His Pain

There are so many times in life when I get wrapped up in

my pain.

An unexpected migraine hits. Knee issues flare up making running difficult. I slam my finger in the porch door on the way inside. (True.)

All of those things consume me when they hurt.

Relationships struggle, crack, or break. Pressure to fix things outside my capability causes stress. Life, in general, fractures.

More pain.

I let it consume me often…wrapping myself up in heartache. I suppose that’s because I’m human and we all do that from time to time. But rarely, when I’m in that place, do I stop to consider

his pain.

Oh, what he must have felt as the weight of the world fell on him…and he wrapped himself in the pain of billions and billions. How much it must have hurt to know that so much of what he went through would never be acknowledged by so many people.

It makes me hurt to think about it.

I still don’t understand why he did it. I know he loved and that’s why, but sometimes I shake my head as I feel unworthy and so, so LOVED all at the same time.

For someone to endure all of that for me…

May I never, ever forget his pain.

Because that pain is what healed mine.



  1. Amen. Thank You Jesus! Thank You!

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