In life, I need those people. We all do.
The ones who will celebrate victories by taking my hands and, no matter who is watching, jump up and down with me.
Squealing gleefully is optional but most definitely adds to the fun.
Those same people are the ones who will grasp tightly to my hand as I sit with a mug of coffee and heart-spill all over the glazed, wooden, Starbucks table.
The ones who will grab my hands and say a prayer because sometimes that’s all they can do.
I am always amazed as I consider the different paths on which my Father has taken me. Places I never would have imagined, valleys I’d never even considered, victories better than anything I could have dreamed.
At every step, there’s been a hand-holder.
For I have never done alone well.
I need friends who not only will go out for coffee :), but will sit and share hearts. Cry tears. Laugh loudly. Love deeply.
Hold my hand. Sometimes…really, always…in their hearts.
And so when the God-Sized Dreaming began and my book-writing dream began to grow even more in my heart, I knew which hand-holding friend would pray me through this journey.
Kris is so much more than my friend and neighbor. Lucky her. π She’s my sister-in-Christ and the Godmother to my daughter. She’s a fellow coffee-drinker, dark chocolate-consumer, music-lover. She reads my blog, encourages my writing, and when we chat…well, sometimes it lasts for hours. She loves people well and inspires me through the way she walks in Grace.
Oh, and she makes really amazing hot fudge sauce. Like, so good you don’t really need the ice cream at all.
She’s prayed me through some tough days and celebrated some pretty wonderful ones with me, too. And knowing that she’s lifting me up every day means…a lot.
I am so blessed to call her my friend.
(This pic was last summer…we really need to get the camera out more. :))
I believe we all need real-life friends who will love and encourage us, but I have also been so blessed by the connections I’ve made with God-Sized Dream sisters. Last week we teamed up with other dreamers in our group to pray for and encourage each other. These two women are amazing…and I know you’ll be blessed by reading their stories and hearing their hearts!
Cathy blogs at Moments on the Journey. She is an encourager and has already blessed me and made me smile so many times in the past week! Hop over here to read about her God-Sized Dream and what He’s doing!
Jessica is also a dreaming sister and blogger. Her space is a great place to be…head on over and read about what God is doing in her life and heart!
And I really can’t end this post without mentioning this guy.
We are extreme opposites, and anyone who knows us…knows that. I rock the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants ENFP label, and he…is the ever-rock-solid ISTJ. He is not a blogger. He often doesn’t “get” my writing style or the random ways my brain works. But he loves and supports me…to the point that he told me last week, Honey, you can buy a ticket for that blogging conference. I want you to go.
Insert extremely happy dance. π
He has loved me on the days when I’m anything but lovable, held me up through days when I couldn’t stand on my own, celebrated victories with me by buying me chocolate and sweaters…and as a bonus, he’s a pretty fantastic daddy to our girl.
And though no part of our journey has been perfect, he’s an amazing hand-holder too. I love you, Honey. I’m so blessed to have you by my side.
No matter where we are…no matter the path…no matter the length of the phase of the journey…we all need those cheerleaders, the ones who will grab on to our hands and say, (preceded by the almost-mandatory jumping up and down and squealing,of course)
“You Can Do This!!!”
(And if youβd like to read more about what God is doing in the lives of other dreamers, click on the button below and come on over…we’ll be linking up every week!)
I love the term ‘hand-holder’. I picture my ministry partners as you said grabbing my hand and jumping for joy as well as tugging on my hand to move me forward when I feel like quitting. I love my hand holders.
I hadn’t thought about that description…”tugging on my hand to move me forward when I feel like quitting.” Perfect! Thanks for stopping by, Amy!
Oh, how exciting about the blogging conference! How great to feel supported and loved in such a way! What a great husband and what an amazing friend you have! What a beautiful tribute you wrote to both of them!
And if you could pray for me…we moved 4.5 years ago and I’m still praying for that real life hand-holding friend. I have 3 of those great friends….miles and miles away, and I love that technology keeps us close and how much they believe in me and support me. But I really, really want a real life hand-holding friend again. Thanks.
Oh, Cathy, I will pray for that friend for you! I’ve moved a few times, too…and I love how technology keeps me close to those long-distance friends, but I agree. We all need that real-life, hand-holding friend. Blessings, my dream sister…I can’t wait to see how God answers this prayer! Hugs
Cathy, you are not alone in this desire. As an answer to prayer, I had finally found a friend such as this — until she moved away. It’s been 5 years and I am still looking. Next time I pray about this for myself, I will say a prayer for you too, Cathy!
Thank you! And I will pray for you too Linda!
Mel, this is a wonderful post! There are many reasons to hold someone’s hand. But they all mean the same thing: I am here with you, feeling what you feel. Great insight!
Thanks, friend! You are such a blessing in my life…so thankful for you!
Ahh!! I want to go to Allume this year too! Wouldn’t it be so fun to meet??
That would be amazing! I’d LOVE to meet you!
Great to hear “YOU CAN DO IT”. Thankful to the Lord for bringing special heart friends into our lives to cheer us on!
Thanks Mel. Your post put a smile on my face!
Thank you for your sweet words, Judy! Blessings to you and thanks for stopping by!
Mel, I love your writing style! This was so fun to read, and I am so glad you are surrounded by so many amazing people. I love walking this dream journey together! (And yay for Allume. I went last year and it was a-maz-ing!)
Thanks, Mandy! Yeah, I’ve gotta admit that every time I think about going to Allume, I just wanna jump up and down and squeal. π
mel we are totally going to be real life friends someday! i just love love reading your writing and the ENFP in me knows we would spend hours over coffee!! praying for you.. and what a beautiful post!
Thank you, friend! I can’t wait for that coffee…I hope it’s SOON! Be blessed today…hugs
Love this- “…I sit with a mug of coffee and heart-spill all over the glazed, wooden, Starbucks table.” I’m INFP but pretty evenly P and J. So glad for you and your new adventures. I tell myself someday we’ll be at the point that I’ll be able to go to a blogging conference, but this year is not the year with as much change as we are taking on. π So glad and excited for you!
Thank you, Lisa! Personality types always fascinate me…and, secretly, I’ve often wished I were closer to INFP…I think because I tend to exhaust myself sometimes! (Which could probably be caused by the N, the F, and the P, too…)
Have a great day! Blessings 
I Love EVERYTHING about this post, Mel! You write beautifully, and are SO right…we all need a hand-holder
I’m so grateful for my dream-team sisters and the way you inspire me!
You are so sweet…thank you for your kind words. I’m so thankful for all of you, too! Blessings, sweet friend!
Your amazing smile caught my eye! I love your post. My husband is my biggest God-sized dream supporter too. Happy travels on the path with your God-sized dream.
Thanks so much for your sweet words, Holly, and for stopping by!
Mel, you are such an encourager. I love it! And if I get to go to Allume this year I’m tagging you my designated extrovert.
Thanks, Holley! And I will happily accept the tag…I’m here for ya! π Hugs, sweet friend.