Really, Really Random

You know what?

Some days I can’t think straight. It’s almost comical.

So consider yourself warned because I’m going to give you some pretty crazy random…and I know you’ll all laugh, but I don’t so much care. You know me and shouldn’t be surprised AT ALL.

Hee hee. πŸ˜€

My hubby makes homemade granola. I don’t like it. It just doesn’t taste like much, and so whenever he makes it, he’s usually the one who eats the whole batch. Except last night, he decided to add butterscotch chips. I walked in from my sweaty, drippy, over-an-hour-long workout, smelled it, and immediately dove almost-head-first into that pan of just-out-of-the-oven, amazing-ness. It was like eating a giant, oatmeal, butterscotch cookie. YUM. Thank goodness I worked out before…

There’s a quote floating around Facebook. I love it. It’s something like…Why is it that when you’re a mom, going to Target alone feels like a vacation and going on vacation feels like work? So. True. I went to Target tonight to pick up soda ’cause we were dangerously low, and I purposely walked the aisles for ten minutes, looking at nothing in particular. Just walked. Because I could. It was nice. :) Though, I honestly can’t complain because most of the time Mae is very well behaved in Target and even happy to be there. She IS my daughter! πŸ˜‰

I LOVE summer shoes. Flip flops (and all things related) just make me smile. Every morning, when I slip my feet into my shoes for the day…it just makes me happy.

I nabbed this book free on Kindle a couple of weeks ago. I’ve actually read it before and even own the paperback…somewhere. I’m really enjoying it the second time around.

I’ve been taking guitar lessons. I love them. I love them even more now that I finally learned to play B minor…one of the two chords that has been the bane of my existence for a month. Awe. Some. I’m ready to rock it! πŸ˜‰

Lately I’ve been losing everything. Like, my phone six times in a day, a random pair of earrings I’ve been wanting to wear, and even my praise team schedule…which has been in the same place for eight months, and now it’s gone. Really, Mel? As scattered and spontaneous as I am, I hate to lose things.

We’re kinda in a heatwave. Chances are, unless you live in Antarctica, you probably are, too. Ugh. Yesterday I woke up with a migraine, which I’m pretty sure was brought on by, oh, the 1200 degree temps we’ve got goin’. πŸ˜‰ Thankfully some meds and rest took care of it. I lucked out…my headaches usually hang on a lot longer. Still not love the almost-100 degrees projected for the next couple of days, but, hey…at least there’s A/C. And a swimming pool that feels a heck of a lot more like a bath than a pool right now. πŸ˜‰

I’ve been “recycling” all of my bags and purses this summer. It’s been almost entertaining to dig through my purse closet every week and find something I’d forgotten I had. I’m planning a purse-purge…big time…at the end of the summer but figured it wouldn’t hurt to use a few of them before then! :)

My honey is off to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY tomorrow. He’ll have fun. I’m glad he’s going and that he gets to go with people who will enjoy it, too, because I’m not sure I’d love a trip like that.

And with all of that…I should probably hit the hay. It’s late, and I should get up in the morning to say goodbye. :)

Happy 4th to you all!


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