I feel bad that this series has tapered off…trust me, my life is abounding with blessings. And I need to keep counting them, even on the rough days.
God is doing some really cool things, and I’m excited to share them with you, hopefully soon.
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend.
Now, the list. 😉
Ice cream dates with my girl. Like, the kind when I end up wearing half of her sundae before the date is over. Choosing to smile over our precious time together instead.
This 5k. Which I managed to run a mere 25 days after having my gall bladder out. Nowhere near a PR for me, but I love the cause. Was worth the pain that running FOUR hills involved, and I managed to still break 30. 😉 (Ok, I’ll stop…some of you have heard me talk about this a little too much! HA.)
Symphony concerts with friends.
Changing the life of a child. So thankful for my Bible study group and their decision to sponsor a child. You can, too!
Hide and seek with a two-year old who skips five every time she counts to ten. LOVE her.
Parades and candy and perfect, sunshine-y 70 degree weather.
Piano duets with a certain little girl…a strange mix of beauty and chaos. So profound that it triggered a blog post I’m hoping to use as a guest-write. We’ll see.
Flowers and barefoot dancing.
The promise of fall being here very soon.
Seasons…and that He performs miracles in each one. My Father is Good.