Weโve been walking the path of God-sized dreams together for a few months now. Will you share an update with us about your dream? Let us know where you are with itโthe happy and the hard. Tell us how we can pray for you and your dream too.
In 2005 we packed our bags for parts unknown.
Looking at a map, I was pretty sure it was about as far away as I could get from the Midwest, the place I had always called home.
Nevertheless, we did it. We crammed our lives into a suitcase and seven rubbermaid containers, shipped our dog on an airplane, said goodbye to all we knew, and we did it.
Moved to Indonesia.
And it became home.
At the time, we had no idea that we were living a dream.
We were aware that living and teaching overseas was something we’d wanted to do for awhile.
We were even more aware that God had called us to do it. So we answered with a yes.
And we fumbled and faltered and rejoiced and celebrated and cried and loved and lived and so many other things.
It changed us forever.
We lived out a dream, one we didn’t even know we had dreamed.
And months ago…maybe even years ago…another little dream crawled into a corner of my heart. I wanted to take the Indo-stories and experiences my Father had given to me and put them all into one place.
Write a book.
I even gave it a title. Lessons from Indonesia: On Life, Love, and Squatty Potties. ๐
And so when my friend, Holley, accepted me as a member of her God-Sized Dream Team last November, what I expected to pursue wholeheartedly during this time was writing this book.
After all, this was the dream I had in my heart.
And I wrote the book.
I did.
Hours upon hours at a corner table in the Starbucks on 31, more hot-turned-cold cups of coffee than I can count, and more smiles and tears, too…
…and it sits on my laptop and on my nightstand and in the hands of a friend…in the form of 120ish pages and 37,000 plus words. It is my heart and soul, the place where I bled love and life and happy and sad and so many memories…and it is a dream in every way.
That rough draft, read by one other person so far, represents the journey to a dream…one that I need to keep pushing forward to achieve…by writing book proposals that I don’t know how to write yet and handing it to people…even if it’s scary and makes me bite off all of my fingernails. ๐
I was fully aware that this dream I’d dreamed was a dream that I wanted to chase with abandon.
But over the last few months, there have been other things that jumped into my path.
For example…this space.
Yes, it’s been around for awhile.
And I guess I never really set out to make my blog a dream when I started it all in 2011. It was always my safe place, a place to laugh and cry and love and share it all. Of course, like any blogger, having an audience is nice, but it wasn’t my dream at the beginning.
And then?
These beautiful women from all corners started to stop by. Leave some comment love. Invite me to their spaces and into their hearts and lives.
A community was created and the dream to keep writing and sharing and loving people through my words was born. Or maybe another dream just grew.
And a few months ago, I let a dream…one that had been locked up tightly…out into the open. I let the whole world know that I want to write for (in)courage someday.
There it is again.
And I thought that maybe this whole letting-my-dreams-spill-out thing was over.
Two big dreams, and I’d shared them both.
But God has a funny way of working in hearts when we make the decision to go with His plan. And He brought something else into my life.
Not as an I-need-to-do-this-now dream, but definitely as something that has made an impact on my heart and could be a possibility for us down the road. That’s a bit frightening and heart-pounding to think about. So, for now, we’re just lifting that one up and placing it into His hands.
Now, several months after the dreaming began, I find myself looking at three, and probably more, dreams that have somehow taken root and grown and changed me.
Some days it’s all I can do to simply catch my breath and make the choice to walk another day by His side in obedience.
Walk hand in hand. Not run ahead. Not drag my feet behind.
The truth is that, with these dreams, I’m not sure where I am.
Yes, I’m pursuing publishing a book.
And. Slowly.
This process is not for the faint of heart. I’m finding that out, and the reality of how difficult handing my words over to other people is…well, it’s breaking me and it’s harder than I ever thought it would be.
And my dream of being a contributor for another blog…well, that one is in the works. It’s not for (in)courage, a space that I still love and would, someday, still love to write for. But there’s another opportunity, one that I am truly excited to watch unfold. Hopefully I’ll be able to share more soon.
And moving to Africa to live and work on a ship? God has said a clear, Not now. I am ok with this…more than ok.
In all of this dreaming, He has been teaching me the beauty of now.
I’ve dreamed some dreams within the last several months, and though things don’t look at all like what I pictured they might, I am truly enjoying the journey.
And I’m so blessed by each of you who have been part of it.
Happy Tuesday! Today we’re spending some time reflecting on our God-Sized dreams at Holley’s place. We’d love for you to hop over and be part of what God is doing in some amazing hearts and lives.
I am just so blessed to know you as a part of this process and can’t wait to see where God grows you!! And I want to be one of the people chosen to read your (what I know will be amazing) book before it goes to print! ๐ I am so blessed by you….keep dreaming and I will be cheering for you the entire way!!
Oh, girl…do you know much you bless me? I’m so looking forward to Allume and finally having the chance to hug your neck, but I’m also SO looking forward to continuing these friendships that God has blessed me with in the last months, and you are most definitely one of them! Let’s keep dreaming and encouraging each other…God’s going to do some amazing things. (I’m pretty sure things that will make me jump up and down and squeal!)
Love to you.
So thankful I’ve gotten to know you and your words as we both dreamed. You are such an encouragement. I’m looking forward to seeing these dreams (and others) unfold.
Kristin, I’m so thankful for you, too, and the way we’ve been able to encourage each other in this journey. You are a blessing, and I’m so looking forward to seeing what God is going to do through you!
Oh Mel…what a blessing it has been to chase dreams beside you these last 6 months! You have such a beautiful heart for God and I have enjoyed – and will continue to enjoy – cheering for you as God opens doors for you & your dreams
You have been such an encouragement to me, friend…thank you for that! I’m looking forward to seeing how He’s going to keep working and opening doors for both of us! Blessings!
Mel, I am so thankful for the link-up and for being able to be introduced to you and so many others through Holley’s graciousness. You have blessed me and been an inspiration to me as I read the words that spilled from your dream-filled heart. I know God will fulfill every dream as you continue to walk by faith and take those steps each day to see your dreams come to fruition. Thank you for encouraging me on my journey and walk with Christ. Love and Hugs to you, my friend! Cheryl
Your words are such a blessing, Cheryl…I never imagined that this journey would be what it has been…full of amazing, dreaming women/friends who cheer each other on and pour on the encouragement. I am so blessed by you, friend!
Isn’t it amazing how God has been working everything out over the last few months? Old dreams, new dreams, things we would have never considered on our own. It’s been such an honor walking this dreaming path with you and watching how things are unfolding. Many blessings to you!
I agree that it has been so fun to watch dreams evolve and turn into things different than what we first pictured but no less wonderful. I can’t wait to keep cheering each other on and to see where He takes us! Thank you for the constant encouragement you’ve been to me, friend…blessings and love!
I am always anxious to get to your blog and see what you are doing and how big your dreams are. I love reading your words, God has truly blessed you in your writings. Please continue to press on with the book. You are such and encouragement to me as I am sure to others also. Blessings and joy this week!
Thank you, Maggie, for your sweet words and for the encouragement you always are to me. Blessings and joy to you, too, friend!
Your heart has experienced so much! We are so blessed that you share it with us, Mel. It sounds like God is carrying you in this process, speaking to you, and revealing where He wants you at each step. Can’t wait to see what He has next!
Oh, friend…you have been such a blessing in the past months…I’m so glad this is just the beginning of our dreaming journey. He’s got some great plans for both of us!
I have loved getting to know you through this GSDT these past few months! I love how your dreams are growing and expanding! I’m excited to hear about this other opportunity of yours to contribute to another blog! That’s awesome! And I still can’t wait to hold your book in my hands one day and read your stories from Indonesia!
And I really can’t wait to meet you in real life in just one more month! 
Oh, friend, I’m definitely looking forward to that (in)RL hug SOON! Thank you for the blessing you are in my life…let’s keep dreaming and encouraging each other. It will be fun to see what God does!
Mel, I wish we lived closer together so we could meet for coffee and a diet coke. These last months of chasing our dreams together you have been such an encouragement to me. I love that each time I visit your place here in blogland I get to see just how big a dream can be and how far God can take us if we let Him. I pray His blessings and you continue to seek Him in all your dreams.
Thank you, Amy. I am so thankful for your friendship and the encouragement you are to me! And that coffee/diet coke sounds awesome…on your front porch, right? ๐ Let’s plan it someday.
Blessings, sweet friend!
I thought of you on Sunday. One of our pastors was preaching a message on “Jesus Is….Justice” and how Biblical justice that Jesus represented to believers is not punishment, but protection and provision. I could go into details on the message, but here is what made me think of you….He used example after example of the mercy ships in Africa. He played a video of one ship where they are repairing women’s faces that had been disfigured by tumors. Not only were the disfigured and unlovely, they are culturally rejected and no one can see them as PEOPLE but see them as PROBLEMS. But, Jesus sees people as people, not problems. We have a VERY large church, and I can tell you that there were few dry eyes as the video clips played. Anyway, I thought of you. I can relate to the “not for now” thing. In fact, I was reading in Romans 1 in the MESSAGE translation and I love the way it is written…Paul longed to go there many times, but many times he was prevented, but now God was making a way. You should read it in that translation in light of the heart you have to go, but in the waiting. It will minister. God’s timing is perfect. Hard to wait. Love your post today. Way to go on the book, friend! So wonderful. I can’t wait to read it.
That WAS a really powerful video…especially when the nurse talking said that “Someone needs to recognize that there’s a person in there. And I see them.” Oh, I sobbed through the whole thing, and even after watching it probably twenty times, I still cry. The “not for now” is sometimes a hard answer for me, but we are truly blessed with where He has us for now…and I pray that if a time comes when we should go, we will hear His call. Trusting his timing.
Thank you so much for your sweet words, friend!
I just keep nodding my head to everything you wrote: dreams, changes, open and closed doors. Such an amazing six months! I’m excited for your book and pray that it reaches those who would benefit by reading it. And a contributing writer in the works? Awesome! I’m excited to see where else God leads you. Blessings!
Amen to the last six months being amazing! Thank you for your encouragement, friend…blessings to you!
Hello there~ Can I just tell you how you encourage me to put some words on things that I’ve hidden deep in my heart? It’s a scary thing to say them out loud- it makes them real. My babies are growing up and I’ve put my dreams on hold for 12 years (I’m only 35!) and I feel like this may be my time, maybe for God to push me out of the nest.
Thank you for sharing your dreams, in humility and grace, and let us in to your story. Can’t wait to see how things unfold for you!
You are so welcome, friend…and thank you for those sweet words. Prayers for you as you go for those dreams. It’s not easy, but I’ve found the journey to be incredible, and I know it will be for you, too. Blessings!
Just love this Mel. I got goose bumps reading it. Am so excited to see what God does with all these new dreams, and with that book sitting in your house right now too.
Thank you, Gindi…I’m so blessed to have had the chance to be on this dream-chasing journey with you. I can’t wait to see what God does next in both of our lives!
The Universe /Great Cosmic Ocean (perhaps what many call God – not sure since I am in no way, shape or form a theologist) knows the best timing for stuff. I’ve always noticed that there has to be a readiness. Even when we think we are not ready for something, there is a readiness and looking back we can see it, but in the moment it is not always clear. And then there’s the not-readiness, where we feel we are not ready, but the Great Cosmic Ocean has already put the plan in motion. I have found reading your blog extraordinarily insightful. I may practice a different faith, but we’re not that different.
Thank you, Tam, for your words and for being here. I do trust in God’s timing even though mine is pretty much always different…but I always look back and shake my head at myself because life would be so much different, and so empty, without Him and what He’s planned for me. Blessings, friend!
Sooo exciting to hear your story… to hear about your book! And your dreams that still wait to unfold. You’ve been such a blessing on the FB group page. May the Lord open door upon door of joy and blessing over you and the dreams of your heart!
Thank you, Laurie…you are so sweet.
This has been such an incredible six months, and the journey…amazing. I’m so blessed by you and all of my dreaming sisters! It’s going to be so awesome to watch Him keep working and doing. Blessings, friend! 
Mel, I love this post and I love seeing what God is doing with your dreams! I even quoted from your words, in my post…hope that’s okay? And, Mercy Ships! I watch that video at least once a day since you first posted it. Incredible, friend!!
Thank you, friend, for your sweet words…and, absolutely, you can quote me anytime! I watch the video often, too…isn’t it SO powerful? I just love seeing how these incredibly brave men and women are being the hands and feet of Jesus…makes me want to jump right in, too! It has been a blessing to dream with you these last six months…I’m so glad we can keep sharing dreams and encouraging each other! Enjoy your weekend, sweet friend!
Mel – hon – you know I’m rooting for you — even when we don’t talk
You and I share so much without really sharing, don’t we? So many dreams, goals, fears, insecurities. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you! We need to chat sometime soon… once I get a bit more settled! (I’d love to read your book, too… but I know it’s hard to hand it over to other eyes…)
Love you, friend!
I’m so glad we “met” through FMF, friend…I needed to read your words this weekend. Thank you.
I would LOVE to chat, so yes…let’s find a time that works for you! Have a wonderful week…we’ll connect soon, ok? 
How exciting! I love it!!! I love when God does more than we ever can imagine. I’m just about to sign my contract of my first book and scared.to.death but holding on because I know (just like you mentioned) – it has all been from Him so I’d be crazy not to just keep walking through each door. Trusting. Believing. Hang in there! You got this!
Awesome! That’s so exciting…I’m happy for you!
Thank you for your encouragement, friend…blessings!