Tuesday Toast and Tea

I know you’re all marveling at my astounding alliteration.

But before you think I’ve gone all British on you or that I’m a complete dork, though that IS highly probable most days, I’ll just throw it out there that I feel icky. Clearly last night’s hope of my cold being almost-over crashed and burned. Therefore, sick = (honey/butter) toast + (peach) tea. (For those of you who like specifics.) πŸ˜‰

I am blessed in the fact that I don’t have anywhere I need to be tomorrow. (Other than resting as much as possible.) I am extremely grateful that my daughter decided an afternoon nap was a glorious thing today…here’s hoping she feels the same way tomorrow. πŸ˜‰

Sometimes I don’t so much enjoy the grumpy, sick Mel. Colds are the worst. I’ve said it before that I’d take a 24-hour stomach bug any day over a cold, especially the kind that clogs up my throat and ruins my voice. Singing to Maelie tonight was extra lovely, I can assure you. I’m glad she won’t remember my extremely raspy version of Brahm’s Lullaby. πŸ˜‰

Man, this cold is just bringing out the sarcasm all over the place.

In all seriousness, though, Maelie and I managed to have a pretty good day. A dose of DayQuil got me through the morning. A friend stopped over for coffee (always fun!) and then my girlie and I trekked over to Goodwill for a few. I was running out of steam (aka: the meds were wearing off) and so we cut the trip the short, but I did have a few good finds…and they were things I needed. I can’t wait to go back and finish my trip. :)

Maelie and I had some good princess castle-playing, and we even played an actual card game…sort of. She dumped all the cards out and then matched some of them up. I was impressed…I didn’t teach her how to match them…maybe Tobin did. (honey???) Puzzles, care bears, ponies…all the usual favorites. It was a nice way to spend the day with my favorite chica. She sure is a sweetheart…well, except when she rocks the rocking chair right over my baby toe. (But that’s a story for another day.) She kissed it better without me even asking her…that may or may not have melted my heart into a mongo puddle.

Life just kind of is this week…and honestly, it’s good. Maelie is just so fun right now…conversations make sense, she’s able to actually play with people, we laugh together, there are lots of hugs and I-love-you’s and walks around the neighborhood. She’s so eager to help and just be near me…I love it so much I almost want to freeze time. (Except for part with the random temper tantrums at hospital main entrances…totally hypothetical…but I’m guessing all mommies would agree on that one. ;))

Just soaking up the blessings of today and thanking Him for each one.

Heading to bed…I’m determined to feel better tomorrow. Blessings, friends.


Monday Observations

Time for the random of a Monday.

Actually, it’s time for the random of my brain. It just happens to be Monday. πŸ˜‰

Flip flop weather is almost over. This makes me very sad…very. I’m not sure what to do with my feet once it’s too cold for flip flops. Well, besides put socks on and pray that my combat boots make it through another winter. I’m gonna need to be on the lookout for another pair. Remember how I always have a backup pair of sunglasses? Combat boots are kinda in the same category.

Even though it’s almost time to wear actual shoes, I’m looking forward to fall. Hellooooooo, leaf-crunching while I run; sometimes I go out of my way to run through random piles of leaves :) Plus, I love sweaters and jeans and, ahem…combat boots. (See a theme going here?)

Over the weekend, we spent some time at Heritage Fest in West Dundee. I was impressed with what a big deal it was…and it was a lot of fun. Good music, good friends, good food. (See yesterday’s post. ;)) Maelie especially loved the parade and caught on quickly to the fact that she could run out into the street for candy almost faster than I could chase her. I think she gave me about a dozen almost-heart attacks, but we still had fun.

I came down with a cold on Saturday. My first in, like, a year, so I can’t complain too much. I can’t tell if it’s coming to an end already or if it’s still going to hit hard. Praying it’s almost over…I’m a grump when I’m sick.

I did yoga for an hour tonight. I can’t understand why people enjoy it. Is there something I’m missing? I just don’t like it. I think I’m just more of a run-like-mad, sweat-it-up, get-the-workout-over-with-already kind of girl. I am almost positive that I will hurt tomorrow, though…possibly even later tonight. So it had to have been good for me. Or something. :)

I went back at looked at my bucket list for 2012 over the weekend. Please don’t go look, too. I am waaaaaay behind. Way. Ugh. Funny how, at the beginning of the year, twelve months seemed like more than enough time to get things done…but it really wasn’t. (P.S. Can someone teach me how to thread my sewing machine???)

This has been, possibly, one of the more pointless posts I’ve ever written. At least you know where my brain is at…not a total loss, right? πŸ˜‰

Happy almost-Tuesday. Hope your Monday was a good one. :)


Currently… (aka: the I’m-Tired-So-I-Need-a-Blog-Prompt Post)

One of my favorites…I don’t even know the original source. :)

Current Reads: Just finished Kisses From Katie, which really is worth a few separate blog posts in itself. Such a fantastic read. Still working (and haven’t gotten far) on Water For Elephants. (Have any of you read it? Is it worth it?) Also, in a very unlike-Mel move, I read this the other night. It was hilarious, it was political, it was everything I don’t typically enjoy. But it was short, which was why I was able to make it through the whole thing…in about an hour, I think. But since I don’t talk politics in this space, I won’t tell you about it. πŸ˜‰ It’s free for Kindle right now, though, if you’re dying to read it.

Current Playlist. Oh, goodness, I just made a new running playlist that is enough to get me out of bed early. :) It’s amazing how changing up the tunes makes me want to run out of sheer curiosity at what’s coming next. That, and I had a really fantastic praise time with my Father the other morning…I’m pretty sure He shuffled the songs in the perfect order Himself. Love when He does that. :)

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Today? Chocolate dipped cheesecake on a stick. (I did have a partner in crime if she wants to admit it. ;)) Golly, it was so good I’m gonna dream about it tonight. Really. (In my defense, I have not been to a state fair it what could be termed almost-eons. Therefore, I deserved whatever I wanted to eat on a stick. And it was a completely justified indulgence. :D)

Current Colors: Dark blue for the jeans that it’s finally cool enough to wear. Lots of gray and black. I need more color…I know, I know…as one of my faithful blog readers has been telling me.

Current Fetish: Lately I’ve loved going through my closet and finding things I’d forgotten I had. Yay for “new” outfits! I think I wore THREE things this past week I hadn’t touched in several months. :)

Current Food: I think I admitted it already. See: shame-inducing guilty pleasure. πŸ˜‰

Current Drink: Oh boy, oh boy! So very exciting. I am drinking…Airborne. To kick the cold I came down with yesterday. Thankfully, between that and DayQuil, I am somehow not feeling completely cruddy, which is usually not the case.

Current Wishlist: I need a new pair of jeans. The practical side says I should go with my favorites at Maurices because they go with everything. And because I love them. And because the price is about the best I’m going to find for a decent pair. The completely off-the-wall side of me…wants these. In the bright blue. Or green. :)

Current Needs: Prayer. But I don’t really want to go into details in this post, so I’ll just say jeans. ‘Cause I need them, too. But I’d appreciate your prayers, too. :)

Currient Triumph: Honestly, just doing life with my girl and my hubby. Striving to live fully and love well.

Current Bane-of-my-Existence: I don’t really have one today that I can think of. I’d love it if Maelie would still take her afternoon nap, but I’m not going to term her awake-ness as that. It balances out when she goes to bed at 7:30, anyway. :)

Current Celebrity Crush: I always leave this one blank. But if I have to choose…and my hubby already knows this…I’d have to say Dennis Quaid. Just because. That’s all.

Current Indulgence: Man, that cheesecake is coming back to haunt me…in the blogging world, anyway. πŸ˜‰

Current Mood: Anxious, a little. But mostly content. It was a really good day…I like those.

Current #1 Blessing: I’m a daughter of the King. I’m blessed with a wonderful hubby, an amazing daughter, and pretty awesome friends.

Current Slang or Saying: Aduh. (The Indonesian equivalent of ugh or stink.) Oh, goodness/good grief. (I need to find a few new phrases!)

Current Outfit: Black running shorts, a tank top, and a gray workout jacket. (Strangely, I did not…and have no plans to…work out today.)

Current Link: I linked enough things in this post. :)

Current Photo: Please excuse the messy hair and slightly streaky makeup…it was a good day. It was also a busy one. (And, yes, in case you’re wondering, that IS Elmo in the background in his underwear, sitting on his little plastic potty. You’ll NEVER guess what we’re working on at our house…) πŸ˜‰

Thanks for stopping by, friends!


Five-Minute Friday: Focus

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s Topic: Focus

So, on my way to the computer to write my Five-Minute Friday post, I got distracted by a pile of laundry that needed to be folded.

Clearly I need to work on my focus. :)

Sometimes it’s so hard for me…I set out to do something and I HAVE a goal; it’s just that before I get there, twelve other things beg for my attention. My daughter can’t find her princess slippers, the dogs need to go outside, my coffee cup has somehow magically drained itself, and that laundry that I meant to fold on the way to the computer? Never actually got folded.


One thing that has helped me intentionally focus is to start my day off with “me” time. I get up early most mornings, go for a run, crank up the music, and praise. I need it. When I get home, shower, and find my coffee, life just seems easier. My girl is up, but since I’m already going for the day, I’m able to focus on her more. And while she gets going on her morning routine (aka: cereal and Sesame Street) I can find some time to talk to my Father and read His Word.

Those things help me focus. Not perfectly, but they sure help.

Maybe even enough to get that pile of laundry folded…but first, I need some coffee. :)

Five Minute Friday


Rainy Night Thoughts

I love a rainy night. :)

Especially the kind when hubby forgets to close our bedroom windows and the temperature is just perfect for making a cup of hot cocoa and climbing into bed under a fleece blanket to update the blog.

As close to perfection as it’s going to get for now. :)

All that’s missing is a fireplace, but I’m guessing that won’t be happening anytime soon around here. Though my neighbor has one…maybe I’ll crash her living room on the next rainy, I-need-to-blog-and-feel-cozy night. :)

I do have to tell you that I love my new, red fleece blanket, though. You know that 5k I ran last weekend? The goodie bag rocked. A cute t-shirt (5k t’s are rarely cute) AND a blanket. The kind that screams, You know you want to go to take a nap just so you can cover yourself up with me. Yep, that kind of blanket.

Be jealous. πŸ˜‰

It feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve just written…you know, had a virtual coffee date with you all like I used to. Except tonight we’re havin’ hot cocoa. And it’s good despite the fact that I had to dig through the cupboard to find a packet of it, and I’m sure it’s been there for at least a year, but I think it might be closer to two. Hey, isn’t that what preservatives are for???

So, since we’re catching up, I guess I’ll just talk about…we’ll just see where it goes.

I finished Kisses From Katie yesterday.

I can honestly tell you that, besides the Bible, it’s not only the best book I’ve ever read; it’s also the most life-changing. Read it…testimonies of God’s abounding grace just leap off the pages. I saw pieces of myself in her, but mostly I saw the Father’s heart…which I think was the point.

You won’t be disappointed. I promise.

And as a complete side note…I feel like I understand myself and where I’ve been a little more after reading this piece of her story, too. Sometimes it’s hard to explain to people why we spent time overseas…it was cool too see her put into words some of the reasons. I could relate. :)

Ok, just read it. (And I’ll move on to something else.)

My sweet girl is all but done napping. It’s a blessing and a curse all rolled into one. Her non-nappingness (Golly, I looooooooove my word creations sometimes!) gives us more flexibility with our days, and that’s definitely a bonus. But it also makes the days long. It also means potentially super-crabby evenings, but also almost guarantees that she will crash the second her head hits her special pillow.

Yes, she has a special pillow. And tonight, she has special jammies, which I had to pull out and cut the tags off and get her really excited about because the worn-almost-every-night princess jammies are a) dirty; and b) too non-covering for a night like tonight. Thankfully she bought my made-up excitement about jammies covered with snowmen and reindeer that I bought for 70% off last January. :))

Someday she will read this and be embarrassed…thankfully that day is not today. πŸ˜‰

I love her. And I suppose the fact that she got excited about Christmas jammies in September is comparable to me and my new blanket. (Which is still super comfy, since I know you’re all wondering!) πŸ˜‰

It’s been kind of an up and down few weeks, but I’ve been thankful for what He’s doing despite the roller coaster moments. I’ve tried to be intentional about counting my blessings…it’s amazing to look around and see all the good that surrounds a day despite circumstances and emotions.

I almost skipped my run this morning, but I’m so glad I didn’t.

The weather was perfect, and I made a new running playlist a few days ago, and I was excited to hear more of it. I basically went through every song in my iTunes, picked my very favorites, and shuffled them.

Toward the middle of mile two, this one came on. I hadn’t heard it for months…and I didn’t even remember adding it to to the playlist. But sometimes God just surprises me…and this was a blessing. I hope you’ll take the time to listen to it. :)

And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abound?

And You answer, “My child, I love you. And as long as you’re seeking My face, you’ll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace.”

Powerful words from my Father…Wow.

Love you all…thanks for stopping by. :)


On Making a Difference: A Letter to God

Dear God,

Do you remember him?

That little boy who stole my heart that summer so long ago? I can’t believe it’s been thirteen summers since I fell in love with the sticky heat of the Amazon and all that came with it.

Especially him.


He was one of hundreds we saw. Talked to. Loved. Those streetkids who just wanted someone…anyone.

But there was something about this particular boy…the way his eyes pleaded, the way he scraped the last bits of shoe polish from his can in his attempt to polish my sandals and earn a few extra soles for…well, I don’t know who exactly.

Was there even a family for him to go home to?

And do you remember how long I wore those sandals? I do…it broke my heart when I finally threw them away.

I was just a college student on what I thought would be just a summer adventure to write home about. I had no idea he would change me. That Peru would change me. That my heart would never, ever be the same.

I still ache today thinking about him.

Now he’s an adult…and I wonder sometimes. Did someone take the time to love him? Did he grow up healthy and strong? Did he grow up to love You? Did he grow up at all?

I really can’t think of that last question, God…because I’ll never know the answer this side of eternity. And even more-than-sometimes…I wish I had done more. Tried to find him…and maybe, somehow, sponsored him. Even a college student could have found a way.

God, you know Eladio never left my mind or my heart. And how often I still go back to look at his picture.

And then…you gave us an opportunity. Another chance to make a difference. His name is Putra, a nine year-old boy from our beloved Indonesia. I’m amazed at Your Goodness…how you brought our hearts to this place and showed us which child needed us. We already love him. We are anxious to see what You will do through him.

Thank you for him.

Sponsoring him makes me want another one. And another.

God, I pray that they will all get sponsors. Please. Whether it’s through my blog or another, please don’t keep them waiting longer.

And, God…be with Putra. Let him know, somehow, that we love him and are praying for him every day. We’ll be telling him that soon in our first letter, and I can’t wait to write it.


September is Blog Month for Compassion. I’ve committed to write blog posts for them to raise awareness for child sponsorship during the month. But I have to be honest here…I LOVE this ministry. I have a feeling I’ll keep on writing these posts for a long time. :) Should you feel led to sponsor a child, you can simply click here or on the Child Sponsorship button on my sidebar. Pray over the children you see, and ask God who he might be asking you to sponsor. You truly can make a difference! Thanks for being here!


Monday Smiles

So, for a Monday, today wasn’t half-bad.

There were some smiles…

A beautiful, perfect day. 70’s. Sunny. Can the weather just stay exactly like this forever? We can all dream. :)

Spreading sunshine. Maelie and I went to visit a sweet friend at work and took her coffee and a gift ’cause it’s her birthday, and I love celebrating a birthday…even if it’s not mine! We even got Mae to sing parts of “Happy Birthday”. T’was sweet. :)

Outside playing. My cool girl is such the climber. She can now scale the side of her clubhouse. It still makes me nervous, but I can smile, too. She’s just growing up so much! I love taking walks up and down the street with her…we have the best conversations and even sing together. So fun.

Encouragement. Sometimes it comes in the simplest forms…like a chat with a friend or a smile from a stranger…both happened today.

Hope. There’s something I’d like to see happen…and it looks like it might.

Swinging and guitar-playing and puking. WAIT…did I say puking? Yep. However, in this house, we are giving thanks that Maelie threw up due to all the swinging she did (not because was sick) AND that she missed my guitar by about an inch. The sweet girlie is feeling just fine now in her happy dreamland, my jeans are in the dryer, and my guitar is packed away (and puke-free). ALL blessings. :)

Much-needed laughter. Sometimes it just feels good to laugh, and singing with Mae tonight provided some pretty great moments. Caught on video, nonetheless. I laughed so hard I cried…and it felt so good. Families need to laugh together often. (And I can almost guarantee that there’s at least one good video coming to a blog near you very soon!)

How was your Monday? I hope a happy one. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


Little Blessings (Pt. 48)

I feel bad that this series has tapered off…trust me, my life is abounding with blessings. And I need to keep counting them, even on the rough days.

God is doing some really cool things, and I’m excited to share them with you, hopefully soon.

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend. :)

Now, the list. πŸ˜‰

:) Ice cream dates with my girl. Like, the kind when I end up wearing half of her sundae before the date is over. Choosing to smile over our precious time together instead.

:) This 5k. Which I managed to run a mere 25 days after having my gall bladder out. Nowhere near a PR for me, but I love the cause. Was worth the pain that running FOUR hills involved, and I managed to still break 30. πŸ˜‰ (Ok, I’ll stop…some of you have heard me talk about this a little too much! HA.)

:) Symphony concerts with friends.

:) Changing the life of a child. So thankful for my Bible study group and their decision to sponsor a child. You can, too!

:) Hide and seek with a two-year old who skips five every time she counts to ten. LOVE her.

:) Parades and candy and perfect, sunshine-y 70 degree weather.

:) Piano duets with a certain little girl…a strange mix of beauty and chaos. So profound that it triggered a blog post I’m hoping to use as a guest-write. We’ll see. :)

:) Flowers and barefoot dancing.

:) The promise of fall being here very soon.

:) Seasons…and that He performs miracles in each one. My Father is Good.


Five-Minute Friday: Graceful

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, or overthinking. Just write.

Today’s Topic: Graceful


That’s me laughing Really. Really. Really. Loud.

Because graceful? Is soooooo not me. In terms of physical anyway. I’m a decent athlete/runner, but I have zero grace.

You know, the kind that dances and looks so beautiful and elegant.

Um, no…never known that feeling.

In fact, I remember my first dance classes as a kid and how they didn’t go so well. While my dance teacher didn’t kick me out at all, I seem to recall being “encouraged” to explore other areas of life.

Maybe that’s why I’m an artist and a musician. :)

Have you ever seen that lovely episode of Friends when Phoebe runs? Here’s a clip for ya.

Golly, sometimes I wonder if that’s me. In a strange, paradoxical way, I’d be kinda proud if it was. This clumsy, totally lovable girl, making her tiny, memorable, mark on a great big world.

In all seriousness, though…graceful.

I’m a blessed child of God who has had the gift of Grace lavished upon her. My life is walking testimony of the fullness of His Grace.

And as I laugh over my clumsy tendencies and shake my head and giggle when I fall over nothing (which is often!)…I remember that I have real Grace.

May I never forget that, and may I choose to extend it to others, too.

Five Minute Friday


Take a Few Minutes…

…and watch this.

I know child sponsorship isn’t for everyone. I know finances are tight for a lot of people.

But these few minutes were life-changing for me. More than ever, I wish I could rescue every. single. one. of them.

Will you help?

One Act from Compassion International on Vimeo.
