I Love Random

So…I am always random. Today, more than other days.

Bear with me, k? (You know you love reading the crazy things that shoot through my brain anyway, right?) 😉

This is my very favorite time of year.

I love, love, love seeing the leaves change colors. While that is just beginning here, we saw some re ally

beautiful colors in Wisconsin this weekend. I also love jeans-and-sweater weather. Perfect.

We were talking about movies tonight at my weekly work out with friends, and I mentioned that I’d like to take hip hop lessons.

I really don’t know why…but I think it would be fun to learn how to dance.

Maelie and I have moved on from Little House on the Prairie to my other TV addiction, Road to Avonlea. Probably my favorite show ever. And I will actually loan it out if any of you ever want to watch it. It’s fun. :)

Speaking of the Mae…she fell on her head today.

Seriously. It was a 3-4 foot fall off of some playground equipment.

She cried. I freaked out.

Thankfully, after lots of phone calls and questions, she seems to be ok. We’ re watching her for signs of a concussion.

And praying. I’d love it if you prayed, too.

I think it broke my mommy heart to see my little girl hurting.

I desperately need to repaint our front room.

I’m kinda thinking of doing a multi-color, random design with blue and lime green and orange. It’s the room our piano is in and definitely needs to be livened up a bit. We shall see what I come up with.

Tomorrow I am going to (hopefully) chat with a local newspaper editor about heading a different direction with my writing. I’ll stick with my blog (not sure I could ever give it up!) but have some other opportunities, too.

I’m anxious. But excited, too. I really,

really want to write.

I’ve been sitting at the computer for half an hour…and realized I never showered when I got home from working out.

That’s kinda gross, huh

? Guess I better end this and hit the shower.

Love you all.



  1. Amelia J Hegle says:

    I’m praying for Mae! And if you do paint, please post pictures :)

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