Daddy, Mommy, and Maelie

I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile.

When I see Mae right next to her daddy, I always think she looks like

him. Everyone else seems to think the same thing, too.

I didn’t have photos for both of us that were at exactly one year, but these are close enough.

When I look at both of our baby pictures, maybe there is a little hope that there’s some of her mommy in there


Enjoy. :)

First up? The real star of the show…not the greatest shot of her, but it works. Who do you think she looks like


Ok, now me…I think this pic is close to 1 1/2 years old. And, yeah, I had a ton of hair.

And the hubby…by the way, Happy Father’s Day, honey!

πŸ˜€ My guess is that this one is about the same time frame for Tob…but we weren’t really sure.


Dear Daughter,

14 June 2011

My sweet Maelie,

Today you turned one year old.

It was a day full of laughter and love and memories.

As any special day goes, it seemed too short, and now I sit here on the couch as you sleep peacefully upstairs, wondering where the days have gone.

How can you be one already


The day you were born was the best day of my life.

They brought you over to me, and…you were everything I’d ever dreamed of and so much more. I remember how tiny and perfect you felt in my arms and how you snuggled up to me immediately.

I fell overwhelmingly and completely in love.

And somehow that day, exactly one year ago, feels like it was just minutes ago. Time has truly flown.

In between then and now there

were milestones, memories, pictures…all things that will remind us of the days that have passed.

But I have to admit to you that it’s bittersweet to realize that you are no longer a baby but a little girl.

And though I miss those cuddles and close moments, I absolutely adore the little girl you are becoming.

You amaze me each day when you discover something new, laugh at something (or nothing!), give love to those around you, and light up the room simply be being there.

You are truly special, a cherished gift from God.

There are so many things that your daddy and I dream for you, but we know that in the end, your dreams belong to you. The one thing we desire more than anything, though, is that you grow up to love God and serve Him with your life, however and wherever that may be. We pray every day that you will do just that.

And we will continue to pray that every day of your life.

In another short year, I’ll be writing you again, amazed by the fact that yet another year has flown by. I know that there will be more milestones and memories, but at this moment I want to savor here and now.

My sweet girl, you have added so much joy to our lives, and we are so very thankful for you.

Happy 1st Birthday!

I’ll love you forever!



Maelie gave us a little scare tonight.

She’d been sleeping for over an hour when we heard her cry out through the monitor.

It took both me and Tobin a few seconds to decipher her cry. Like any parent knows…it’s true that you can tell the difference between their cries.

Often Mae will cry from her crib in protest if she wakes up in the middle of the night. (Yeah…she’s not a fan of the sleeping thing.) When she does this we usually ignore it unless it continues for more than a couple minutes, which it hardly ever does.

However, this cry was not a whiny, I’m-so-not-wanting-to-be-in-my-crib cry. It was a I-need-you-now cry.

And it was Loud.

It’s funny that Tobin and I almost argued about who would go check on her. I won for a minute but told him to come up with me anyway.

When I opened the door Mae’ s nur

sery, it only took me a second to realize why she was crying. She’d gotten her leg wedged between the bars in her crib and it was twisted against the wall. It was virtually impossible for her to free herself from the position she was in.

But with the help of Tobin, her leg was free in just a few seconds. She cried a bit longer and wanted to be held and comforted by both of us.

Five minutes later, she was asleep again and is (hopefully) out for the night. (Thank you, God, for a daughter who sleeps peacefully through most nights. Really, thank You.)

After that little episode, I decided I needed to regroup and fight the writer’s block I’d been attempt ing to battle through for an hour with a long soak

in the tub. (Just a side note here, I take a lot of baths. That is to make up for the FIVE YEARS I spent without access to a bathtub.

For some reason, I felt you needed to know that.)

And while I was soaking and trying not to think,

I related my experience with Mae tonight to that of the Father.

How He recognizes our cries and responds to them.

He doesn’t always comfort us in the same way, but rather He gives us what He knows will best help us in that particular situation.

Sometimes that need is just a friend to listen or cry to.

Sometimes it’s an encouraging verse or Scripture passage. Sometimes it’s an e-mail or note from a friend.

Sometimes it’s a hug. Sometimes it’s alone time to teach me that He is enough.

But He always comforts, reminding me that He is near, even if I don’t always feel His presence.

Just my little piece of wisdom for tonight.

:) Happy Friday!


Counting Blessings

Just a few thoughts today.

We are headed to Iowa in a couple hours and will be gone til Wednesday…but I won’ t be gone from

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the blog. Promise. :)

I’m not gonna lie…it’s been a hard week.

It’s been busy…and a good kind of busy, but there have been some tough moments wrapped up in the week, too.

I’d much rather be running around than be stuck at home for days at a time, though…so it was good to have my mind occupied.

(Not sure how I survived winter…)

Anyway, today’s that kind of day where I need to count the blessings instead of the things that have kept me on the verge of tears for days. Isn’t it amazing how we just naturally tend to focus on all the bad stuff


So let’s look at some good.

And smile. Lots of smiling.

It’s good for the heart. :)

πŸ˜€ Rummage Sale. That’s one thing that kept me busy this week. Immanuel’s PTL (the parent association) had its annual rummage sale this past Thursday-Sunday.

I showed up to help out because there was no good reason to not go…I have more free time than most people, and because people = fun. (Even if I’m working!) It was fun to get out, do something for a good cause, and get to know some people better, too. (And I’m still pretty proud of the Jeep Stroller I managed to snag at the sale, too.


πŸ˜€ Park. Yay for warm weather and being outside! Maelie and I had a lot of fun with a bunch of friends on Thursday morning at the park. We both got a little pink… thankfully I put sunblock on her!

It was fun, though.

πŸ˜€ Pedicure. I’m throwing this one in here because it had been over a year since I’d had one. Therefore, completely justified. Even for this super-ticklish girl, there is almost no better way to spend an hour than to have someone ELSE make my toes pretty.

πŸ˜€ Random naps.

I have napped in the strangest places over the past few weeks.

I’ve taken a couple outside in the yard, one on the porch with my feet sticking up in the air…no idea HOW I managed that one, and just a few minutes ago I woke up from a power nap I accidentally took while blogging. And I never sleep sitting up, so I MUST be tired!

πŸ˜€ Music. I love it. I th ink you know that if you read this blog once

in awhile. πŸ˜‰ Listening to it, making it…it’s all good. We sang Glorious Day (Casting Crowns) this morning at church…I just love that song. It made my heart happy.

πŸ˜€ Road trips. Maybe. Honestly, I don’t love long trips, but sometimes they’re necessary. Like when a sweet former student is graduating or a sweet little girl is turning one and needs to celebrate. So I’m trying to be happy about the impending road trip we are beginning in just a couple of hours. We chose to leave in the evening hoping that Mae will sleep most of the trip and through the night. (The last two hours of the drive yesterday were kind of brutal. Earplugs, anyone?) Please pray for safety and for a happy little chica.

πŸ˜€ Golden retriever love. Oh, the exuberance these boys bring to my days. As often as I get annoyed by the constant love-in-my-face all the time, I love my dogs.

πŸ˜€ My sweet girl. I don’t give thanks for her enough…but I am thankful for her. Every. Single. Day.

πŸ˜€ My hard-working hubby. In any relationship, it’s easy to look at the negatives, but really, there’s a lot of good with us. I love him, even on the hard days.

Ok, I could keep going, but really…we leave in an hour, and I’m not done packing yet…for me or my girl. I’ll see ya next time…from Iowa!


Five Minute Friday: On Forgetting

Today I’m linking up with the Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. Join me!

And for more great Five Minute Friday stories, click here!

Oh, and the guidelines: Write for five minutes.

No editing, revising, or w

orrying. Just write. There is no right or wrong.

Today’s Topic: On Forgetting

Today I snuggled up with my daughter

as she took her afternoon bottle before

her nap. This is not an unusual occurrence…she will let me cuddle her as long as she’s got her “ba-ba.” :) However, this afternoon was different.

I started to think…and remember.

The first time I held her…how tiny, new, and perfect she was in my inexperienced mom my arms.

I couldn’t believe that this was my daughter. It was the most euphoric, wonderful feeling of my life.

And while I haven’t forgotten that I was happy, I have forgotten just exactly what that joy felt like.

The first weeks were one big lesson in mommyhood.

The late, sleepless nights; the random feedings at insane hours; the pacing up and down the hallways to get her to sleep at 2 a.m….at the time, it felt like such a chore, but it was precious bonding time.

And while I haven’t forgotten the pacing and the late nights, I have forgotten the feeling of having this tiny baby nestled in my arms.

The next months…as she grew, changed, learned to roll over, “talk”, crawl, (almost) pull herself up…I watched in amazement as my daughter became a little person capable of so many things.

It’s been magic to watch.

And while I haven’t forgotten the joy of watching her grow, I’m afraid that I might forget how new and exciting each little step is for her.

My girl will turn one year old in just a few weeks. My tiny, precious baby girl…is no longer a baby.

She’s turning into a beautiful little girl…one who fills up my heart and makes me thankful to be her mommy every single day.

I love these moments, and I want to freeze time.

Because I never, ever want to forget them.


Pouring the Coffee on a Freezing Day

Holy cow, it’

s FUR-EEZING outside! I think it’s 50 or so on May 26th.


So, yes, I’ve had my Diet Coke today, but right now I’m having coffee, too. And typing this while covered with a flannel blanket. And wishing that my daughter would just SLEEP…because she’

s slept a grand total of ten minutes all day. I need more sleep than she does, apparently…which is scary because I can survive on very, very little.

(Correction: I can survive, but that doesn’t mean I’m pleasant. So, really, I should get my sleep.)

Speaking of, it’s been a week of little sleep. I hate how stress affects me…mostly in the area of inability TO sleep for more than a few hours at a time.

I’ll wake up, toss and turn, and maybe…if I’m lucky…get back to sleep again.

Perhaps a nap would be a better use of my time than blogging right now…we shall see. But for those of you who are interested, I’m drinking coffee (now half-caf…yay for REAL caffeine!) with butter pecan creamer. Yeah, it’s pretty yummy. Out of my brown and lime green mug with a flower on it that Tobin bought for me in Indonesia when I was having a really rough week.


Based on some info in the previous paragraph, you may have figured out that I’ ve finally weaned Maelie.

It’s better for both of us.

She’s independent now and capable of giving herself a bottle without my help. But she still lets me snuggle her while she drinks it if I want to…but she’s just as happy not being held. So it’s a win-win.

I think I may be raising a girl who’s just as social as her mommy, too. I tend to get grumpy if I go more than a day or so without seeing a friend or getting out of the house. Apparently, so does she. Yesterday morning, she was just a wreck. In all fairness, we hadn’t been out since Sunday, so part of it was justified. She whimpered and cried most of the way to Judson when we took Tob to work and most of the way home. Then we headed to a friend’s house for the Oprah party, I plopped her on the ground with some other little kids, and she was as happy as anything… for over an hour.

So apparently I need to fill up our schedule with play dates! πŸ˜€

So sometime during our coffee date, the story of my “crappy” day will probably spill out. (No pun intended…seriously.)

And, really, it’s ok to laugh now. Cause I will laugh as I recall it.

It started on Tuesday morning around 9 a.m. I had changed Mae’s diaper not too long before but thought I smelled something. I waited it out for a few, but it still smelled and so I carried her upstairs to change the diaper, not realizing that she had exploded out of it completely.

All over my tank top.

We changed the diaper, I changed my shirt, and all was well…or, so we thought.

About an hour later, the dogs were being obnoxious on the porch; I herded them inside to bring peace to the entire neighborhood. Andre kept begging me to go back to the porch…that’s what I thought, anyway.

He was, in fact, begging me to go outside because his poor puppy tummy was upset. Well, I didn’t get the hint, and I paid for it big time.

I was sitting on the couch when he came over to me, squatted, and had diarrhea all over the floor.

It got my jeans and would have gotten the couch if (thank you, God!) a blanket hadn’t been covering it.

So I just cleaned it up (changed clothes AGAIN), threw some laundry in, and called my husband for some sympathy. And took the poor doggy outside again. :(

Later on, the icing on the cake occurred. Really, I’ve just been waiting for this to happen. It was bound to at some point!

I was frazzled from the “poopy” morning and not really thinking clearly. I had mixed up Maelie’s bottle and went to pour it into the liner (we use drop ins) and…


I totally forgot the liner.

Formula went EVERYWHERE. (And out of the three messes within the span of two hours or so? This was was the worst to clean up.) It was all over the counter, floor, and garbage can. Nasty. (Formula, in my opinion, rivals the smell of poop.)

It was one of those comical moments where I was: a) SO glad no one was watching; and b) not sure whether to laugh or cry.

(I chose to laugh.)

We managed to get through the rest of the day with nothing too major other than another diaper blowout that, thankfully, didn’t get all over me again.

But really…sometimes when it rains it pours…or maybe there’s some random poop analogy, but I think I’ll leave that alone. Unless you want to share one. :)

I’m looking forward to my hubby’s long weekend. We don’t have a ton planned, but he mentioned a parade on Sunday. That’s cool. We haven’t gone to one with Maelie yet…and I’m a teensy bit (or a lot!) excited about it. We’ll probably find some things to keep us busy or at least entertained. And I also have a birthday party to plan for my girl…

I don’t know how I feel about that yet. Is she REALLY almost one? Golly gee, time flies.

Well, my toes are frozen…I’m thinking it’s time to go find some socks.



I have a serious problem with this.

However, my feet are cold, so I’m off to fix that.

Hope you are all having a wonderful week. Thanks for joining me!


Her Mommy’s Daughter?

I snapped this picture yesterday…

Maelie might not look like me, but she is most definitely my daughter.

We’ll h ave her hitting

a volleyb

all in no time!

(Just look at that concentration!)

And…one of my favorite mommy/ daughter photos so far.

I just love my beautiful girl!


Rockin’ the Random

Seriously, my brain must be exhausted.

‘Cause other than a way deep post that might make it to the blog tomorrow, the only things left swimming around in my brain are random.

So random is what you get tonight!

I got my eyes checked today for the first time in, I don’t know, eight years? I sort of got lectured, too, on the importance of having them checked once. a. year.


Is this news to anyone else?

The good news…my eyesight has actually improved. YAY! The bad…I still need glasses. (insert sarcasm) YAY! Which is not really a surprise since I knew I should be wearing them for the last several years but just never did. My new ones are cute, though.

A little funky.

Let’s just say they make me look like a writer. Which is what I am, so it’s all good. :)

I should get them next week, and if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get a pic. Maybe. If you’re nice.

One of my dogs is deathly afraid of thunderstorms. Which is shocking to us because it stormed ALL the time in Indonesia, and both of the dogs were just fine during those storms. We got hit with a crazy storm on Wednesday…and Sammy proved to me just how tough he is not. For half an hour I was racing around the house trying to get a bunch of things done before waking up Maelie so we could go pick up Tobin from work.

That dog would not back off me at all.

Not only did he need to be close to me, he needed to be touching me.

He just could not settle down. And I have no idea what happened or why he is suddenly afraid.

Any thoughts on that?

Our Maelie girl is 11 months old today. And that’s all I have to say about that because I really can’ t believe i

t. And she proved what a big girl she is today by taking TWO naps IN HER CRIB.

(FYI: This is an extremely rare occurrence.) I am so proud of her.

:) And thinking that maybe, just maybe, we are nearing what people would term “normal”.

I am not a fan of the weather today. After three days in the 80’s and one in the 70’s, it is not ok that today is in the 50’s! I am cold. Yet I do not want to wear socks. Therefore, my feet are very cold.

Hmph! It’s. Not. Fair.

And for whatever reason, I have been dying to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic.

(I own it, but it’s oh-so-much-more-fun with a friend!) I actually really enjoyed the books, but they didn’t make the luggage cut when we moved back from Indo, so I haven’t read them recently.

Funny storylines, but definitely written by an author who is a little more “free” with her language.

But if you can get past that, totally hilarious books.

What, I’m writing book reviews now? (Hey…that could be an idea…)

Um, maybe not.

At least not now, although I did read an excellent book this week that maybe I’ll talk about later. :)

I really should go. I have a lot to get done tonight before a busy morning at church tomorrow.

Hope you all are having a fantastic weekend.

Thanks for reading!


For My Girl

May 8, 2011

Dear Maelie,

It might seem a little odd that I’m writing to you on my very first Mother’s Day. But there are some things I want you to know, my girl, because I love you.

God took your daddy and me on a journey, one that was not what we had imagined at all, before he made us parents. And because of the waiting, heartache, and tears, we know that you are that much more special. Through all of that, He had you picked out for us!

Our little Mae, you are so very loved and treasured.

When I first found out I was expecting you, I was SO EXCITED. (It was really hard to keep it a secret for a few weeks!) Over time, I was convinced you were a boy. (Isn’t that so funny?) But deep down I w anted

a girl, and God knew that and gave me the desire of my heart.

You made my dreams come true on June 14, 2010, when you made your entrance into this big, crazy world. I couldn’t wait to hold you, love you, hug you, kiss you, snuggle you, pray for you…be mommy to you. You came out ready for all of that…and at the same time, marching to the beat of your own drum.

I like that.

I like it that you’ve found your own rhythm so early in life. There’s gonna be a lot of dancing going on in our house as you grow up!

You’re going to learn a lot of steps from me, and you’ll teach me some, too. And we’ll figure out this mother/daughter dance of life together. It’ ll be fun.


I also want you to know how much I love dreaming BIG dreams for you. As fun as it is to imagine what you might be like, though, I want your dreams to be

your own. I know God will give you those dreams, and I can’t wait to see who you will become!

With everything in me, I want you to be a girl who grows up to love Jesus and others.

Your daddy and I want you to see the world and learn to love

the beauty of diversity. (But take your time growing up because the first year has already gone by too quickly!)

I love you so much, my sweet girl. And even though it’s Mother’s Day, today I celebrate you.

Because you are what makes me mama…and you make my life so much sweeter, so much more beautiful, and so much more blessed.

May you find God’s blessings in each moment and grow to love Him more and more each day.

I’ll love you forever,


Five Minute Friday: Motherhood Should Come With…

Today I’m linking up with the Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday.

Join me!

And for more great Five Minute Friday stories, click here!

Oh, and the guidelines: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, or w

orrying. Just write.

So, just write, I will!

Today’s Topic: Motherhood Should Come With…

…a manual containing the answers to every potential question a mom has

ever had, currently has, or is about to have.

…two extra hours in the day to give me time to actually do my makeup before I get in the car to go somewhere…and maybe so I can squeeze in that yoga workout that

I never quite find the time for.

(Really, why am I stopping at two? Make it six!)

…a coffee maker that just keeps brewing all day long.

Without me actually having to get up and keep it going…

…the ability to sleep anywhere.

(I think I’ve got that one now!)

…a daily hug and some words of encouragement, just so I know I’m doing okay with the mom thing.

…infinite amounts of patience and perseverance.

…understanding that no child is perfect, but my child is perfect for me.

a ten pound bag of dark chocolate M&M’s and twelve cases of Diet Coke.

(That’ll get me through the first month!)

…more love than I ever thought possible.

Yeah, I got that one, too.

Love my girl.


more grace. Grace for myself as I make and learn from mistakes, grace for those around me who are often just trying to help, and an acceptance of it from those who have been there.

…a badge of honor.

Because being a mommy is my favorite thing in the world.

