Hi, my name is Mel.
And I write. Like, a lot.
I pour out my feelings in this space not-quite-but-mostly every day, and my huge dream is to finish writing and publish a book of my Indo-stories.
I’m also mommy to the most amazingly wonderful and talkative little girl. (Think as chatty as her mama. ;))
So, in essence, there are an extra-lot of words all over my days.
When Holley shared with us what she’d like us to think about and apply this week, I almost laughed at my initial response.
In fact, most likely I did. (Laugh at myself, not my sweet friend. ;))
Choose what you will decrease in your life so that your God-sized dream can increase.
Friends, I almost think you might laugh, too.
Because, though the dream of writing a book is inching closer and closer to reality, what I chose to decrease?
I know it sounds like an almost-too-easy answer.
But it makes sense to me…and maybe some of you can relate, too.
I am first and foremost a follower of my Father. Then comes wife, mommy, friend. All things that will remain, no matter where life takes me, priorities.
And after that, a mix of writer-runner-creator-singer/musician…things that fuel my passion for life.
But mixed up in the writing hat is the fact that I not only am somewhat-furiously writing a book, I’m also trying to blog 5-6 times a week.
Writing is how I process the extraordinary and the everyday…whether or not I have anything important to say. (I rhymed…love. That quote totally belongs on Pinterest.)
But last week I had a moment.
On Wednesday, I hit a social-media-overload wall fueled by too much blog reading and commenting, and too many status updates, tweets, and dessert-pins. Can’t blame a girl for loving dessert, though. 😉
I actually buried my head in my hands and then closed my laptop for several hours and just sat on the floor and played with my daughter, forbidding myself from opening that computer. And as Mae and I put puzzles together and rolled out play-doh, took her princesses on a field trip to the Little People farm, and giggled at life in general…I thought
about how I’ve got to find some kind of balance with writing…to write with purpose and not because I feel like I have to.
I started by somewhat-unplugging for the weekend. (No blogging or commenting Saturday and Sunday and keeping other forms of social media to a minimum.) It helped that we were out of town, but it was a good time to consider direction.
I love this space and plan to continue here. But I also need to learn to give myself permission to miss a day or two (or four) in a row without feeling as though I’ve failed somehow. My new goal is no more than five days a week but at least three. (And if I don’t do three…extending lots of grace to myself. ;))
I also need more focused, spaced-out, intentional book-writing time. (I can’t write with the same intensity and productivity on consecutive days.) I typically take Wednesday nights from 6-10 for that, but guess what? Ash Wednesday is tomorrow. So I’ll need to find another time during Lent where I can sit, uninterrupted, and just let the words spill. My goal is to find two of those times each week…spaced out enough that I don’t feel like I’m forcing the words. (And if one or both of those don’t happen in a week…more grace.)
It’s not a race…it’s obedience. He’s got the timing figured out already…I just need to daily walk out what He’s called me to do.
To read more amazing things God is teaching a group of dreamers, click on the link below. We’re linking up every Tuesday and would love to have you join us!
Great goals, Mel! I pray that you find this schedule gives you sanity and breathing room. May He shower you with the grace you need as you proceed. Blessings!
Thank you, friend. Hope you’re having a great day!
Learning to give grace to ourselves is one of he hardest lessons we as women face. As a recent ’empty-nester’ let me encourage you to spend all the time you can fueling the relationship with your hubby and creating memories with your sweet little one. Writing can wait if it needs to.
Thank you for the sweet encouragement, Amy.
You are right…and I know those words can wait. Blessings! 
It’s okay NOT to post everyday. You won’t regret loving on your little one, and you’ll get more done by being a bit more focused. 😉 Yea, Mel!
You are HILARIOUS. I was laughing out loud when I read that you were going to give up writing. (Laughing with you not at you
I love your plan to find the balance. And my favorite quote was: It’s not a race…it’s obedience. He’s got the timing figured out already…I just need to daily walk out what He’s called me to do. -That is so true. You had me saying “YES!” at the computer screen. Great post 
I had to smile at how similar our posts were. In this day and age of media and connectivity via the www – it’s a challenge to find balance. I love your goals and will be praying for you, my friend!
Thanks, Cathy! Your post was such an encouragement to me, too. Thanks for the prayers! Blessings.
Seems like it’s always hardest to extend grace to ourselves. Blessings on your writing sabbaths.
Thanks, Lex…yep, it feels like I’m working on that one every day. 😉
I’ve been feeling the same way. Social media can sort of take over before you realize it. I’ve tried to cut back here and there and give myself grace. The world isn’t going to end if I read someone’s blog and don’t comment or send out a tweet. And I’ve been trying really hard to not pick up my phone (ok, not as much) once the kids are home. I hope you can find balance and what works for you! Blessings, friend!
Thank you! I realized over the weekend how much I didn’t miss because I didn’t check facebook for a day. Life goes on, and accepting the fact that I can’t do it all and choosing the best, instead, is what I want.
Your post said it so well…so thank you again for those words! They were such a blessing.
Have a great day!
I like how you are striving for the elusive balance. What has worked for me is revisiting whether my life is balanced periodically. Things change – all the time. I am trying (and mostly succeeding) not to check work emails at night or on the weekend. I was totally stressing myself out for no good reason. I will look continue to look forward to your posts and comments – even on a less often basis.
Thanks, Holly! Balance is so tricky sometimes…it helps to have friends who are in that place of trying to find it, too.
Hi Mel,
This:”It’s not a race…it’s obedience.” Amen…great wisdom…Thanks
Nice meeting you via GSD 
Thanks for stopping by, Dolly!
Permission to ourselves is hard, thanks for teaching me more about myself by sharing your journey. Best to you for your new routine,
Thanks, Nasreen! Blessings!