Behind the Scenes: Sometimes We All Just Need a Nap

photo(14)Look close.

Cute. Little. Girl. Alert.


She really is. Cute, that is. Adorable, kind, completely funny, silly…just a wonderful little princess of a girl.

She also stopped napping around the time she turned two.

Friends that means for about a year, she has taken about six naps TOTAL. (That includes the four she took last week when she had the flu…)

Needless to say?

This mama is tired.

I so love being mommy to Mae…she is truly my sunshine, and the mommy/daughter bond we are building is something I hope will grow for the rest of our lives.

Having a daughter is the most amazing, incredible, dream come true.

But sometimes?

Oh, how I looooooooooong….sometimes with even more o’s…For. A. Nap.

A nap from her so there can be one for me, too.

That may sound lazy, but Oh. How. I. Miss. Naptime.

After a particularly trying day last week, my husband pretty much mandated something. (In a kind way, though.)

An hour-long rest for our Maelie-girl every day.

Oh, I’m pretty sure the angels sang. In fact, I probably joined them. Loudly.

This picture was taken the first day of our new let’s-take-a-rest experiment.

I almost felt guilty as I rested the gate against her door and saw that cute, little, slightly curious, smile come to her lips.

What are you doing, Mommy?

Remember, Mae? You’re going to take a rest for an hour. You can play or read quietly or even sleep.

And so began the hour.

Things were good for the first 20 minutes or so…and then, Mommy? I’m hungry.

I caved and went downstairs to grab a little snack for her.

That seemed to satisfy her, and she continued playing with her dollhouse while I crept back to our bedroom across the hall, crash-landed on the bed, and virtually-cracked open a book on my Kindle. I made it about three pages before my eyelids started to close…

and I woke up an hour later.

Everything. Was. Quiet.

Gotta admit, I’ve never bolted out of bed faster.

Because when you’re the mama of a toddler, silence is not golden. It’s just plain suspicious.

But I didn’t need to bolt out of bed at all…because one little peek into her room gave me the answer I needed.

The one I had almost never dared to hope for.

There she lay, curled up under her purple blanket…Napping.

Yes, folks, nap #7 of the year.

It was lovely, and I flipped off her light and let it continue for yet another half an hour or so.


It hasn’t happened again, but hey.

I’ll take it.

And my nap was wonderful, too, since I know you’re wondering. 😉


It’s Tuesday…the day I link up over at Crystal’s place for Behind the Scenes. I love this link up! :)

Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.

“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.

If you’ve got a few extra minutes in your day, I hope you’ll stop by and read what’s going on in the hearts and lives of my amazing blogging sisters…they’ve always got some sweet and silly stories to share about what goes on behind the camera. 😉


Five Minute Friday: Broken

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s topic: Broken

The word hurts.

It does.


There are so many things in life that I have allowed to break me…from hurt feelings to parents splitting up to struggling for a baby to being forced to start over in a new place.

And I think sometimes it’s ok to break…to get to that point where there’s nothing left to lean on but my Father.

Because that’s what He does…He takes those who are broken, and when we let Him,

He fixes us.

Heals us.

Glues those broken pieces back together in the way that only He can.

I think back a few years ago…when we stared down so many unanswered questions…life just felt broken.

So broken.

And now I look back, and I just smile…because He knows what He’s doing.

I see that in the little girl who fills my days and the new place that has become our home; in the ways He has led our family and the things He does each day in our lives.

And I’ll take those pieces of life that have been put back together by my Healer any day.

Because they’re beautiful.

Thank you, Father, for taking the broken and making it so much more beautiful than I ever could have dreamed.


Five Minute Friday


And, could I ask a little favor, sweet friends? :)

If you haven’t had a chance yet to hop over to CausePub, would you take the time to read my story and vote?  I submitted A Moment of Love,  and am hoping like crazy that it will be accepted into their book project; the proceeds from this book will go to Blood:Water Mission in Africa.

You can go here to vote for it. :) Thanks so much!



Five-Minute Friday: Beautiful

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s topic: Beautiful

It’s one of my favorite words that she says…beautiful.

Except she doesn’t say it that way.

Flowers are beaufitul.

Mommy is beaufitul. (according to her, anyway!) 😉

The car is beaufitul. (I adore her.)

It’s one of the few words we won’t correct because it’s just so darn cute. :)

Really, the word, beautiful or beaufitul or however you want to say it…

Is the word I would use to describe this journey.

The journey of mommyhood and being a wife and finding community and dream-chasing.

Oh, it hasn’t been easy…and the days haven’t been perfect.

But when I look back at the end of each day, there is always,


Always a reason to smile.

Life is beautiful.

The blessings He gives are beautiful.

And I’m going to soak up each precious gift He chooses to give.

Especially when those gifts come in the form of a beautiful little girl who says the word in about the most adorable way possible.



Five Minute Friday


Behind the Scenes: We’re Not Just Picking Flowers Here…


When I first look at this picture, I think,

Mel, couldn’t you have at least gotten this from another angle? Really? It’s your precious girlie picking a flower!

And then I answer myself with a loud, resounding, NO!

Because this is not really a story about picking flowers at all…but I hope you enjoy my drama storytelling, anyway. 😉

On Sunday afternoon we left town around 12:45 p.m. and headed to Madison, Wisconsin, for Tobin’s uncle’s birthday party.

It’s a two hour drive.

ETA with a potty break thrown in there: 3:00 p.m.

Right. On. Time.

But, no. Oh, no.

Our first mistake was getting on I-90 which was kinda like downtown Chicago after a Bulls game.

Times about a hundred gazillion.

Traffic was creeping…and I do mean creeeeeeeeeeeping.

We sat in it for a good fifteen minutes before we were able to inch our way toward the first exit we saw.

We’re poring over the GPS, trying to find an alternate route, already running super late, and have just turned onto Route 72 when we hear that little voice from the backseat.

I need to go potty!

It’s our first road trip with her being potty trained. {OF COURSE she needs to go potty…it’s Murphy’s Law at its finest and most inconvenient. ;)}

We stop at the first gas station we see and We. Make. It.


But we’re Tobin and Mel and Maelie…the fun never stops with just a potty break! 😉

She spots a field of flowers as we’re walking back to the van. Down the hill from where we’re parked.

I’m wearing heels. (Of course…when am I not? But still.)


Knowing that the easiest thing to do in this situation is to Just. Let. Her. Pick. The. Flower…I kick off my heels and we run down the hill to find the very best one.

Realizing at this very moment that this is potentially a perfect picture for my Tuesday post, I whip out my iPhone and snap a picture as fast as I can before we run back up the hill to the van.

And, yes, I remembered to go back for my shoes. 😉

Soon we’re off again, down or up or whichever way we were going on Route 72. (I’m thinking I need to write a song here…)

The drive is going smoothly for about six minutes, which is a record for us on this trip, friends.

Things. Are. Most. Definitely. Looking. Up.

And then we see? The brake lights.

There’s a train. It’s. Not. Moving. At. All.

People are turning around, and I just think, Can’t you wait a few measly minutes for a train?

And then Tobin points out that people on the other side have gotten OUT of their cars and are walking around. Clearly, this train is not moving anytime soon.

We sit for a few minutes, thinking that maybe our presence will bring some good luck and things will get moving again. Not a chance. Like the multitudes, we backtrack and find another route. (At this point, the GPS tells us we’re going to be about 30 minutes late.)

Finally on our way (again) we head toward Rockford. We are Just. About. There. when we pass over I-90, which I think may have a new name in my mind now. (It does not belong here.)

Traffic is moving.

We’re encouraged that perhaps we can hop back on the freeway and make up a few minutes.

Our next mistake: We get back on the freeway.

Because we’re optimistic like that. 😉

No sooner had we actually entered the highway when we saw brake lights and it backed up.

We crawled.


Actually, I’m pretty sure I could have gotten out of the car and, literally, crawled faster.


At this point, I think the phrase, And WHY are we doing this?, may or may not have escaped my lips.

But by now, I just need to focus on something else, so I pull out my phone and tap out a text message to a friend. It’s all, Hope you’re having a good day, we’re stuck in traffic, haha, but she knows me well enough to know that I’m just not telling her exactly how frustrated I am.

It takes up a minute of our forever-into-eternity, long trip, and then I look up.

Still traffic.

Twenty more minutes before we hit Rockford, which is normally a 40 minute drive for us. Sunday? It took us

An. Hour. And. 40. Minutes.

Good grief, have we done something wrong?! Don’t answer that.

Thankfully the rest of the trip was uneventful except for one more little stop right before we arrived at our destination just a few minutes before 4 p.m.

Happy party, fun to catch up with people we hadn’t seen in a long time, there was cake, all is good.

Except there’s a drive home, ya know?

We planned it and got off the freeway Completely. Before. We. Even. Arrived. In. Illinois.

Take THAT, I-90.


Home in two hours and a few extra minutes. Praise Jesus.

Except I have to go through Rockford next week, and I have no idea how I’m going to survive it.

Lots of prayer?

More detours?

Please. Send. Chocolate.


Happy Tuesday, sweet friends! On Tuesdays I link up with my sweet friend, Crystal, at her space for Behind the Scenes.

Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.

“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.

I hope you’ll take some time to hop over and read about the real and messy of life that happens behind the photos we take.


Five-Minute Friday: In Between

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s topic: In Between

It’s true what they say…the days are long but the years are short, and we’ve “only” got three years behind us.

I can’t believe how fast it went…how that precious, tiny little girl grew up into such a little lady…one who even steals my headband for certain birthday celebrations. 😉

We celebrated her last week, and it was the strangest mix of joy and disbelief…but really?

Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I. Am. So. Blessed.

Not only am I the one who gets to spend my days with this awesome girlie, but I get all the in between moments…and sometimes those are the best of all.

In between swimming and trying out her new scooter, I get that quick snuggle and I love you, Mommy.

In between a fun morning at the park and the ride home, I get to hold her hand while we walk to the van.

My sweet Mae, let’s hang on to those in between moments and soak them up for all they are.

I hold every one of them in my heart.


Five Minute Friday


Behind the Scenes: Pieces of an Early Morning

I wrote a pretty heavy post last week…and that’s ok. There are times when soul baring is necessary, especially when there’s something beautiful that comes from it.

And, truthfully, there always is…it’s just that it’s not always that easy to see.

I’m in let’s-process-the-past-few-weeks mode right now…and I’ll write more about it later.

But today?

I bring you So. Much. Awesome.

Well, I guess I’ll let you be the judge of that. 😉

photo(7)At first glance, this just looks like an Instagram…hey, hey, look what I’m up to! (And it kind of is.)

But not really.

See…this pic was taken around 6:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. I know, I know.

My eyes had popped open crazy early. The girl was still sleeping, I didn’t have to be at church for praise team until 9:30, and our back porch…with the sun just starting to peek in…was calling my name.

And so I grabbed a cup of coffee, a (small) handful of chocolate (breakfast of champions!), and plopped on a chair with my legs propped up. (Notice the awesome floor burn from the volleyball tournament we WON on Saturday? Yeah, the one I played without knee pads… ;)) My faithful pup, Sammy, took his place by my side, and it was time to (literally) waste my brain on an episode or six of The Babysitter’s Club.

PSA: It’s now available on Netflix streaming. I. Kid. You. Not. (You may or may not be missing out if you haven’t experienced this wonder at least once in your life.)

And as I sipped my heaven-in-a-cup and practically quoted, word-for-word, the cheesiness of the Brunettes trying to steal Logan from Mary Anne and even likely sang audibly…and by likely, I mean,


I totally did.

Say hello to your friends…Babysitters Club,
Say hello to the people who care,
Nothing’s better than friends…

Oh, come on.

You know you were singing it from the time I mentioned it. 😀

Plus? I needed to warm up before praise team. 😉

All of that to get to my actual point, because there is one that goes beyond cheesy 90’s tv and coffee and even cute golden retrievers. :)

That sometimes the blessings come in small pieces of sweet and a bit strange…and they don’t always look like daisies and bright sunshine at acceptable hours of the morning. 😉

But that Sunday morning? Was an amazing gift from my Father.

It was the kind He sent just to say I love you, Mel. And I know it’s been hard, but I’m Good and I know exactly what you need.

He’s right.

I soaked it all up until about 7:30, and then I was joined by the sweetest THREE year old ever, who surprised me by watching right along with me and even asked for another episode.


What have I created?!?! 😉

It was a beautiful morning, one that still makes me smile.

He is Good.


It’s Tuesday, and I love Tuesdays.

I’ve taken the challenge this summer to write about the life behind the photos…the ugly, the messy, the real, the true…and link up with my sweet friend, Crystal, at her space for Behind the Scenes.

Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.

“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.

I hope you’ll stop by and read about the real of hearts and lives…some of my favorite writers link up there, and their words will bless you. Happy Tuesday, all!


Five-Minute Friday: Listen

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.


And this week is a little different. :) I have a tradition of writing to my daughter every year on her birthday. Some of my sweet friends who participate in FMF challenged me to take the prompt and do it all at once.

So, my sweet Mae…this five minutes is just for you. Happy 3rd birthday to my favorite girl in the world…I LOVE YOU!


Today’s topic: Listen

To my sweet girl on her 3rd birthday,

Sometimes I think back to the days when I was praying so hard for a daughter.

Praying so hard for YOU.

I wondered with everything in me if my Father heard me, if He saw the deepest desire in my heart…

That desire to be mama to a sweet little girl.

I knew what I was praying…I prayed it All. The. Time.

And you know what, my girl?

He was listening, as He always is.

He always hears and He always answers in the way that’s best for us.

And three years ago I held you in my arms for the first time.

I remember that day…the way I cradled you and sang to you the first of many, many songs. We began to bond…to be mommy and daughter.

I couldn’t be prouder of the little girl you are…your kind, compassionate heart shines Jesus so beautifully. The way you love others screams of His Love and Grace in your life. Your beautiful smile? Well, it lights up the room every day and my heart every second.

I am so, so thankful for you, my sweet Mae. This past year has been one of the most amazing of my life…and I am so incredibly blessed to have you next to my side as we walk (but mostly dance and skip) this path together.

Please never, ever forget how much I love you…to the moon and back, plus infinity.



Five Minute Friday


Behind the Scenes: The Gift of Compassion

The longer I am a momma…and even though it hasn’t been that long since the day I became one…there’s something that continues to press on my heart…

Compassion is, perhaps, one of the greatest things we can teach our children.


This picture is one of those…the I-snapped-this-really-quick-with-my-iPhone, kind…and I’ll keep it forever.

Probably frame it and put it where I can look at it every day.

It’s been a hard few weeks.

Just different things that have brought tears…tears that I wish didn’t fall in front of my daughter, but tears she sees anyway.

Yesterday afternoon they rushed in monsoon-like form and there was no hiding themand so I just let them go in black, smeary streaks all over the place. (I really need to find better eyeliner. Seriously.)

Mommy, what’s wrong?

Nothing, sweetie. Mommy’s just sad.

(She puts her hand on mine.)

There’s a hug in there, and she trots off to find her VBS project, a cute little creation covered with sticky shapes.

And that’s when she brings me a heart and sticks it to my hand.

I love you, Mommy.

Too choked up to even speak, I give her the I-love-you sign and rest it on her hand.

And when she gripped my pinky and held on tight, I was reminded…

That compassion is one of the greatest things I can pass on to her.

She’s learning it, and as much as I’d like to take credit for it all, it isn’t just me. In fact, for the most part, it’s NOT me. 😉

Yesterday I got a tangible glimpse into the hearts of those incredible people who have taken the time to love and invest in my precious girl in just the last few years.

She turns three years old on Friday.

Three years…Wowza.

And I wouldn’t change any of it. Not a bit.

Especially when I see what God is doing in her heart and life.


So I’ve got a new reason to love Tuesdays. 😉

Don’t worry, friends, I’m still dreaming and pushing toward those dreams…but I’m taking a little break this summer with blogging them out and, instead, and joining another link up, one that my cool, new bloggy-friend, Crystal, came up with.

I love how she describes it…

Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.

“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.

I hope you’ll take some time and hop over to her place…last week was a fun party of the hip and the hilarious, with a few tear-jerkers in there, too…some of my dearest bloggy-friends hang out there, and I’d love for you to read their hearts.


Five-Minute Friday: Fall

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s Topic: Fall

So I should take this Five-Minute Friday prompt and write about the absolute, utter, TOTAL klutz that I am.


I embrace the title pretty much every day as I fall over nothing. 😉

But when I first saw the prompt, I went back to a memory…one I hold in my heart and will forever.

In October of 2010, we experienced our first fall season since 2004. (Yeah, leaves don’t get all crunchy and fall off trees in the tropics. That’s really quite the bummer.)

There was one afternoon in early October when my husband came home from work, and we took our then-four-month-old baby girl outside with us and played in the leaves.

We raked.

We did a lot of jumping.

We took a ton of pictures.

And? I totally even took a huge, crashing dive into the largest pile.

It was one of my favorite days ever and holds a special place in my heart each time I think of it.

Sometimes we take the littlest things for granted…like a change in seasons.

And while we still enjoy fall, I know that season in 2010 will be our favorite for a long, long time.

MelMaeleavesOne of my favorite pictures of me with my girl that day.

Five Minute Friday


Behind the Scenes: She Rows a Boat

photo(5)It was later in the afternoon, but the sun was still beating strong. And, in the summer, we so love to play outside so we grabbed our sunglasses, put on our shoes, and hopped out to the backyard. (Probably literally…she’s quite the jumper.)

There’s the playhouse and the Cozy Coupe and the slide…those are the faves. Many, many hours have already been spent with them just this summer, and we can’t wait for more.

She makes a beeline for the pool, the one we put up on Sunday (and accidentally overflowed…oops), and I give her the gentle reminder that she should never touch it if mommy or daddy aren’t next to her. And then I also stick in that reminder that it’s still freezing and we should wait a few more days before we try to swim. (Poor thing…she’s been ready to dive in since it had about an inch of water in it. 😉

She cooperates and heads to the sandbox.

We love the sandbox.

We do, but it’s not usually what she wants to play with first. (I guess because it’s there year-round, and we’ve been known to let her play in the sand in February. 😉

I flip the lid off and toss it in the yard, expecting her to sit down next to me to dig and make tracks and fill buckets. She looks at me as I dig with the blue shovel but doesn’t join.

Instead, she walks around and grabs a few things.

The squirt guns we’d been playing with earlier, the plastic bag of accessories she’d been carrying around all day, the pink shovel from her sandbox.

Then she climbs into the middle of the lid, sits down…and thinks for a moment.

Mommy, may I have the blue shovel?

I hand it to her, curious at what that little mind is working on at the moment, but she doesn’t keep me in suspense for long.

In fact, I don’t even need to ask.

One shovel in each hand, she moves them back and forth and starts to sing.

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the STREAM!
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a DREAM!

(She likes to emphasize the ends of phrases in songs. Perhaps loudly. And, by perhaps, I mean always.)

A little imagination, and my girl is rowing her boat to Uncle J and Aunt K’s house across the street…or, at least, according to her that’s her destination.

Because, really…when you’re a toddler with a huge blue flower on your head, two squirt guns by your side, and a bag full of necklaces and bracelets, what more do you need before you head out on a new adventure in a sandbox-lid boat?! 😉

Somewhere in there, I dive for my phone to snap a picture before it’s too late, and soon it is.

Just a few minutes later, she’s moved on to something else. We throw frisbees, chase the dogs, and even fill a bucket with sand.

But, secretly, I’m hoping that we’ll row her boat to another destination soon. :)


Happy Tuesday, friends! So my regular Tuesday posts with the God-Sized Dream team ended last week. I have to admit that I was a little heartbroken and dreading Tuesdays just a tiny bit. But…Crystal to the rescue! I met this sweet friend through the dream team…and she had a fabulous idea for a new way to connect on Tuesdays.

In her words…

“Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves  (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner. 
“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.
I hope you’ll hop over, have a look, and take some time to connect with us. Crystal’s place is fantastic, and she’ll make you feel right at home. Hope to see you there!
