Pajama Monday and a Recap of Last Week

So I managed to get sick…I guess flu shots don’t make a person immune from everything floating around during the season, huh? I had decided on Saturday that my scratchy throat was nothing more than that and figured mind over matter was more important.

It didn’t work this time.


But only a little bummer…definitely choosing to count my blessings today.

For one thing, Maelie slept in until 8:30, which was very much appreciated by her mama!

Then when she got up, all she wanted to do was play with her kitchen and doll and new alphabet toy, which was just fine with me!

We turned on the Rose Parade, played with lots of toys, and spent the morning (ahem…the whole day…ahem) in our pj’s. Well, one of us did.

😉 (Haven’t done that in a long time!)

I think we both needed a down day after the busyness of last week.

We had a wonderful time in Minnesota with family. I especially enjoyed seeing Maelie finally able to play with her cousins. She’s definitely smaller and can’t keep up as well, but that didn’t stop her from trying and getting so excited to be around them. It was a fun memory, and I’m so glad everyone was able to make the trip to be together.

While we were in Minnesota, we were also able to see a few friends.

I had lunch with my good friend, Sara, and we also visited a family from a church we used to attend when we lived there. Christen was in the youth group we helped with, and she has a daughter just a few weeks older than Mae.

I had been wanting the two of them to play together and was happy to see them hit it off.

Mae LOVED her Cozy Coupe…guess what we’ll be watching for on Craigslist?!

We came home on Thursday and Friday and the weekend were busy with different get-togethers.  We spent New Year’s Eve with Jonny and Kris eating Chinese and playing cards and we actually made it to almost 1 a.m., which I think could be my personal record.

Yes, friends, contrary to what you believe about this party girl, I love my sleep.


Then last night, our friends from Indonesia, David and Tiff, came over for dinner.

We got to meet their sweet baby girl, Luisa, and it was so good to catch up with them.

But today? We’re tired.

Definitely a good day for the pj’s.

But also a day to count blessings…because there are so many of them.

So thankful. :)


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