I really have no clue how today is August. Did this catch anyone else by surprise?
I knew time would fly this summer, but I didn’t expect it to go quite so quickly. But we’re coming to the end, and goodbye, July.
I usually close out each month with a list of favorite things. And when I started to make that list, I sort of started to feel guilty.
I haven’t read much of anything this month. (Though I have Wild in the Hollow sitting on the table next to me. Now I just need two or three, blissfully uninterrupted hours and a cup of coffee. I’m very much looking forward to it.) π
I haven’t watched much, either. (Except season 7 of Little House on the Prairie. I’m watching them in order. It’s not my favorite one so far, but it’s good.)
Of course I have favorite things I wear because I’m a girl and I like clothes. And hubby bought me the uber cutest, most funky dress (it has POCKETS!) from my new favorite store as a late birthday surprise, and it will be making an appearance sometime over the weekend…either at church or on our anniversary on Monday. But, really, who wants to read about another dress?
Ok, ok, so maybe you do. I’ll share someday. π
But I sort of feel like I fell off the favorite things bandwagon just a tad. So I’m going to sum up the month of July with the random of life. That’s good too, right? In this case, the random are also favorites.
Every July my sweet friend comes to visit from Texas for the month. Her parents live in our neighborhood, and so she brings her son with her, and they hang out here, visiting family while escaping the oppressive, summer-Texas heat. (I’m just guessing it’s oppressive…I’ve never actually experienced it.) π She and I have shared many coffees and long chats in the last weeks, our two kiddos have had a blast together, and we’ve so loved having them here. They’re leaving tomorrow to go home…and we’re really going to miss them. Like, the kind of missing where if I think about it too long, I’ll cry. Love you, sweet friend.
I decided I needed a summer project so I built a picnic table. (Yes, you read that right.) π Other than minimal help from my hubby, this gorgeous, yellow-and-turquoise, work of art is mine. I love it…and I look forward to many, many coffees and talks happening here. It’s technically supposed to find a home in the side yard where anyone can sit down and enjoy it, but it’s been in our backyard since I finished it. It’s also become my sanctuary and my early morning happy place. And at least for now, I need it to be that way, and it’s right. (And, also, I pretty much finger painted that flower, and I think I love it.) π
I tacked on another year this past month, and I confessed to my husband that 37 feels so much older than 36. I know it’s really all mental, but wow. I’m three years away from 40. And also three years away from a celebration of epic proportions. Let the planning commence. π
My sweet girlie heads to Kindergarten in exactly 18 days. I don’t know what to do with this, but I know the sight of her adorable little uniforms hanging in her closet about makes the dam burst. Good grief, how are we HERE? And she’s so excited so I’m cheering her on with all I have, but some days it’s not much. I just can’t believe it’s gone so fast.
And speaking of milestones, Tobin and I are celebrating 13 years on Monday. I know that in the grand scheme of life, 13 isn’t huge, but to me…to us…it feels like a place we weren’t always sure we’d see. This marriage thing is hard, and I’m pretty sure we’ve had more challenging days than easy ones. But I’m glad we stuck it out…and I’m truly looking forward to many more years with him. He’s smart, funny, an awesome daddy, takes care of us so well, and will do just about anything…however completely embarrassing and ridiculous…to make me smile. Blessed, we are. I think we’re kind of adorable, too. π
So here’s to celebrations and finding ways to squeeze out the last bits of summer. It’s been a good one…and I hope that for you, too.
Thanks for hanging around my space and for being here. Love and happy August all around!
Awe thank you so much sweet friend for the post. I will miss you guys
Hurry up December!!! Love you xoxox
Greatly and believe when I say I will think of you when I have my first sip of coffee in Texas without you
I sat down at the picnic table this morning and choked up a little when I thought of the times we shared this summer. I’m so grateful for you, my sweet friend. And, YES…hurry up, December! Love you tons!
Hey friend!!!! I have missed you! I will come stay for a month anytime you get ready. (Well not a month but a weekend for sure.) Love you!!!
I miss you, too! You are welcome here Any.Time. I mean it! Love you right back, friend.
I grew up watching Little House. I want to buy the DVDs so I can watch them in order. Love your picnic table! Have a blessed week.
Little House is just one of those classics…I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it!
Thanks for being here, friend…have a beautiful week!
Oh my – where do I even start! First off, the table is gorgeous – just a work of loveliness! And, I’m looking 40 in the face in just about 30 days – how did that happen? I don’t feel old, but my body does. π And Kindergarten, oh gosh that will just make me cry. My baby starts middle school this year and I just wish I could have that sweet little kindergartner back for even just a few days – love that age!