
It’s three in the morning, and I’m still tossing.

Thankful that the couch is comfy, but clearly not enough for actual sleep. (Hubby is sick. We don’t sleep in the same bed when one of us is sick. Just sayin’. ;))

The sound of his occasional cough is the only sound that breaks the silence of the night.

And my mind wanders.

I cry for a friend who is hurting. I worry about my own struggles.

I wonder what the future might hold…and that thought scares me.

I ache for people I love and miss on the other side of the globe.

And I think about these things over and over and over while I continually turn from one side to the other, flipping my pillow every few minutes because the cold side is always the best side.

This goes on for hours, I’m sure.

At one point I fumble for my cell phone and see 3:47 flash at me.


I talk to Him about the same things I’ve been sharing for the past few hours…staring into the darkness, hoping that maybe this prayer will be the one that finally gives me some sleep.

And it is in the darkness that I hear Him say,

Trust. Trust Me, for I have already been there.

In that dark, silent room…where I’m sure the clock would read somewhere in the 4’s… I finally begin to understand.

It is in the darkness that I must learn to



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