
For weeks I have felt the words burning on the tip of my..well, fingertips. 😉

I know what I want to say, but I can’t say it.

I feel all of the emotions that go along with those words, but I can’t express them.

My heart is ready to share, but for whatever reason it’s not happening. I don’t know how to be able to communicate something when the words just aren’t there.

I feel like there’s been a collision of some sort inside me…my normal, don’t-step-on-anyone’s-toes conscience colliding with my you-need-to-share-what’s-going-on-no-matter-what heart.

But as any writer knows, I can’t force the words. I can’t tell a story that’s not ready to be told…nor can I share emotions that I can’t understand.

I told myself to write every day for a year, not thinking I would ever experience this kind of writer’s block. It’s brutal…and I’m starting to wonder if the words will ever be back.

But I also know myself and the things I am passionate about…and so I know the words will return.

I have to trust what I know even when I’m not feeling it.

I’m a writer, it’s very much a part of who I am…and that’s not going anywhere.

So today, I write about not being able to


Maybe soon, I will actually write.

Maybe tomorrow.

And if anyone has been dying to do a guest post for me, now would be an excellent time to volunteer!






  1. What would be the worst case scenario, in your mind, of sharing no matter if it did step on someone’s toes?

    I will always Mel, always, lean into the share your heart freely vs. suffocating your true self because someone may get their feelers hurt. And I mean that in the most godly way I can. I’m obviously not talking about evil, wicked or sinful things. I’m talking about enjoying the freedom you have in Christ to be and share what He is doing in your heart and life and marriage and parenting……whatever that means! It’s not going to be the same as everyone reading. Your struggle, your ideas, your path…..but by God if He has you on it….share! And share freely!

    That’s this prodigals encouragement for you today!

    Loving you freely! Wherever you happen to be!

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