Indo Changes

Tonight I was outside around dusk sitting under a tree.

Just thinkin’.

I do that sometimes. :)

Actually, while I was thinking, I was trying to catch lightning bugs, too, without actually getting up and chasing them, but only a few came within arm’s length, and I missed them. Bummer. Since they were clearly avoiding me, I just sat and watched bats fly over my head. Ok, not a lot. But there were batS…plural.

I know it’s goofy and not very relevant to life as I now know it, but seeing those bats and watching with fascination reminded me that living overseas has made life different from what it once was.

For starters, it cracks me up that I can watch bats with. fascination. And those bats kinda made me miss Indo, too.

So pardon me while I take a little jaunt down recent-memory lane.

Tomorrow some of our dear friends are making the long trek back to the States after nine years in Indonesia. It’s bittersweet for us, and we’re not even there going through it. They are some of the last friends we have left at the school and are also the last real tie we have with our pembantu, Ibu Sari.

It’s crazy how a place changing so much can make my heart bleed.

I grieve what was…and what was so wonderful. A time we can’t have back but one that will be etched forever in our hearts. It brings an ache and longing for heaven and with it a hope that we will see our beloved house helper and her family there, too.

You can pray for our friends to have a safe trip and a great summer in the gool ‘ol U.S. before they begin their next big adventure on another continent in about six weeks. Seriously, I know they’d appreciate your prayers a lot.

You can pray that Tobin and I find a way to keep intentional communication going with Ibu Sari and her family. We still have a good friend at BAIS who is a national, and we know he’ll help us out however he can. It will just be harder than it was before.

So much going on in my mind and on my heart…and it may only make sense to me, but it’s where I am tonight.

So thanks for reading. :)


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