Twitter, Here I Come!

We are once again looking at a late(r) night post. Why do I do this to myself

? :)

Today I had plenty of time to blog… I just lacked the focus to actually sit down and do it.

I got distracted by my girl (of course!), laundry, cleaning the kitchen, finally caving in and signing up

for Twitter…you know, the important th ings

in a day. :) And as a side note, it always amazes me that I can do laundry just about every day and never quite stay on top of it.

So, back to the Twitter thing.

I’ve always been curious about it.

Really. I think that because it requires its users to be concise, it never really appealed to me.

Until now.

Everyone (or almost everyone) in the blogging world tweets.

And I don’t want to be left


So…I signed up. And found three of my favorite blogging “friends” to follow. But that’s it.

I have no followers… zip, zilch, zero.

But should you want to follow me (and you know you do!) there’s a link on the sidebar

on my blog.

I suppose I’ll figure it out sooner rather than later, but the whole idea of Twitter just makes me nervous.

So I kinda need some advice/help.

What do I need to know?

Who do you follow


And most importantly, how do I get people to follow me? :)

This cartoon isn’t new and has been on several blogs that I’ve seen. But I still think it’s cute. (And I think this is the original source.)

I’ll be tweeting with you soon! :)




  1. Congratulations! I tried twitter but found my sensitive ego couldn’t handle the constant “number” of followers staring at me! Loser, loner, and stoopid kept creeping into my head. So, I decided to hang up the tweets and defy the crowds of people doing it. So, good luck *wink*

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