra snuggles and cuddles she so willingly gives since she’d rather be held than run around.

But since I told you all I was boring, I’m going to be just that and go find my pillow. I have grand plans to go running in about eight hours…and it will be a lot easier if I get that much sleep first!

G’nite, friends. Thanks for praying. :)


His Love

I love every ounce of her.

(Well, I love every ounce of the coffee I’m drinking now, too, but I love her even more.) πŸ˜‰

Sometimes it’s just astounds me…the love that can fill up my heart to the point of feeling like it’s going to burst all over the place from utter JOY.

Oh, I love her.

The way she snuggles and cuddles and rests her head on the beat of my heart. If she only understood how long we dreamed…someday she will. And she will know how valued and loved and wonderful she is…not just to us but to her Creator.

Oh, He loves her!

And in the midst of a hard day with some uncertainty, I was reminded over and over that He knit her together in my womb…knowing every single, tiny detail about her that would ever be. Things that I…her own mama…don’t know. That amazes my heart and fills me with peace even when I don’t have answers. I don’t know how she fell today or why she’s limping or if she’s hurt badly…but He does.

Because He loves her.

I can be having a terrible day, and one look at her precious smile or a second of that completely-full-of-JOY giggle, and it’s all good. She delights in the simple things…walks to the park, playing kitchen with me, exploring the yard, chasing the dogs. She reminds me each day that life is beautiful and a gift and that each moment can be a priceless memory if we choose to make it one.

I love her so much.

And maybe what amazes me more than anything is that I know how much I love her…and He loves her even more. I can’t fathom it, I can’t understand it…but I can believe it because He’s promised it.

Resting in His Love today.


Lovin’ This

I can’t listen to this song enough right now. I love it.

Here ya go…and hope you’re havin’ a happy weekend!


Little Blessings (Pt. 36)

:) Sunshine.

:) A way-early morning run.

:) Finished paintings.

:) Inspiration.

:) Being challenged.

:) Unexpected friendships.

:) His Word.

:) Unfailing, unconditional Love.

:) Choosing JOY.

:) Random chats.


To Run or Not to Run…

To run or not to run…

That’s the question I’m pondering at the moment. My hubby has to leave way early tomorrow. I still want to squeeze in my three miles before he goes.

Am I crazy to go at 5:45 just so I can get my miles in for the week?

Don’t answer that. Plus, I’m sure I’ll tell you whether I went or not tomorrow. And then, you’re opinion will be irrelevant anyway. πŸ˜‰

So tonight I saw that we had a case of Diet Coke with Lime. I forgot we bought it. So that’s what I’m drinking tonight…and it’s really good…while I chat it up about life and what’s going on in my brain. Nothing too deep, though…with (at least) three major heart-spills in the last two weeks, I’m not sure I’ve got that many words left!

Can you believe summer is just around the corner? Not like the concept of summer “vacation” means much to me and Maelie, but I do welcome the months when the sun shines and the sweat drips and trips to the park abound and the pool is (hopefully) warm enough for swimming. Now to actually put up the thing…

Does anyone need a large pile of rocks? That’s what we have to remove from our backyard…long story…before we can put the pool in it’s designated place. (aka: without killing the grass) I think it’s fair to say that I am far more excited about it than Maelie is. :) And if you’re a friend and you live in the area, then we fully expect you to come swim with us. Because we like friends. And swimming. But we like our friends more.


I got to be a sub for handbells at church tonight. I think, potentially, my college handbell director would have been insanely embarrassed had he been watching me. Golly, I was bad. To be fair, I’ve picked up handbells once before tonight in the last decade plus. I’m so thankful for laughter and the ability to have a good time despite my ability to actually play music. Oy.

Yesterday I made granola bars. Oh, the epic-ness that occurs in the kitchen of Mel. I. Just. Should. Not. Bake. But I do all the time anyway. They were not good. I figure it’s because I used French Vanilla granola mixed with peanut butter and honey and melted chocolate.

A collision of too many flavors.

Oh, well. I threw a coffee cake together at 7 a.m. this morning for Bible study instead. Since I’m having a thankful day, I’m thankful for Bisquick and recipes where I can totally cheat. πŸ˜‰

I’m kind of getting into painting again. Once upon a time I used to enjoy it. (Note: I did not say I was good at it. Just clarifying. ;)) I did a canvas for Mae’s room a couple months ago that turned out really cute. I’ve done a couple more since then and am working on one now, too. I have a feeling it’s going to be my new, while-Maelie-naps-I-will-do-this-to-relax hobby. It’s fun.

Truthfully, I have a whole, too-long list of craft-y stuff I want to do more of. Like jewelry stamping and purse-making. (Hey…if I can’t afford them, I might as well make them, huh? ;)) We shall see where summer afternoons take me and my creative juices.

As a side note, I think I’m going to love the painting I’m in the middle of…sadly, it’s a gift. But maybe that’s a good thing. More than half the fun of painting is giving it to someone when it’s done.

But my next project?

We’re keeping.


I want to do Maelie’s name in something like this. I’ve kind of figured out what I want it to look like so once it’s done, I’ll definitely show you all. I think it’s so cute. :)

I think I’ve jabbered on and on tonight about some of the most random things ever. I guess that’s a sign that I should go to bed early.

You know, so I can get up to run. :)

G’nite, friends…thanks for stopping by!
