Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s Topic: After
There’s this piece of me that has always had a hard time settling.
Maybe it’s because the longest we’ve been in one place, without some significant change, is three years.
My heart kind of lives in the what’s-coming-next-mode…
What’s coming after this?
It’s a hard place to be…especially when we’ve said the same thing over and over. This is where we want those roots to be…planted so deeply that it will not be so easy to pull them up again and run to whatever is coming after this.
Instead, we choose to settle and to be content in the here instead of wondering what might be next.
But, can I be honest? I do wonder.
And in the middle of that wondering, I am always amazed at the contentment my Father gives. He reminds me that He is good and that His plan is perfect, and that He has created now and it’s so, so beautiful, if I’ll just take the time to soak it in.
That’s my challenge for myself…to live in the present and to see each blessing He chooses to give.
I hope we’ll be here a long time.