
Sometimes I forget it’s where I should be, this place of dependence.

Because I get wrapped up in all that surrounds me.

I act as though the blessings around me aren’t fulfilling, aren’t a testimony of His mercy and grace in my life.

As if that free gift, the only thing I ever truly need, isn’t enough for me to feel complete.

Can I be honest with you, friends?

I hate the lies that I, all too often, allow Satan to feed me. What’s worse, I believe them.

When they start to overtake even a tiny corner of my mind, it’s all downhill.

His grip is powerful but not as powerful as my Father’s.

Life, lately, has seemed to be just this…allowing aspects of it to become overshadowed by untruth. Words hurt, lies creep in, and I let my heart get so wrapped up in those other things around me that it no longer belongs completely to my Father. My wholeness is found in the imperfect of this world rather than the perfect Love of Him.

Deep breath…

…because His mercies are new each and every day. He is my Rock. I won’t be shaken. He’ll lift me up and help me to stand. Give overwhelming, all-sufficient grace that is more than enough for each day.

Sometimes I think being dependent in this way is the best place to be.

Because when life is perfect, we somehow forget about the need.

But I? Most certainly need Him.

Father, keep me in the place where I never, ever forget that.


There’s No Place Like The Purple Couch

I’m back. :)

So I ended up taking a two day hiatus from the blog. And that’s ok. I need to give myself permission for things like that.

Especially when abdominal surgery is involved. :)

So the gall bladder came out on Tuesday.

The surgery itself was fine…I cried a little when they took me back to the OR and made me say goodbye to Tobin. But they gave me some type of sedative that had me floating within seconds, and before I knew it we were in the Operating Room. I vaguely remember them moving me to the operating table and strapping me down, and the next thing I remember is coming out of it all and doing something totally Mel.

Yeah, when the nurse asked me what I needed, I told her I wanted a hug.

Thank God for nurses who oblige strange requests, and even better, don’t make the patient feel like a complete idiot for asking in the first place.Β 

She totally gave me a hug and then held my hand ’til I came to a little more.


At the time I thought it was completely normal to need a hug…now I roll my eyes at myself. However I suppose it IS better than spending the entire operation talking to my surgeon about something obscure. (Which, to my knowledge, did NOT happen. Another thank You, God.)

Tuesday afternoon was full of morphine and naps and a visit from my daughter and some sweet friends who were definitely good for my heart.

But since I was still in pain, the morphine continued to be administered.

By the next morning I still couldn’t eat anything or keep more than a tiny sip of water down, and I had a headache on top of all of that.

They figured it was the morphine making me sick, and I had to wait it all out for several hours before I could have anything more for pain. Or nausea. Or my headache. I’ll spare you the details, only to say that it was a miserable 4-5 hours.

I remember lying in that bed having a conversation with God. There was a lot of pleading with Him just take the pain away. I’m so thankful that in moments of weakness like that…especially when praising Him and giving thanks to Him were the furthest things from my mind…that He still hears prayer and answers it.

He sent a few things…a text from a friend, a phone call from my pastor, a quick chat with a nurse…to help take my mind off of the pain, too.

Once they were able to give me different pain meds and they kicked in, I perked up. I actually ate jello and crackers and even half of a turkey sandwich around 11 pm. (That is SO me…again.) :) I watched part of the Tonight Show and managed to get a decent night’s sleep, which I think is what really helped.

Today was ok…less pain, though it is still there and will be for a few days. I was blessed with some pretty great nurses who were there, for the most part, all three days I was in. It was nice to be on a first-name basis. :) Though when Tobin and Maelie came to get me around 1:30 this afternoon, I was definitely ready to go.

I went straight to our purple couch and have been (mostly) resting there since. A couple friends have stopped by, and those visits were definitely spirit-lifters. Life is good.

It’s always good to look back after a few not-so-easy days to see God in the smallest details. Gallbladder surgery was nothing earth-shattering, but it was still nice to have those reminders of His love and care.

Well, it’s getting somewhat late, and I can’t wait to crash for the night.

On the couch.

Oh, there’s no place (at least for now) like the purple couch. :)

Thanks for your prayers, friends.



Today’s one of those days.

I’m gonna kick my shoes off (well, figuratively…I’m already barefoot ;)) and let myself feel and process and just be.

It’s been a long several weeks.

I don’t mean that in a bad way…there’s been a lot of good in those weeks. Like friends and church and VBS and birthday celebrations and farm trips and swimming and playing outside and just soaking up every ounce of summer as it swirls around us.

It’s one of my favorite times of year. (Though, admittedly, I don’t care much what season it is. I just kinda like life. ;))

It comes down to the fact that God has been doing some major twisting and turning in this heart…the one so open to Him yet so fully convinced that life will follow the plan it’s dreamed.

Tobin and I have both realized lately that we have no idea how to settle…and not just physically, though that is a part of it.

We drive down the roads and highways that have become so familiar and talk about how much we like it here. True. It is a good place. We are extremely aware of the permanent U.S. address we have that states Carpentersville, Illinois, and the plates on our vehicles bearing the image of Lincoln. We’ve joined a church, gotten involved, made friends. God has slowly woven this place into our hearts, the people here have become our family, and we love that.

And, yet, there’s a whisper that sometimes comes out as more a deafening cry than anything.

We’re waiting, God. What’s next?!?!

It isn’t a cry we purposely utter nor a sign of discontent at where He has placed us. The truth is that I don’t think on our own we could have found a better place to “land” after Indonesia.

It’s just that our hearts don’t know how to settle and be home, though we desperately want that.

We don’t understand the process of placing roots deep into the ground, though we desire that, not just for ourselves but for our daughter.

We don’t get what it is to stay because we are used to going. And two years in a place is about our average in our married life.

I have been praying for a long time that God would teach me what it is to slow down and be completely content with exactly what He has given. I’m not sure what I’m waiting for Him to do…He’s already given so much. Done so much.

I think what He is asking of me is surrender.

Not just each day…but each moment, each minute, each second.

And, since I’m pretty candid in this space, I’ll tell you that it scares me. Extremely.

As Christians, we (hopefully) walk around letting our lives speak for themselves about the hope we have in our Father because we’ve surrendered. And though I want that, I’m not sure I know how.

Because, for SO long, surrendering a life to Christ meant rule-following and what I term legalism.

I am so thankful we have moved past that and found grace and forgiveness…two things that dramatically changed our lives…and now we are learning that thing called surrender.

And? What it means to completely open our hands and let Him do His thing.Β 

His Way.

Not mine. His.

I was given a tangible glimpse into the heart of my Father this past weekend as I spent some time catching up with a friend. She has a special place in my heart for many reasons, but whenever I am with her, I leave our time together hungering to know Him better and to learn surrender. She has learned it, and is seeing some pretty awesome results from obedience and letting God work.

I am so excited for the new life she is about to begin on the other side of the world. I can’t wait to hear how He opens doors and provides and showers her with blessings.

He can do awesome things in a heart and life fully surrendered to Him.

I want that…it’s my prayer. Maybe it will become yours, too.

Just where I am tonight…thanks for being here. :)



I woke up insanely early this morning.

Like, before six a.m. early.

Usually I’m able to stuff my head under my pillow and get a few more zzzzzz’s. Sleeping in is not usually a problem for me if I want to. But for some reason, this morning my body was up.

And there was NO going back to sleep.

I showered, got the coffee going, and sat at the computer. I even had half a piece of Mae’s birthday cake in front of me for breakfast. πŸ˜‰ But instead of doing my usual blog reading and facebook checking and general, online-catching-up, I just sat there and thought…

…about how scattered I feel.

…about how I need a priority shift.

…about how, even more, I need a heart check.

…about how God is so close and, yet, it doesn’t feel that way.

…about how He probably has so much to tell me if I’ll just stop for a minute and listen.

I’ve taken time out lately to do a lot of things…help with VBS, sing on praise teams, play with my daughter, have play dates, go to parks, spend time with friends, drink coffee, blog, plan a birthday party…a lot of things that are necessary and important to life. Really. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the living we get to do. πŸ˜‰

But WHY, in all of that, have I not carved out the time to spend with my Father?

I went upstairs and dug out my favorite, red-cover Bible. Most often now, I use my Kindle version, but there’s something healing and filling for me when I sit down with a real, tangible Bible and a pen. I read. I marked. I made notes. I wrote myself little reminders in code. Added happy faces when I came across something that made me thankful or just smile. :) Those are my ways to document how God is speaking and what He’s saying.

And it had been far too long since I’d spent time with my Father in this way.

I don’t share this with you to make you be all, Oooooh, Mel…she’s so wonderful.

I’m not.

Because I know what my heart has been like the past few weeks. I know the thoughts I’ve had. I know the mean things I’ve said. I’m very, very painfully aware of feelings that I may have hurt by not thinking before I spoke.

I know how much I’ve reveled in a life surrounded by others…forgetting to surround myself with my Father.

Those things…friends, church, helping, serving, coffee, play dates…can only fill a person so much. Don’t get me wrong. They’re great. But if I’m relying on them for my complete satisfaction, I’ve completely missed the point.

I recently had Psalm 63:7 stitched onto a key fob. In the past year, I’ve considered it my verse…I have a lot of them :) but this one has really special meaning. I almost feel like God wrote it just for ME.

For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I will sing for JOY. (Psalm 63:7 ESV)

I hopped over to the chapter to re-read the context surrounding it, and I was amazed that it was exactly where I am right now. David is writing from the wilderness, and he just talks about how dry he feels and how he longs to be filled in only a way that God can fill. And, not only does he long for that, he trusts that God will give what he needs.

And while he’s doing the waiting and the trusting? He’s got his hands lifted up, giving all the praise to God.

WOW…what a poignant reminder for me this morning. I hate how I let myself get to the point of utter exhaustion and emptiness before I run to Him in desperation. I want to be the kind of person who will keep my hands lifted to Him on the good days and the bad, trusting that He will give because He’s promised He will.


Still (Part 2)

So last night I shared a song. :)

Tonight I’ll talk a little more and attempt to tie together my very scattered thoughts. :)

I’ve known for a long time that we’re blessed. Though Tobin and I don’t have a lot of extra money, whenever I take the time to sit down and look around me, I know we’ve been given so much.

I see it everywhere.

And I’m not talking about material possessions.

We moved to Illinois with a teeny-tiny, baby girl on a hot, July day in 2010. I remember that day, as we sat on the front porch waiting for our realtor to arrive with a key, how completely unsure I was of the life that swirled around me. I was scared of what it might take to find friends, worried about being accepted into a community.

I specifically remember, that day, being so fidgety and nervous to the point of feeling like I needed to sprint a few laps around our new house. (I didn’t, though, because who runs laps six weeks after a C-section? ;)) No, I just needed to move and shake out some of the uncertainty that plagued me.

Because I truly wondered what kind of chapter God was writing for us.

Most of you know the story…in almost-two years, we’ve seen just about every emotion multiple times. There have been some pretty high mountains and some pretty low valleys. Many amazing blessings and a few I didn’t view as such. Times when we anticipated the future with excitement and other moments when we had no idea how to move forward.

And, yet, when I think of these words…

Hide me now, under Your wings. Cover me within Your mighty hand…
When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm.
Father, you are King over the flood, and I will be still and know You are God.

Perhaps being still…those lessons in silence and waiting and wondering and praying, those things which all lead to TRUST…is what He had for me in these years.

And? What He is still teaching me through situations that don’t go as I expect. Perhaps, that JOY is given regardless of circumstances if I’m willing to surrender to His will.

This past Monday afternoon, we were hanging around church after VBS had ended. I stood there chatting with a friend and was amazed…COMPLETELY…by the number of people surrounding my daughter. Hugging her, talking to her, playing with her, chasing her up and down the aisles, (…ahem) showering love on her.


On that July afternoon, as I fed Maelie her bottle and let my tears drip down onto her onesie, I never even dreamed we’d be given something so precious.

A community of believers who have become family.

As I processed that thought and continued to watch people love my girl, my heart felt like it was going to burst from complete JOY.

And when I stop to think about those moments of unknown two summers ago, I am reminded that there will be more. And, just as He has given so many blessings, there’s no reason for me to think that He won’t continue doing just that if I keep walking with Him.



And taking time to be still and know that He is God.

He’s SO Good.

And I pray that He will remind me of that every day of my life.


Still (Part 1)

I’m gonna do something a bit different tonight.

I’ve had several nights of deep(er) writing, and though I have lots of thoughts for tonight, I’m going to break them up a little and finish tomorrow.

For tonight, I’m going to share a song. I was singing it to myself earlier today, and then I remembered it was one of the songs we sang our first Sunday visiting what would become our church.

As I thought about the words to it, it took on a deeper meaning and puts into words so well the story of my life the last two years. And I love it that, in a way, this song was the beginning of a wonderful chapter in our lives. :)

So here it is…and I’ll be back tomorrow.


A Lesson From a Dead Daisy Plant

A couple months ago I planted daisy seeds in a cute, little tin pail.

I had originally wanted to put several plants in our backyard, but being indecisive, I-don’t-know-what-I-want, ME, a plan was never really made. Plus, those who know me understand that planting anything or keeping flowers/plants alive? I don’t really do that so much. (I just need HELP so if any of you who have a green thumb wanna offer some assistance…well, you know where to find me.) πŸ˜‰

But I was browsing in Target (shocker, I know) and happened to wander through the dollar section. There was this uber-adorable little pink-and-white tin pail on clearance for probably a quarter and then a little tiny package of daisy seeds.

And right there, in the dollar section, I decided that I was going to grow myself a some daisies. :)

I figured it couldn’t hurt to try, though the fact that I purchased my supplies in the Target Dollar Section probably speaks something about the success of the project…keep reading. πŸ˜‰

So my awesome hubby filled up the little pail with dirt for me, and I planted the seeds, plopped that little pail on my kitchen window sill, determined that I was going to have some pretty daisies.

Lo, and behold, several days later those seeds started to sprout!

I am pretty sure I got very excited at the sight of green poking through the dirt. Like possibly do-a-little-happy-dance-around-the kitchen excited.

Maybe that happened. πŸ˜‰

For almost two months the green kept growing taller and taller…and I kept hoping to see that little sign that there was a flower about to appear…

But, alas…

In a moment of frustration a few days ago, I finally pitched the plant outside, giving up all hope that I’d actually get A. DAISY.

I didn’t technically throw it…I just placed it out on the back patio, knowing that Maelie would find it and play with it. (Which she did.) πŸ˜‰

That “daisy” came up in a conversation today, and as I was thinking about it later, I wondered something.

What if I’d been willing to wait longer? I mean, it’s not like I’ve ever grown flowers. I. Don’t. Know. how long it takes for that to happen. I just had “the way it should be” in my mind and let that be my Truth.

Sometimes I’m that way with life. (Or maybe more-than-sometimes…)

I have it in my head how things should be…and I often forget to consider that God’s ways don’t always look like mine.

There are times when He asks me to wait. I think back to a year ago when we were still waiting on our house. He had it all planned out for us, but in that waiting, He taught us a lesson in trust.

I’ve had to wait for other things in life, too. We all have. But He always shows His faithfulness…the kind of faithfulness that makes me wonder why I ever doubted Him.

That poor little daisy “plant” could have been pretty, I think.

But I never consider something that becomes a reminder of Truth a complete waste.


It Rained Today

I remember the first time I had to say goodbye to a friend.

I was about six years old, and my good friend from the neighborhood was moving with her family to Texas. I was young, but I remember so much about that day…including the amount of rain that fell.

And we’re not talking from the sky.

She and her family left early that Saturday morning. I sobbed as I watched them drive away…and I never saw her again.

Over the years there have been other goodbyes. Friends have come and gone, hearts hurt, more tears have fallen…because that’s what happens with life and comings and goings.

Our time in Indonesia taught me much about saying goodbye…because it happened all the time. People…friends, students, teachers…were always in transition. And though I am generally an emotional person, I had to learn to control the amount of rain that fell.

I couldn’t let every single goodbye devastate me. And at a not-so-young age, I finally found some way to properly grasp saying goodbye.

One of the most valuable life lessons I took away from our time overseas was the concept of RAFTing. Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewell, Think Destination. As we faced many goodbyes of friends who left us and then became the ones who were leaving, these concepts helped us end one chapter of our lives and look forward to the next.

Today I said goodbye to a friend.

When I woke up this morning and realized what day it was, I was briefly tempted to just text her a goodbye, apologizing that I never made it over. Then I caught myself.

We live less than five minutes away and Maelie and I had nothing on our schedule for the day.

So we had no excuses.

Added to that, the one thing that has stuck with me through all the goodbyes I’ve said is that friends need to know that they are valued and loved. They need to be affirmed. And, whenever possible, they need to hear it from us. In person.

So I texted her, we figured out a time, and Maelie and I stopped over.

We ended up staying for over an hour…just talking, catching up a bit, laughing, talking about the future…and crying.

It was good to let the rain fall for my friend, this woman who was part of a group who gave me community when it was my turn to be the new girl. We bonded over Iowa talks and park get-togethers and late, summer-night workouts. She always had a smile, was such an encourager, and I truly value her friendship…even though it will now be across hundreds of miles.

It rained today.

It rained tears of thanks and sadness and JOY all mingled with the hope that we have in our Father.

And though it rained, it wasn’t really a goodbye kind of rain. It was that I’ll see you…soon kind of rain. And I will.

Goodbye, my friend. I will miss you.



Through Leaves

The sunshine is back. That’s very good news. :)

And it was one of those days…just sunny and nice enough to be comfortable but not warm enough for my standard summer outfit…shorts and a tank top. (I tried but was way too cold.)

So I settled for jeans and my current-favorite black warm up jacket over that tank top, grabbed my guitar, and plopped down into my favorite chair out on the back patio while Maelie played this afternoon.

I strummed for a bit, worked on a few new chords, quickly lost my patience for learning anything new, put my guitar down, kicked my feet up, and stared into the trees.

I love the feel of the full-on sun on my face. I’m not the bronze-obsessed girl I used to be, but I still love a little color and the sun’s warmth as it beats down on me. Unfortunately, because of the time of day it was, all I could have were the little strips of golden sunshine poking through tree branches and leaves.

It frustrated me for a minute, but as I kept my eyes fixed on those leaves, it hit me.

While I might not have been getting the sunshine I wanted, what I had was still beautiful.

Life is kind of like that. We have this expected idea of all that is beauty and good, and it’s all we want. Today…it was worth it. To let go of my desire for sunshine and to see the beauty, instead, through the leaves.


Lessons From a Walk in the Valley

Before you start reading this, please know that it’s not directed at any one person. It’s just me talking, sharing life, thinking thoughts aloud…while drinking coffee ’cause I promised you all a coffee date, didn’t I?


I even brewed the coffee late at night because I have this idea in my head that words come out easier when there’s caffeine involved. I’m not sure that’s far from the truth at all. :)

Staring out the window on this last-day-of-May afternoon, it’s cloudy, gloomy, and rainy. And? COLD…40’s in May?! REALLY?!?! I’ve got socks on, a running jacket over my shirt, and the sweater that my sweet friend literally gave me off her back over of all of that.

I’m cozy. Really.

But a person is not supposed to be COZY on May 31. More like hot…or at least warm…and in shorts and a tank top. πŸ˜‰

Ok, not sure where that tangent came from. Down to business. Remember, this IS how I write. I joke for a bit before I get to the deep stuff. (Do you think that’s healthy? I’m not convinced. Just sayin’.)

So you may have noticed the lack of depth in the things I’ve been writing lately. I seem to go through those spurts, and after almost a year and a half of continuous blogging, it’s finally starting to NOT freak me out anymore. Because I know my words will be back eventually.

Life just feels like a long-stretching valley right now. There are little joys like pool-splashing and hugs from friends and bits of encouragement here and there, but lately, more down days than up.

For someone who is generally happy-go-lucky, fun, and full of spunk…that’s hard.

I wish the days were always sunny and that the smiles came easier and that I felt my purpose was being fulfilled and that am someone.

I don’t want to talk about the big D word, but sometimes I think we shove it under the rug, hoping that if we ignore depression that it will just go away and life will be rainbows and cupcakes again. (Hey…you know me and cake. I had to throw that in!)

I’m not talking about this to make you feel bad for me. Don’t. It’s life, and we all have those days even if we don’t want to admit it.

Honestly, it bothers me that Tobin and I are coming up on a decade of marriage…and our lives still don’t feel settled.

On the outside, it looks that they are. We bought a house we love. We have a car. Two, even. We are parents to the most amazing little girl the world has ever known. (Ok, I’m biased. ;)) But she is pretty wonderful. We have two golden retrievers who mean a lot to us. We’re surrounded by friends in this community who have loved on us without knowing how badly we needed that love. And we are blessed in those ways and many, many more…Beyond. Measure.

But it’s often that those things buried or hidden behind closed doors are what tear at a person’s heart and being the most.

It isn’t that I’m not happy with Tobin. We love each other and have chosen to stick things out while holding hands…despite many, many differences that could have driven us apart. And while we love big, we also disagree big…and that’s no secret to people who know us best. It’s personality type, partly. We really are the poster children(?) for the saying, Opposites Attract. And I guess I find it frustrating…and in some ways hurtful…that we are still battling through things after almost a decade together. I feel like we should have this figured out by now.

We’re aware of it, but it’s hard to know what to do about it. Just giving each moment to our Father, trusting that He is always Good.

I’m also struggling with parenting. I adore Maelie, and she is the sunshine of my day. Completely. But sometimes her almost-two-ness is just insanely in-my-face, and my normally decent amount of patience comes crashing down. It can be easy to let those moments discourage me for days, though she is the picture of forgiveness and love. Those times sure don’t bring out the best in me as a mommy, though, and I hate that because I love her and want the best for her.

And along with parenting comes the question that I don’t want to hear…that I don’t always have an answer for. Are you planning to have more?

Here’s the thing. Though I’m sometimes tempted to give the snippy reply, I wasn’t planning to have one, that’s not really how I want to respond.

The truth is that Maelie is a blessing we can’t put into words. After that adoption mess and struggling with pregnancy, I had started to think it might not happen for us. And when it did, I told God from the beginning that I knew He would help me be satisfied with whatever He gave.

I truly am. I just love the JOY that is my little girl SO. SO. MUCH. And if she is our only child here on earth, that’s ok. It’s more than ok…it’s amazing.

But it still hurts to think about more kids, which seems like a direct contradiction of what I just said. I can’t explain it, but some of you get it. There are what ifs and maybe somedays that creep in sometimes and cause my mind to go to places it shouldn’t.

I believe fully in God’s perfect plan, and clearly this bubbly, sweet, wonderful girl is the part of the plan He’s chosen to give us at this moment.

And part of walking through this time, this valley, is learning what He has for me. Growing in the Grace He has given. Honoring Him on days that are less than easy. Choosing JOY.

I’m really trying to grow through these days that are challenging and remind myself that God gives us times that are tough to remind us that He is our Help and our Comforter and our Hope and our Healer…and so much more.

It’s been a blessing to reflect on all He is…and who I am in Him.

Really, a sinner saved only by Grace.

And because I can’t leave this post on that kind of note, and because I’m a little wired on caffeine, here are a couple fun things.

Well, I think they’re fun. πŸ˜‰

First up…a photo. Yes, I am a dork and took a picture of myself. πŸ˜‰ Here’s the haircut. It’s actually more choppy than it looks. But since it’s after 10 pm and I just washed it, it’ll look better once I sleep on it…yay for a haircut where bedhead actually works to my advantage! :)

And, for some reason I thought you should know that I bought a shirt at the rummage sale at our church for $.50. It’s orange. It’s cute. And though I rarely wear orange, since it’s cute, I’m going to wear it tomorrow. Did I mention it’s cute?! I don’t have a picture of that, but maybe I’ll take one for you all. (Or have someone else take it ’cause I don’t want to be too dorky. ;))

Thanks for listening, for loving, for being here…even if I act like a dork sometimes.

Grin. :)
