Observations From the Couch in My Living Room

I am tired.

(Worked out an hour and a half with friends.)

Therefore, I am sitting on my couch and NOT moving.

My brain is also tired. (I’ve been writing a lot lately.)

So I’m just going to tell you what I see from my current vantage point.

You are sooooooo lucky.

  • Three loads of unfolded laundry in a basket about a foot from me. I am so overjoyed at the thought of MORE laundry. And while we’re on the subject, can anyone tell me why having one baby more than doubled the amount of laundry I do?
  • Maelie’s primary-color shoppin

    g cart is full of random items. This means one of two things: either my husband threw all the toys from the floor into it OR my daughter is learning the concept of shopping.

    I choose the latter.


  • Maelie’s pack ‘n play takes up a lot of space in our living room. While I don’t wish for her to grow up too fast, it will be nice when we can put it away.

  • I have a hot pink Wii remote that I totally forgot I had. Which just goes to show you how often we actually play. I think we use it more for streaming Netflix.

  • Mae’s baby monitor is plugged in across the room. I am so frustrated that the battery life in those monitors is down to about three hours. Seriously?! Now we have to leave them plugged in all the time or get up two times during the night to switch them.

    Um, no thank you.

  • We have a stained glass decoration hanging up that was a wedding gift. It is cool enough that

    I will post a picture for you sometime.

    But not now. I’m too tired and don’t want to get up to actually take a photo.

  • I pulled out a couple scrapbooks two weeks ago to show a friend some pictures. They are still sitting on my dining room table. I, um, think I maybe need to clean more often.
  • We have a kind of small TV We originally bought it when we moved here just so we’d h ave something

    and to give us time to save for a big one. And during that time we realized that we hardly turn it on…and that we’d rather spend the money on something else.

  • However, that TV is sitting on an end table.

    (Still.) I really, really need to go to IKEA for a TV stand. Anyone up for a little shopping


There are probably a hundred more things I could observe, but I’m tired.

G’nite, world!


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