A Listen For Your Thursday

I heard this song today and loved it.

Especially the second verse.

Have a listen. :)


God Moments

I love those moments when I know that God is speaking to me. And it’s always pretty cool to see how He speaks, too.

I’ve been singing this son

g for weeks…in my head, in the shower, in the car…and probably other places, too. 😉

What’s funny about it is that I seriously haven’t heard it since I was in college, and I don’t have it on CD or iTunes. It’s just still in my head. :)

So it was a bit of a surprise, flash-back moment, but definitely a cool one, too, when I logged into Facebook tonight and saw that one of my best friends had posted the lyrics of it.

God moment?

I think so.

And as I read over them, they challenged me. Maybe they’ll challenge you, too.

I will not offer anything that costs me nothing;
I’ll place before Him nothing less than my very best.

And if I’m called to sacrifice,
It will be worthy of my Christ;
I will not offer anything that costs me nothing.


Always Trying to Help



I love music.

I just got home from praise team practice, and I’m too tired

to think.

But it was a good practice. :)

So, here are a few lines still in my head from some of the songs we’re singing…maybe they’ ll inspire you.

Or make you sing along.

Or both. 😉

How glorious is Your love; if I could sing forever, it’s not enough.

One day, every tongue will confess YOU are God…one day EVERY knee will bow!

You are my strength when I am weak…

Your grace has broken every chain…my sins are gone, my debt’ s been paid.

You gave, You gave Your life away for me.

In the desert of my need, You’re the fountain that I seek.

You’re the Living Water I keep running to…

Jesus, You are the Answer; Jesus, my debt You paid; Jesus, You are my Savior; Jesus, You’re the One, You’re the Way!

Really looking forward to Sunday. :)

Have a good sleep, friends.



A Promise

My poor Mae isn’ t feeling great.

The antibiotics are starting to kick in, but she was definitely not herself this morning.

It was a cranky few hours, we didn’t have the van, and it’s raining…so you can imagine I was MORE than ready for her to go down for her nap by 1:00!

After she ate lunch, we played for a little while, and I could tell she was getting tired. So I m ade her a bottle and took her upstairs to read her a story while she drank it. We finished our book, and I looked across her room to see a little pillow propped up on her bookshelf with the words,

Jesus Loves Me.

I held her close and sang the song a few ti mes as she snuggled me. I know it’s probably the most oversung song in the history of Sunday School, but at the same time, those three words hold such a promise.

A promise I want my daughter to know and believe with all of her heart.

Jesus Loves Maelie,
Jesus Loves Maelie,
Jesus Loves Maelie,
The Bible tells us so.


Chattin’ on a Thursday Night

Hey friends.

I’m sitting here with my Diet Pepsi, wondering how long my eyes are going to remain open.

It’s been a busy day. Bible study and awe som

e, made-me-think-too-much video; hanging with the girl and squelching some crabbiness (thankful for naps!); getting some things done around here including making dinner for hubby and Mae; picking Tobin up from work; hair appointment; praise team.

Whew. I’m tired.

It’s been an emotional week.

Good stuff…some of it.

Some not so.

I’m hurting. I’m trying so hard not to dwell on the impending death of a friend.

I can’t believe the ache and tightness I feel in my chest when I think of her family and friends surrounding her, walking her Home. And letting her go. On the flip side, I truly smile with JOY when I think of her pain free, body completely healed, in the presence

of her Savior.

It’s a strange paradox to smile through pain.

And Sara consumes most of my thoughts and prayers these days.

I am thankful for that and what He is teaching me about JOY when things are hard.

When we don’t understand. When we can’t see but know that He can.

So I finished my song…the one I’ve been working on for two years.

(That bold line above is directly from it.) I was literally waiting on the bridge for two years, and it finally came two weeks ago.

I have to admit that I’m happy with how it turned out.

There are two people I want to hear it…then maybe I’ll post it here.

But I also admit to you that I’m not a songwriter or, really, a singer for that matter. I’ve wrestled with why I was even writing it for a long time because I have no intention at this time of doing anything with it.

I think it may have been part of the healing process for me in dealing with the losses through our failed adoption and miscarriage.

My heart feels more ready to move on now, if that makes sense. 😀 (Yeah, there’s a smile. A big one. Because I’m choosing JOY today.)

In “finishing” it, (aka: being able to chord it on the piano and sing it at the same time…yay for multitasking!) I feel like God is preparing our hearts to start praying about the adoption road again.

Two years ago, we swore we’d never repeat it…and yet, time does heal.

And He heals.

Praise God.

We really have no idea what the future holds for us as a family, but we know that our Father does.

And that’s enough. So right now, we’re praying. Just praying. Taking things slowly and waiting on His timing.

Thanks for praying for us, too, friends. :)

And because this is getting way too heavy…

This week I got rid of all the bad food in the house. (Ok, I need to rephrase that.

There’s still a little in the house because the other two residents need to survive!) I’m drinking protein shakes, eating a LOT better, and treating myself with the occasional Clif Bar.

Four days later my pants are already looser.

Woot woot! (However, I do not want my weight to become an obsession, so we’re not going to talk about it

too much on here. If you’re that interested, e-mail me. ;))

I will say, though, that I am very thankful

that I somewhat enjoy working out and eating things like rice cakes and zucchini. True story.

This has been a random collision of emotions tonight. Thanks for riding along.

Some nights my thoughts are allowed to be all over the place, right? 😉

G’nite, friends. You bless me.


Oh, Yeah…

So tonight I FINALLY got to see my

Favorite. Christian. Artist.

in concert.

I have waited six years for this.

Between being overseas and our life never matching with his concert schedule… yeah, it was a long wa


So. So. Good.

I took a couple pictures, but they’ re not g


Maybe I’ll share them tomorrow when I have energy to get up to

get the memory card out of

the camera.


I’m off to bed…g’nite!


You (I) Had a Bad Day

Because you had a bad day, you’re taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don’t know, you tell me don’t lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day, the camera don’t lie
You’re coming back down and you really don’t mind
You had a bad day, you had a bad


“Bad Day”, Daniel Powter

So this song isn’t my typical style of music, though it pretty much sums up

my day.

In fact, as I was reading through the lyrics, I found myself singing along and having American Idol flashbacks.

(Did anyone else watch that season?)

It was just one of those certifiable, bury-my-head-in-the-sand days.

I suppose we’re allowed them once in awhile.

I’ll avoid the drama of the day and leave you with the theme song to my Saturday… feel free to grab a hairbrush and rock out.

(If Tobin wasn’t sitting here, I probably would!) 😉



A New Favorite Song

Tonight will be short and sweet.

I had a really great workout with friend s

tonight and now

am enjoying a little “me” time before it all starts again tomorrow.


Laura Story’s song, Blessings, has been a chart topper for a couple months now. I like it still, even though I think it’s slightly overplayed right now. But the message remains the same, and it’s changing people’s lives…that’s what’s important.

A few days ago, a friend posted another song of hers on Facebook, Grace,  and I love it…maybe even as much as Blessings. I think  it’ s becau

se of the place I am in life right now.

Fixing some things.

Trying to refocus.

And definitely leaning heavily on His grace.

But give it a listen…good stuff. Really good.

Have a blessed night!





Christ is Risen Indeed!

We sang this song in church yesterday at our Celebration Service. (I haven’t mentioned it, but I LOVE it that we are still celebrating Easter at Immanuel!) I can’t get it out of my head…in fact, I’m expecting my daughter to break into singing it at any moment.


Have a listen.


Chr ist

is Risen Indeed
Matt Boswell

What a morning when the silence turned to singing;
What rejoicing on the third appointed day.
The cross exhausted all its cruelty and its power,
But love declared its victory and rolled the stone away.

Christ is risen, he is

risen indeed!
Death has been defeated, and the grave has lost its sting;
Hallelujah, with the angels we will sing;
Christ is risen,

Christ is risen indeed!

Such a hope we have in Christ, the resurrection;
Such a joy to know by grace we’ ve been redeemed.

Through Christ we died a death to sin and all its folly,
But glorified, we will rise, to live eternally.

Christ is risen, he is risen indeed!

Death has been defeated, and the grave has lost its sting;
Hallelujah, with the angels we will sing;
Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed!

Salvation and immortal praise to our victorious King,
Let the heavens and the earth with glad hosannas ring!

Christ is risen, he is risen indeed!

Death has been defeated, and the grave has lost its sting;
Hallelujah, with the angels we will sing;
Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed!
