Today I started briefly sketching out
an idea for a painting I want to do for Maelie’s room.
It’s really simple, which is a good thing, because I am NOT an artist…just a person with random moments of artistic talent.
Just a flower with the words, “He makes everything beautiful in His time.”
She doesn’t know it yet, but that’s pretty much the story of her life,
the story I want her to know.
I am terrible at waiting.
I do not like to be waiting in line at the grocery store, standing around at the end of the bar waiting for my coffee, and in Indonesia, I really hated waiting for a taxi. (Mostly because I knew that it could be as little as two minutes or as long as two hours before one showed up.
And who knows what the weather would do while I waited?)
Although I am not really Type A, I tend to have a plan for my day…and my life. I know how I want things done, and while there is definitely room to be spontaneous, I like it when my expectations are met. Exceeded is even better.
My husband and I are in the middle of more waiting.
We made an offer on a house this past week.
It’s a house we love and where we see ourselves raising our family. Great neighborhood and location, close to friends
and church. Yeah, it’s the one we’re renting. I love it.
And I want it so badly I can hardly stand it.
I don’t want to wait…I just want an answer. I don’t even know how I’m going to sleep until we know. And the reality is, we may not know for awhile.
I think back not so long ago when we were waiting for something else.
A child.
At times it felt like it would never happen.
I watched as, what seemed like, everyone around me had babies. Multiple babies. Even some of my friends were adopting.
And I? Was just waiting with empty arms and a heart that was hurting more and more the longer we waited.
And in the middle of that waiting, I started wondering, “Is it really waiting if there’s nothing to wait for?”
Oh, Mel…such small faith.
Easy for me to say now, I guess.
At the time, it felt like God was always saying no. “No, I don’t want you to adopt this baby. No, I don’t want you to have this one.”
And then…He said yes.
I still smile really, really, B
IG when I remember the morning we got the positive pregnancy test. It meant about 7 1/2 more months of waiting, but I didn’t care one bit.
We were going to have a baby!
And then…the puking started. And didn’t stop.
I learned even more about waiting while I experienced 24/7 sickness for 18 weeks straight. My body was so physically weak and exhausted that showering and getting dressed were major accomplishments. My head hurt so bad that I could hardly look at a computer or tv screen or read a book.
Really, what does a person do with all of that time? I learned that there was nothing else I could do but pray…and wait it out.
And while it was horrible, we still knew that God was fulfilling His plan for our family in His time. There was comfort in that even though I felt absolutely awful.
And eventually, around the middle of the sixth month, I did stop puking and my head stopped hurting so much. I actually felt somewhat normal and was able to enjoy life…and begin to excitedly dream about the little girl we would be welcoming into our family so soon.
And before we knew it, June 14 was here, and Maelie arrived!
The waiting was long…and hard. But she was so, so worth the wait.
And whether I’m waiting for a baby or a house, I know that God will give us an answer in His time.
Father, remind me of this on the days I don’t feel like waiting.
In His time,
In His time,
He makes all things beautiful
In His time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As You’re teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say
In Your time.
In Your time,
In Your time,
You make all things beautiful
In Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing
In Your time.
Awesome story Mel! Thanks! The painting sounds like a great idea too! What kind of color would the flower be? Ha ha, I’m a color freak… I just had to ask!
Thanks for this post. I’m waiting too, as you know….now on 2 things……2 jobs……1 for my hubby…….1 for me. I know it’s not in my hands, but like you and your house…..I WANT THIS JOB! I better loosen my grip, white knuckling has never gotten me anywhere!
In His time! Nice!
I found you from Rebekah Grace’s blog and am so glad I did!
I could relate to your words and have experienced many of the same events and feelings. I never thought I would get pregnant. It took a year of consistent trying and finally that positive test was in my hands. I remember the months of finding out I was not pregnant and the tears that filled my face!
I also had to wait on a house that I wanted… it was one I was renting that I wanted to own.
The first solo I ever sang was “In His Time”…. It has very significant meaning to me.
It was great to be here today and to remember the faithfulness of God..
A longing fulfilled truly is a tree of life!
Have a blessed day!
Rebekah Grace…probably pink. I love pink when it comes to my girl.
Maybe with some orange in there, too.
Julie–nice to “meet” you…thanks for stopping by! And for sharing a bit of your story. I’ll have to check out your blog, too!