
Ok…no idea where this post is really going, but for the first time in several weeks, I feel the words…



Ready to fly.

So here we go!

A couple weeks ago I was chatting with a friend, and she informed that I’m the most open person she knows. I was slightly taken aback by this…not offended…but definitely surprised.

It wasn’t that her comment made me upset…but it must have hit a buried nerve because I immediately jumped in to defend myself.

Because according to me at the time,

I was not open…there were far more things I could be sharing that I was choosing to keep private!

And I cited a few examples, then we chatted a bit more about it, and then moved on to something else.

The conversation didn’t really bug me, but I haven’t really forgotten about it. Occasionally it will creep up to nag at me and make me want to blog about the color of my walls instead

of the color of my heart.

Then today, I read a quote on Twitter that stopped me in my blogging tracks.

And I am totally stealing it. 😉

My naive approach to authenticity often led to my assuming everyone wore heart-covered sleeves like mine.

Holy cow, the light goes on!


I. Get. It. I am open. And authentic. And I totally rock a fashion statement that I unknowingly expect everyone else to follow.

Authenticity is a scary thing…to be real, to splash those feelings out, to go to that proverbial place of honesty and heart pouring…the place in which I live all the time and share on my blog some of the time.

But the thing is… this is my space.

It’s probably the only place in the world where I am truly me all the time…pure, honest-to-goodness, everything-out-on-the-table, wiping-away-tears-as-I-let-my-heart-go…Mel.

It’s me…who I was, who I am, who I’m becoming, who I hope to someday be.

So I’ m no longer afraid of being open or authentic.

And I’ ll wear those hearts because they depict who I am.

(And cause I think they’re cool. ;))

And I’ll choose to embrace the fact that, though my life is a mostly open book, that’s a good thing.

Read away.

Love you all.


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