My sweet friend and heart-sister, Kristin, nominated me for the Liebster Award. (This is my first bloggy award…how fun!)
The Liebster is a fun way to introduce smaller blogs to more people…and I’ll be passing on the Liebster love at the end of this post. π
I met Kristin for the first time (in)RL at Allume, but it felt like I had known her for years. We first connected through the God Sized Dream Team and then God planned it all out (He did!) for us to be roomies at the conference. We are also part of the same Mastermind group, are both contributing writers for a new blog coming soon, and have been in the same HelloMornings group for the last two sessions.
Her friendship is such a gift to me…and not just because she lets me borrow her boots and her jewelry. (Take note of the necklace in my headshot on the blog…yep. Totally hers. She has fantastic taste, and going shopping with her is on my bucket list.) π But, really? She’s just wonderful. Make sure you check out her blog because she just has the biggest, most generous heart ever, and that leaps off the virtual pages of her space. You’ll be blessed!
And thanks, girl, for letting me “borrow” this picture from your blog. Yours is better than mine.
So I get to have a little fun, share some love, and then pass the award on to a few of my friends. (See the end of this post for that!)
First up, 11 random things about me.
1. I’ve lived in four different states and one other country besides the U.S. That’s not too impressive until you understand that for the first 23 years of my life, I lived in Iowa. Just Iowa.
2. I’ve been to 20 countries…we love to travel. It’s a beautiful, beautiful world.
3. I drove a pink motorbike when we lived in Indonesia. I hate pink now…I purchased it during that very, very short period in my life when I thought pink was cool. But I do miss that bike…it was fun.
4. I taught myself how to play the piano and the guitar, but singing is my first musical love. I can also somewhat hold my own on the djembe and can even pluck out a few songs…a few…on the ukulele.
5. My name is Mel. Yes, it’s short for something else, but there’s a reason I go by Mel. Even people I’ve known my whole life seem to think that my full name is Melissa or Melanie or even McKenzie. (No clue how they arrived at that one, and none of them are.) I’m seriously considering legally changing it, but hubby isn’t on board with that one just yet. But it’s Mel. Always Mel. π
6. I love running…most of the time.Β In fact, I’d like to run a half marathon next year. But no more than that. Two hours of running seems like it’s about my limit. π
7. I’m a klutz. Really. I trip a lot, and it’s kind of hilarious.
8. When I was pregnant, I wanted a little girl so badly that I wouldn’t believe my doctor when she told me we were having a girl. Four times. Even the day Mae was born, I kind of expected her to come out a boy.
9. My hubby and I met, started dating, and were engaged within five months…and we got married ten months later.Β
10. I use a copious amount of emoticons when I write.Β Please don’t go back and count. πΒ
11. I was the world’s pickiest eater growing up. There are now only a handful of things I won’t eat…maturity and most living overseas are probably what changed things.
And Kristin had eleven questions for me.
1. What is your favorite time of day? I’m such a night owl…I could stay up until two or three in the morning watching cheesy movies, but life and responsibility force me to go to bed at a more reasonable-ish hour. Usually around 11 pm.
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? As tempting as it is to say Bali (I love me some tropics!) I’d choose here. In this house with the people I love. We truly are blessed by the community and friends we have.
3. What is your biggest pet peeve? Hmmm…I have two. Mean people and people who waste my time.
4. Salty or sweet? Can I say both? (I LOVE salted caramel!) But I probably lean toward sweet most of the time.
5. If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?Β Probably that my daughter will grow up to love God and serve Him with her life…and as part of that wish (or prayer), that God will give her mommy and daddy the strength to let her do just that, no matter where He takes her.
6. What is your middle name? Rose. Though, funny story. In elementary school, I changed it a few times…and at one point I had FOUR middle names. I’m funny like that. π
7. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?Β As a family, we’re starting a few…like a neighborhood cookie party and reading the Christmas story together. And though it’s completely dorky, I love the movie Prancer. I probably watch it at least five times every Christmas.Β
8. What book are you currently reading? Actually, I’m reading several. My hubby and I are reading Love and Respect in the Family by Emerson Eggerichs together. I’m also going through a study on Ann Voskamp’s The Greatest Gift, and it is so fantastic and changing the way I look at Advent and Christmas. And I’m part of a book study on God is Able by Priscilla Shirer…I’m one chapter in, but I know it’s gonna be good! And my Mom’s Bible Study is going through The Resolution for Women. (Also by Priscilla Shirer and also a good one!)
9. What is the last package you received in the mail? Dayspring sent me a pretty sweet T-shirt and some other goodies a couple of weeks ago. That was a happy surprise, one that I wasn’t expecting!
10. How many loads of laundry do you do in a week? Anywhere from 6-10, depending on how many times I work out and how impatient I am to get the sweaty smell out of my bedroom! π
11. What is the best Christmas present you have ever received? Hmmm…that’s a tough one. I’ve been blessed with some pretty good gift-givers in my life. π I think it’s a tossup…between the scooter I got when I was nine years old (I wanted one soooooo badly) and the year my hubby bought me the Rogers and Hammerstein collection on DVD. (I think he regretted it when I started hosting my own little impromptu concerts, though!)
Now, my eleven questions for the friends I am nominating!
1. If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
2. Do you eat breakfast? If so, what?
3. Coffee or tea? Or neither?
4. Christmas tree…white lights or multi-colored?
5. What time of day do you do your best writing?
6. You have a rare day off from any responsibilities. What do you do with it?
7. Do you have any hidden talents? Please share!
8. What’s your most embarrassing moment?
9. What’s a movie that you’ve seen so many times, you can practically quote it?
10. Do you sing in the shower?
11. What’s your favorite book…you know, that one you can read over and over?
And now, my Liebster nominees! (Please stop by and leave them some comment love!)
Cathy from Moments on the Journey. She’s my buddy from the GSDT, a sweet, (in)RL friend, and I just love her and the encouragement she is to me! Plus, she has some of the most fun ideas ever…just check out her blog!Β
Amy from Living in Harmony. Amy is one of the first online friends I really connected with, and she is always a sweet encouragement to me. She claims that she’s a better speaker than a writer, but I really enjoy her writing and her insights, and I can’t wait for the day I can hear her as a speaker, too.
Julie from Whimsical Words. Julie is one of my GSD sisters, and she was such a happy blessing to me at Allume. I knew she’d be there and I definitely looked forward to hugging her, but I didn’t know I’d connect with her and love her so much! Silly me…she’s wonderful. AND she makes beautiful, hand-stamped cards. So you should check out her Etsy store while you’re at it!
Thanks again, Kristin…so fun!
Awe! Thanks for the nomination!
I will try and do this later!
Hopefully gettting snowed in here later today…and just realized my girls have outgrown their boots…so I am heading to the store this morning before the snow arrives!
6-9 inches!!
Ooohhh…fun! And looking forward to reading, friend! Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for making do the ugly cry in my office
This is so sweet of you. I can’t not wait for us to meet in(RL) so I can give you a big hug. I will be posting my award post later today but unlike Cathy I don’t think I have to worry about getting snowed in since the high today is 70.
So I’m a teeny bit jealous of that weather. I’m cold…I think it hovered around 20 today with lots of wind. Ugh. (But yay for cute boots…I’m always looking for an excuse to wear them!) π
And, friend, you are such a blessing to me…I’m looking forward to that hug, too. Can’t wait to read your post!
Congratulations! You deserve a bloggy award! Yay!
Well, awwww. Thanks, friend! Coffee again soon?
Oh how I loved your answers!! I just now finally had a chance to sit down and read through them!
Hope you had a wonderful day!! Hugs friend
You are so sweet…and this was so fun. Thanks for thinking of me, friend!