Random Realizations

Aka: The post Mel types really fast after being out late with friends.


Some things I’ve been reminded of lately…

1. I stay up too late.

Unless I accidentally fall asleep watching TV, I am never in bed before 11:00.
2. I am also a star at sleeping ’til 7 a.m. Thank you to my fabulous daughter who sleeps ’til 7:30 or later most mornings.

3. I drink far too much Diet Coke and not nearly enough water.

4. I worry about things I have zero control over.

5. I kinda like shoveling snow, especially if I can count it as my workout for the day.
6. I need to limit my trips to Target to one per week…or less.
7. String cheese is the new favorite food.

(Just so you know, I felt five years old typing that!) 😉
8. I haven’t been to a movie since Indonesia, and there’s a super girly chick flick coming out soon.

The Vow. I am thinking I’ll be dragging a couple lucky friends with me to that one!
9. My daughter is 19 months old.

Where did time GO? Seriously.
10. Naps are wonderful. Especially when they’re taken by both my daughter AND by me.
11. It’s Friday the 13th!

Well, for twenty more minutes…

G’nite, friends! And happy weekend…woo hoo!



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