It’s a slow morning, the kind when we don’t need to go anywhere.
I’ll always take one of those.
Our morning routine is often the same…I’m up early for quiet time and (most days!) a good workout. I get the coffee going and have my first, of many a few cups.
She sleeps until about 7 a.m. and then greets the day, usually with howling or singing…and though I sometimes grumble when I hear those first signs that she’s up, the truth is that I LOVE her exuberance at the thought of a new sunrise and the life that awaits in the coming day.
Part of this routine is the same, too…up for breakfast and a bit of TV while this mama finds the coffee (again) and sits at her computer to pound words and paragraphs that might just form a post.
And so, on this particularly slow morning, I find myself sinking even further into the routine.
I look up, startled by the clunk of the mailbox. (Yes, our mail comes early.) 😉
How is it 9:00 already?
I peek into the living room to see her sprawled on the couch…almost a zombie…munching the last of her Apple Jacks from the bowl, eyes glued to Jake and the Never Land Pirates.
And I? Have just woken up from my own little zombie state, too…definitely not a useless daze, but one in which I remained for far too long…
Today I’m over at God-sized Dreams, sharing a dreaming lesson He’s teaching me through my precious daughter. Join me?
Just exactly what is happening here every day! God is amazing! He has his own ways to teach us…
I’m so thankful for His ways…because they are so much better than mine!
Thanks for being here, friend. Blessings and hugs!