A sweet friend told me the other day that I hadn’t written lately.
Actually, a few of you have told me that.
But she didn’t say it to make me feel guilty at all…she just said she missed my words, and that meant a lot.
To be honest, I told my hubby a few days ago that I thought maybe it was time to hang up my keyboard on this space and call it a really good run. I love what this blog is and what it has meant to me in the last five years…and sometimes good things come to an end, too.
But he gently told me that maybe I shouldn’t do that…and that maybe I should keep writing and stay open to the possibility of words.
It would be easier to quit…but his words have been floating around my heart for several days.
And, the truth? I’ve known I’ve needed to find some words lately and just get back to sharing life, so maybe this attempt will actually find you all.
So, it’s fall. And I love fall. I love the crunchy leaves and sweaters and boots, and let’s be honest. Coffee just tastes better in the fall, too. It does, I promise. π
For this girl who thrives on change (and has somehow been placed into a record-long-to-her, phase where life DOESN’T change much) fall is a reminder of the beauty God can bring through the different seasons of life. I love that.
Truly, it hasn’t been an easy season. For me and for a lot of those I love.
Sad goodbyes have marked this season of change.
Unexpected challenges have left some wondering where exactly purpose lies.
There’s just some hurt going on and life feels upside-down.
It’s hard to write through all of that…but I want to because I want to be real. I try to be, anyway. I can’t promise perfect words…but here’s a little bit of life right now.
Every morning my daughter and I pray on our way to school. She complains because I spend the better part of our 6-7 minute drive in prayer, but I want to be intentional. We talk to God about the people we love, but we also take time to say thank you for the blessings. Because there are so, SO many, even in the challenging seasons of life.
I love God, but understanding Him lately? Well, that hasn’t happened. There are a lot of times I don’t see His purpose. I don’t understand the death of a friend who had so much life left to live. I don’t understand the loss of a friend’s husband to a cruel disease. I don’t understand how we can make simple plans that happen for everyone else…and they don’t happen for us.
But I do trust my Father. And I tell Him that every day. And I find it a gift that I can tell Him that, even on the days when I doubt Him.
I’m pounding this out when I should be finishing up a last post for GSD and packing a suitcase. I get to have an adventure today and for the next few days. Off to the East Coast and off to see some dear sisters who have a special place in my heart.
That’s a gift, too.
And in the midst of a crazy week, we managed to throw family pictures in there, too. And while I wonder if our colors were a little non-matchy and if I shouldn’t have worn those distressed skinny jeans with a hole in the knee (really, Old Navy?!) because they make my butt look ginormous, I know that the smiles and the memories captured will be treasured for a lifetime. (As long as you can’t see how big my bum is. Seriously.)
Just keepin’ it very real today. π
I love my family and the gift they are to me.
And time and again, I look around at my community, and I fall in love even more. I have no idea why God chose to put us here, in our 1870’s-old, but updated…thank you, God…farmhouse with an awesome yard and a beautiful view and the best friends/neighbors we could have asked for…but I’m thankful.
I’m thankful that He sees what we need and gives it to us, in spite of what we think we want.
I’m so surrounded by blessings…in people, in places, in memories, in a Father Who loves me. Who loves all of you.
And I’m trying to be better about remembering those blessings. Every moment.
Thanks for still stopping by this place. Maybe God isn’t quite done with it yet? Maybe. And I’ll take a maybe.
Will you share a blessing with me today? I’d love to hear from you.
I’ve got a plane to catch…but I’ll be back soon.
My heart cried, “YES!” when I say your post on my Facebook timeline. Mel, I don’t know all that you’ve been struggling through in this season, but I know the struggle is real. I’ve had to wrestle with my own misunderstanding of God’s ways and deal with stuff. And the words aren’t flowing like they use to, but I press on. Press on, Mel. I am so thankful you are back!
Your words mean so much to me…thank you for being here, friend.
I’ve been writing with my students and really embracing keeping a journal nearby. Capture thoughts and prayers, quotes and funny stories. Whatever you write, it will be good. Good.
So good to see you here, friend…and thank you for that. Blessings.
You are a blessing to me Mel!I am so thankful for our friendship and the memories we share. You inspire me and so many others . Keep writing ! You have a special talent and God is using it. I love you friend
Ok, now I’m missing you like crazy! It’s been too long…I need to plan a visit soon. Love you and am so grateful for you, my friend.
I’m thankful for the warm tea I am sipping on and the gift of your words…it’s been too long.
Showing up. Some days it is what we can do….show up. And that’s okay. My son in his mismatched socks, me in my mom-tail hair, and littlest man with food on his shirt. Words are how you process, friend, and though you are discouraged now the day will come when they will percolate in your heart, and you’ll need to pour a cupful again. In the middle of the why’s, I pray God will meet you there. Sometimes there are no good answers to pain….as C.S. Lewis says, “It is God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” But whys? I still have them, too. I think it is one reason the angels inquire into our faith—because honest believers don’t have doubts, and aren’t afraid to be real with God. Praying you feel held and cradled today in His love.
Thank you, friend…for the prayers and the sweet encouragement. It made me smile to see you here.
I loved this post for the simple reason that you keep it real. Thank you for confirming to me that we don’t need to have it all perfect. Life isn’t always perfect. It is our Father in heaven who alone is perfect and who gives every good & perfect gift to us. So grateful that while life changes, He never does. And I am grateful you wrote & shared your words today! Blessings!
Thanks so much for being here, friend…that’s a gift. (((hugs)))
Love your words. Thank you for sharing your heart with us Mel
Today I am thankful for the blessing of God refilling us with more of Him on days when we are empty and running on fumes. I am excited about the maybe of seeing your words and visiting your space again
Hey, friend! Oh, I love seeing you here.
And, yes…there will be more words. Soon, I hope. (((hugs)))
I love your posts so much that I check for them while halfway across the world (ok not that I know that Italy is actually half a world away but still….it feels far!). Your thoughts and words are always a blessing to me. Even when you think you are running on empty, you are helping so many others keep going. So thankful you decided to come back! Blessings and hope to see you soon!! Ciao l’amico bella!
Hi Mel!
It’s been a while since this post was written but I decided I would go ahead and comment anywho π
It’s adorable to me that your daughter gets a little winded of prayer 7 minutes later. Oh kiddos. They’re just being real, aren’t they? Real as a kids meal.
Weel, just wanted to say that you’ve ran a good race, fought the good fight of writer’s block for five years (woo girl!) That’s a lot of days! And I pray that you will find words again as God brings inspiration.
You write beautifully and give graciously-I still wear the sarong you mailed me π One of the most precious gifts I own.
So I’m thankful you’re here, blogging like a boss. π Keep doin’ what cha doin’