The Importance of Community

The word ” community”

came up a lot when we were living overseas.

Over and over, it was stressed to us that living in commun

ity was important. I didn’t always exactly understand it…or do it well…but in the past few weeks,

the concept has come up in my mind again.

When you’re the new girl in town, “community” can be tough.

When we first moved here, I wanted nothing to do with the community in which I was being forced to reside.

But before long, I loved it. Really, truly loved it.

I live

in the “Old” area of Carpentersville, Illinois.

I love it…it’s like this “oldish” neighborhood with homes that have tons of character.

Personally, I love it that my house does not look like every other house on the block. The neighbors actually come out of their homes and talk to each other. Kids in the neighborhood ride

their bikes and stop to play with our dogs.

The couple diagonal from us hangs with the neighborhood kids and bakes them cookies. (And sometimes they share cause they’re just cool like that.) The older couple next to us are so sweet and love our Mae…they even brought her the cutest little furry stuffed bunny for Easter. Our neighbors across the street have become some of our closest friends and Aunt and Uncle to Maelie.

I love my neighborhood/community…really, who wouldn’t?

Beyond my immediate community, there’s the general area in which I live.

It’s several smaller villages (Seriously, that’s what they’re called…no idea why. Anyone?) that make me feel like I live in a small town…but with everything we’ll ever need within ten minutes of our house.

A few months ago some friends and I discovered a little coffee shop that hosts open mic night every other week. Yours truly is lending her vocal cords and guitar strumming to them this Friday…and hoping she doesn’t scare away the entire place or get banned forever. 😉 I was in there just chatting with the owner yesterday, and I love how I walk into her shop and we start talking like we’ve known each other for years.

I love, love, love my community.

Then there’s the aspect of church community. This one took a little longer.

We tried a few churches in this area when we first moved here and were very disappointed…maybe our expectations were too high? I don’t know. We ended up going to our current church because it’s where I attend a weekly Bible study…and we found an unexpected home there.

Wonderful people, great worship, and we’re being challenged and fed…which is so important to us.

In the past few months I’ve slowly joined a little of the blogging community, specifically through a few websites where I read and comment often.

Today, one of those sites posted this video that I just thought was amazing. It is so, so, exactly what the (in)courage community is all about. It’s worth your time to watch, but if you don’t have the time, at least check out

the site. I love it.

Last week one of the regular writers for this blog lost her daughter.

It was a beautiful thing to see the (in)courage community come around her family to support them, love them, and pray for them. It was also a reminder that community doesn’t always have to be physically present…that we can support and love each other online, too.

And…I’m excited to announce that in a couple weeks, I’ll be the daily guest blogger for this site…which I am so, so pumped about!

(But what I’m writing about? You’ll have to wait until then. :)) I so admire the (in)courage writers and am humbled that they are allowing me to share a piece of my heart with them and with all of you. I can’t wait!

I’m so thankful for community…and the many ways it has blessed me.



  1. Congratulations on the whole shebang! Sounds wonderful!

    Can’t wait to hear all about your Friday night extravaganza! Praying for you there!

    And the whole gues post thing is just cool beyond words Mel!!! I don’t venture into many blogs anymore, so please share when and what your article will be posted.

    It’s a gorgeous day here in Denver…..the weekend forecast is for cold and rain. So I better enjoy it now!

    Hope you are having a great day! And that toe is healing as well!

    ((hugs)) to you AND Mae :o)

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