What’s Your Passion?

So I sorta got hotheaded passionate about something today at the end of Bible study.

I don’t think I even realized quite how passionate I was about it until I completely spilled it out while standing on my soapbox.

I mentioned the TOMS One Day Without Shoes…not really as a way to pressure people

to go barefoot with me, but to let them know about it.

Because I? Think it’s an amazing, awesome way to raise awareness for something that is close to my heart…the millions of kids who go without shoes each day.

I’ve seen these kids.

I’ve played soccer with these kids.

I’ve played with baby alligators with these kids. (True story…for later, maybe. :))

I’ve told these kids about Jesus.

I’ve been hugged by these kids with a fierceness that could have broken my heart in two.

This is a cause close to my heart…a passion to see something in the world change.

Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

My passion is to be that change… to make a little spark that might turn in

to something more.

But I have to make sure that my passion doesn’t turn me into a hotheaded, stubborn, arrogant person who won’t listen to other people’s opinions…and passions.

Because we all have different things we’re passionate about.

My view of the world is not the same as that of the person next to me.

The things that stir our hearts are different because we are different.

So what makes your heart bleed? What is the change you wish to be? Please share. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011, is One Day Without Shoes.

I’d love it if you’d jo in me by go

ing barefoot in support of kids all over the world.

And I’ll still love you if you wear shoes, too.





    I’ve heard about this no shoes thing….I’d love to know more! Am I supposed to go wherever I go that particular day w/o shoes?

    What am I passionate about? uh-oh. How much time you got girl? Ha!

    I’m passionate about showing people the Jesus He has shown to me. Not burdensome, legalistic, critical or judgemental. Open armed, loving and filled with a mercy and grace I’ve never seen in Christian circles.

    And being open to people who aren’t like me but still need Jesus. Except for uber religious people. Those are the ones I need the most grace for. Oieee!

    And not being judgemental. Oh, did I mention that already? Yeah, I grew up Baptist Fundamental and it was. Bad. That, my dear, is one reason I bailed.

    The passion that never leaves my soul is wanting to be the vessel God uses to bring people back to Him. Those who bailed like me, return to the Father and His Outlandish grace! Not the perfection and rules!

    I understand the passion that gets us a little hotheaded. More than I care to say *smile*

    Happy Friday Sis *wink*

  2. Yeah, I think the idea is to just do whatever you’d do on a normal day…but barefoot. I posted the promo video on my blog about a month ago. Watch it…it’s cool. :)

    What you said about being open to people who aren’t like us but need Jesus…SO TRUE! And goes against everything I was raised with…but I’ll happily leave that one in the dust. I’d rather love people for who they are, where they are…and be an example through that love.

    You have a beautiful story, full of God’s grace and mercy. Keep sharing it. :)

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