Love This :)


Little Blessings (Pt. 42)

:) Fireworks with our sweet friends and a certain little girl who loved them. (Well, until she decided she was tired.)

:) Sunshine. (But can’t say the temps that came with it were that much of a blessing! ;))

:) Heart to heart chats.

:) A stay-home movie date and key lime pie with my hubby.

:) Bedtime stories and songs.

:) People who love my girl.

:) Free Kindle books…I’ve gotten several good ones lately. Really, really LOVE it when I don’t have to pay!

:) Two days and a few hours of just me and the girl…and friends who kept me company. Parade, fireworks, guitar lesson, shopping, long chats, a movie. I am so blessed.

:) Temps in the 80’s. Aaaaahhhh…

:) Trusting that He can see when we can’t.



I stumbled onto a blog of a friend of a friend of probably a friend (you get the idea…) awhile ago.

She’s such a good writer, and she does this thing that I’m gonna borrow tonight. :) I like it.

It makes me process, evaluate, think a little, and gives me permission to be a little silly.

Just a little. πŸ˜‰

So I’m borrowing her ideas, once again, tonight.

Current Reads: Have I mentioned before that my Kindle has turned me into an insane bookworm? I devour books and lose sleep. Like, a lot. Most of the time it’s worth it. In the Presence of My Enemies, by Gracia Burnham, is a book I’m reading for the second time. I’m taking it a lot slower this time around, and it’s still as good this time, too. Read it. Really. I’m also reading Ready or Not by Chautona Havig…it was a freebie borrow from the Kindle store and I have to admit that it’s good. A lot better than I was expecting. It’s my stay-up-late-even-though-I-should-be-sleeping read. Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen is also on my I-really-need-to-finally-read-this list. I am bound and determined to finish it by the end of the month.

Current Playlist: Honestly, whatever’s on KLove. True. I jam in my car…and I jam in the house, but those songs are pretty much the same ones. My running playlist is a little different…still mostly just praise and worship. It’s what I like. What lifts me up and brings me closer to Him. What I need. :)

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Tanning/lying in “Maelie’s” 12′ x 30″ pool. While she naps. (Not every day, though.) I say I’m unashamed that I do this…and most of the time it’s true, but there are always those self-conscious, my-thighs-look-too-big-in-these-tankini-bottoms thoughts. I need to get over it.

Current Colors: Kelly green. Dying…DYING…for a dress or skirt in this color but have yet to find one. Also really loving my usual brown and blue, the new color scheme for our front living room. JOY! (Now to actually paint it…)

Current Fetish: Clunky shoes. That one never really changes, but this summer, I’ve really loved the clunky flip-flop thing. Dear weather, will you please stay warm and ice-free forever so I can keep wearing ’em? πŸ˜‰

Current Food: Just finished a chicken wrap about ten minutes ago…does that count? Thinkin’ about the sea salt caramel dark chocolate I have hiding in my fridge at the moment, too. Yes, you should be jealous.

Current Drink: Diet Coke with Lime. Yeah.

Current Wishlist: This jean skirt at Maurices that I completely heart. Oh, my. Oh, NO. Not unless it goes on, like, major clearance! Some type of organizer for all of Maelie’s downstairs toys. I am tired of tripping over them. I have some ideas…now to finance them. An agent. To help me with this whole book thing. So jealous (really) of people who have literary agents. Sometimes a writer just needs someone to believe in them, ya know?

Current Needs: Sleep. To drink more water. Yeah.

Current Triumph: Um…

Current Bane-of-my-Existence: Well, DUH. THE WEATHER!!!

Current Celebrity Crush: More um…

Current Indulgence: It’s pretty sad when I can’t think of an answer to this one, huh? Except for the fact that I eat too much chocolate, I really can’t come up with anything.

Current Mood: A strange mix of happy and pensive. The two, simultaneously, make for a strange Mel. One who probably just needs to crash for the night. πŸ˜‰

My Current #1 Blessing: This one never changes. I am blessed with the most wonderful hubby and daughter and some pretty great friends, who I consider family. I love them so much!

Current Slang or Saying: Seriously?! Oy…is still on the list. Come on, Mel…lately, I’ve had to talk myself through running long distances. Sure. Those. Nothing exciting, just me.

Current Outfit: denim shorts, white tank top with flowers, brown wedges…which, strangely, I am still wearing. Usually I kick off my shoes as soon as I’m through the door.

Current Link: Honestly, my brain is about fried for the night. I’ll get back to ya on that one. πŸ˜‰

Current Photo: Aren’t I cute? Don’t answer that. πŸ˜‰

G’nite, friends!


I Love Her :)

Yesterday morning hubby headed off to Cooperstown with his dad and brother.

And left me alone.

With Maelie.

So I wasn’t really alone, but still.

My parenting-patience was already on the fringe, and I knew I needed a break. But since yesterday was July 4th, I also wanted to spend the day with Mae. I mean, she’s funny, she says cute things, she gives me constant hugs…she truly is JOY and I love her to pieces.

And we had a fabulous day together…parade with friends, a little swimming, a nap ;), fireworks with more friends. A late night for sure, but she slept in for me this morning.

But I woke up today tired. We had a full day, but I had hired a sitter for the afternoon so I could get something done (aka: buying a dress for a wedding) that is just easier withOUT an energetic two year-old who already knows how to open the doors of fitting rooms.


I was feeling somewhat guilty. A sitter’s not exactly in the budget very often, if ever. But the one I hired is very, very good with Mae. And sometimes, no matter how poor you think you are, time IS money. So a friend and I hopped over to an outlet mall, and I managed to find something cute. Something I can wear multiple times. It was even really on sale.

Sorry, but it’s no secret that I really, really love a deal. :)

Part of me still felt guilty for hiring a sitter, but I have to be honest.

Sometimes it’s just worth it, and today was one of those days. Even though I was gone for four hours and go-go-going during that time, I came back with energy and excitement. (Maybe partly from the high of new clothes?!?!)

No, really…a little break was good for me. I smiled when I saw Mae, and we have had a good few hours together. There have been laughs and giggles and a phone call with Grandma, and, well…it’s been SO good.

I’m still a little tired, but I’m smiling.

My girl just puts that mongo smile on my face, and I am reminded again of how truly blessed I am to be mama to such a fantastic daughter.

And as I watch her right now, doing her little jump, the occasional spin while her poofy pigtails bop up and down…she just melts my heart.

Love. Her.



Just a Thought. A Good One.

Not mine…but definitely worth thinking about.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

Ronald Reagan


Really, Really Random

You know what?

Some days I can’t think straight. It’s almost comical.

So consider yourself warned because I’m going to give you some pretty crazy random…and I know you’ll all laugh, but I don’t so much care. You know me and shouldn’t be surprised AT ALL.

Hee hee. πŸ˜€

My hubby makes homemade granola. I don’t like it. It just doesn’t taste like much, and so whenever he makes it, he’s usually the one who eats the whole batch. Except last night, he decided to add butterscotch chips. I walked in from my sweaty, drippy, over-an-hour-long workout, smelled it, and immediately dove almost-head-first into that pan of just-out-of-the-oven, amazing-ness. It was like eating a giant, oatmeal, butterscotch cookie. YUM. Thank goodness I worked out before…

There’s a quote floating around Facebook. I love it. It’s something like…Why is it that when you’re a mom, going to Target alone feels like a vacation and going on vacation feels like work? So. True. I went to Target tonight to pick up soda ’cause we were dangerously low, and I purposely walked the aisles for ten minutes, looking at nothing in particular. Just walked. Because I could. It was nice. :) Though, I honestly can’t complain because most of the time Mae is very well behaved in Target and even happy to be there. She IS my daughter! πŸ˜‰

I LOVE summer shoes. Flip flops (and all things related) just make me smile. Every morning, when I slip my feet into my shoes for the day…it just makes me happy.

I nabbed this book free on Kindle a couple of weeks ago. I’ve actually read it before and even own the paperback…somewhere. I’m really enjoying it the second time around.

I’ve been taking guitar lessons. I love them. I love them even more now that I finally learned to play B minor…one of the two chords that has been the bane of my existence for a month. Awe. Some. I’m ready to rock it! πŸ˜‰

Lately I’ve been losing everything. Like, my phone six times in a day, a random pair of earrings I’ve been wanting to wear, and even my praise team schedule…which has been in the same place for eight months, and now it’s gone. Really, Mel? As scattered and spontaneous as I am, I hate to lose things.

We’re kinda in a heatwave. Chances are, unless you live in Antarctica, you probably are, too. Ugh. Yesterday I woke up with a migraine, which I’m pretty sure was brought on by, oh, the 1200 degree temps we’ve got goin’. πŸ˜‰ Thankfully some meds and rest took care of it. I lucked out…my headaches usually hang on a lot longer. Still not love the almost-100 degrees projected for the next couple of days, but, hey…at least there’s A/C. And a swimming pool that feels a heck of a lot more like a bath than a pool right now. πŸ˜‰

I’ve been “recycling” all of my bags and purses this summer. It’s been almost entertaining to dig through my purse closet every week and find something I’d forgotten I had. I’m planning a purse-purge…big time…at the end of the summer but figured it wouldn’t hurt to use a few of them before then! :)

My honey is off to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY tomorrow. He’ll have fun. I’m glad he’s going and that he gets to go with people who will enjoy it, too, because I’m not sure I’d love a trip like that.

And with all of that…I should probably hit the hay. It’s late, and I should get up in the morning to say goodbye. :)

Happy 4th to you all!



Today’s one of those days.

I’m gonna kick my shoes off (well, figuratively…I’m already barefoot ;)) and let myself feel and process and just be.

It’s been a long several weeks.

I don’t mean that in a bad way…there’s been a lot of good in those weeks. Like friends and church and VBS and birthday celebrations and farm trips and swimming and playing outside and just soaking up every ounce of summer as it swirls around us.

It’s one of my favorite times of year. (Though, admittedly, I don’t care much what season it is. I just kinda like life. ;))

It comes down to the fact that God has been doing some major twisting and turning in this heart…the one so open to Him yet so fully convinced that life will follow the plan it’s dreamed.

Tobin and I have both realized lately that we have no idea how to settle…and not just physically, though that is a part of it.

We drive down the roads and highways that have become so familiar and talk about how much we like it here. True. It is a good place. We are extremely aware of the permanent U.S. address we have that states Carpentersville, Illinois, and the plates on our vehicles bearing the image of Lincoln. We’ve joined a church, gotten involved, made friends. God has slowly woven this place into our hearts, the people here have become our family, and we love that.

And, yet, there’s a whisper that sometimes comes out as more a deafening cry than anything.

We’re waiting, God. What’s next?!?!

It isn’t a cry we purposely utter nor a sign of discontent at where He has placed us. The truth is that I don’t think on our own we could have found a better place to “land” after Indonesia.

It’s just that our hearts don’t know how to settle and be home, though we desperately want that.

We don’t understand the process of placing roots deep into the ground, though we desire that, not just for ourselves but for our daughter.

We don’t get what it is to stay because we are used to going. And two years in a place is about our average in our married life.

I have been praying for a long time that God would teach me what it is to slow down and be completely content with exactly what He has given. I’m not sure what I’m waiting for Him to do…He’s already given so much. Done so much.

I think what He is asking of me is surrender.

Not just each day…but each moment, each minute, each second.

And, since I’m pretty candid in this space, I’ll tell you that it scares me. Extremely.

As Christians, we (hopefully) walk around letting our lives speak for themselves about the hope we have in our Father because we’ve surrendered. And though I want that, I’m not sure I know how.

Because, for SO long, surrendering a life to Christ meant rule-following and what I term legalism.

I am so thankful we have moved past that and found grace and forgiveness…two things that dramatically changed our lives…and now we are learning that thing called surrender.

And? What it means to completely open our hands and let Him do His thing.Β 

His Way.

Not mine. His.

I was given a tangible glimpse into the heart of my Father this past weekend as I spent some time catching up with a friend. She has a special place in my heart for many reasons, but whenever I am with her, I leave our time together hungering to know Him better and to learn surrender. She has learned it, and is seeing some pretty awesome results from obedience and letting God work.

I am so excited for the new life she is about to begin on the other side of the world. I can’t wait to hear how He opens doors and provides and showers her with blessings.

He can do awesome things in a heart and life fully surrendered to Him.

I want that…it’s my prayer. Maybe it will become yours, too.

Just where I am tonight…thanks for being here. :)


Sweet Saturday

Ok, so this should be titled something like

The Post Where I Admit I’m Eating Taco Bell at 10:15 p.m.

Haha. πŸ˜‰ Just so you know, confessions are good for the soul.

Here’s another.

It’s my first meal of the day. YIKES.

Part of that wasn’t my fault. After a wonderful, calorie-filled dinner out last night to celebrate my hubby’s birthday, I paid for it big time. I’m not sure what’s up with the digestive track these days or what I ate that my body completely hated, but my stomach was NOT happy with me and decided to let me pay the price from about 2-5 a.m.


Can we say that again?

Why, yes we can! UGH.

I’ll spare you the details only to say that I missed my Saturday morning run with my group and was pretty wiped out for most of the morning. (Though a caramel macchiato did help. Gee, I wonder why?!?!) πŸ˜‰

It was a rough one.

But things got better around 11:00. I forced myself to get up and going for the day, and Maelie and I went to the mall with Tobin. He had an eye exam, and I needed body spray from Bath & Body. Hey, I really did need it…I ran out this morning. :) I was super excited that I managed to hit the huge sale they have every summer, too, without even trying. 75% off? Yes, please. Bottles of my two favorite scents for $6 total? Even more yes, please!

Mae and I browsed a bit after that. I need something to wear to a wedding in a couple weeks, but we struck out. Oh, well.

We came home, and two out of the three of us ate lunch. :) Then Mae and I went swimming. Or, more accurately, I walked around in the pool and tried to coax her to join me, but she wasn’t interested today. So we played in the backyard instead.

Around two, we headed downtown to meet a friend at Navy Pier. Our Indo-friend, Lindsey, is in town for a few days visiting her brother, and she took a few hours to spend with us. We LOVED catching up with her, sharing some laughs, hearing what God has been doing. She’s about to make a pretty huge move to the other side of the world, and it was such a blessing to hear all He’s done to bring her to that point.

Plus, we just loved seeing her.

Our too-short few hours together reminded me yet again of the bittersweet wonderful that is friendship. That, often, the joy-filled hellos lead to much-too-soon, teary see ya laters. But the truth is that when friends are that treasured, we’d drive twelve hours for five minutes. Really.

So we took what time we had and filled it with laughter and stories and Truth and watching a certain two-year old little girl charm everyone around her. We reminisced about beach trips, coffee shops and motorbikes and dreamed of the future and all it might hold.

Oh, I wish the best for her…and I can’t wait until the next time I can give her a hug.

God is so Good to give us the gift of friends.



Fun on the Farm!

Maelie and I visited the farm this week with our friend, Kris.

It was actually the dairy farm she grew up on, which made it even more cool…love seeing pieces of a friend’s life. :)

And for a kid, there’s nothing that’s not to love about the farm…yes, I’m talking about Maelie. πŸ˜‰ Exploring, discovering, getting licked by a cow, chasing kitties, running around, driving a go-cart (ok, ok so that one was more me!)…oh, we had so much fun!

“Grandpa” and “Grandma” R were awesome hosts…we were very, very spoiled and loved. We were fed some of the most yummy food I’ve eaten in a long time, we stayed in the coolest farm themed room ever, and they even took time to love Mae…lots of stories and playtime and some coloring and exploring everywhere.

She had the best time, and She. Loved. It.

WE loved it. :)

I had a hard time choosing our favorite pics, so you get a lot of them. :)

Our first stop was to visit the baby calves. She was a little hesitant at first but was definitely curious.

Up close and personal. She loved it, though…you can tell.

Mae loved the cats, even if most of them didn’t want to be caught. Grandpa caught this one for her. She is still talking about “chasing kitties”. :)

I was surprised this one just sat and let her pet it!

Time for a story with Grandma! This was the first time Mae had ever heard the story of Chicken Little, and she was very, very worried throughout the entire book. It was cute. :)

This was too sweet of a moment not to share. Kris sat down to play the Veggie Tales song on the piano, and Maelie sat right by her, “playing” and “singing” along.

I loved driving the go-cart…it gave me a moment of Indonesia again. And as a bonus, no one died. Always a good thing. :)

I didn’t get too many mommy-Maelie pics on this trip. I like this one, though, even if she is much more interested in the kitty.

What a FUN adventure…YAY for friends and the farm! :)


Where the He– is Matt? 2012

This is insanely beautiful.


I want to travel the world and dance with everyone I meet. Enjoy! :)

Oh, and come back tomorrow for a recap of our adventures on the farm!!!
