Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s Topic: View
Oh, I miss the view.
I can still picture it in my head…the green everywhere.
The mountains that seemed so close I could touch them.
The way God fingerprinted every little detail of that beautiful place.
And I got to live there.
I remember one of the mornings I took the motorbike out for a drive, and I just couldn’t get enough of my surroundings. Maybe it meant more for this Iowa girl who was used to flat plains and no mountains, but I just soaked it all in.
And now I’m glad I did, for it is still in my mind.
Still in my heart.
I can still close my eyes and picture every detail.
It was an incredible view, amazing scenery, placed in a country where the vast majority of the people were very poor.
I like to think that it was a small way He chose to bless them.
I miss you, Indonesia.
You transported me there tonight…beautiful words, and sweet memories of a place you obviously love very much
“The way God fingerprinted every little detail ” – this line. So much beauty here.
Thank you, Lisa-Jo!
Beautiful! I’m a total mountain girl and I so get this. Mountains speak deep to you in a way that nothing else can. Love it!
That was the first and only time I’ve ever gotten to live in/near mountains…yep. Amazing. Thanks for stopping by, Amy!
I love this. I love the mountains. I lived on the doorstep of the Rockies for a few years. There is nothing seeing majesty bloom out of the earth. Thank you for sharing this “view”
Thanks, Tonya! Majesty…that’s a good word to describe them. Love it.
Blessings, friend!
Mel, friend, you have such an amazing gift of words and language that I can only dream of
I love the imagery, and I felt like I was there with you on the motorbike… After living in Colorado for years and spending so much time in the mountains, I can say you never lose that sense of awe and wonder at God’s amazing creation. Happy Friday to you!
Thank you for your sweet words, April! Hope you have a wonderful weekend…blessings!
thank you for inviting us back there, Mel, for painting a picture we could just drink in … you’ve enlarged my borders late this evening!
Love this.
and love His fingerprints. {Like God-hugs!}
Beautiful Mel.
Thank you, friend!
It sounds so beautiful! You painted the picture in my mind before I even saw the picture you posted. Lovely:)
Thank you, Jennifer!
WOW! I miss Guatemala that way. The views are imprinted on my mind for good.
I love that I can always picture the view…I hope that never changes.
Blessings, friend!
I have no words … thank you for this view!
You’re welcome, friend! Have a great weekend!
So beautiful. Thank you for taking us there Mel.
Thank you! And you’re welcome, too.
Hi Mel! visiting from Five Minute Friday. You took me there with this post…waking up my love of travel. I have pictures of Puerto Rico that look like this and pix from other travels where it is so clear to me that the space was indeed God-designed. There really isn’t anything like His handiwork in nature… a gorgeous reminder of the simple gifts and pleasures of LIFE. thank you for this beautiful visual.
Thanks for stopping by, Lisha! God’s creation is amazing…I always remind myself it’s amazing everywhere, even if there aren’t mountains everywhere.
Blessings and have a great weekend!
So beautiful. I can see it, your beloved Indonesia!
Thank you, Barbie!
Just beautiful.
Thank you, Jennifer!
I was in Honduras when you described that land. Great FMF post!
That is indeed beautiful. And tranquil. Wow. Breathtaking.
Thank you, Tam…good to see you here again!
What a privilege, and even the memory is a gift!
So true. Thank you, friend…happy weekend to you!
Dear Mel
Our Pappa does have a soft spot for the poor, don’t you think! Whenever I look at the sea that is 200 meters from my home, I receive a gift of grace from His hand.
Much love
I think He does.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Such a beautiful, touching post.
Thank you, Denise!
I’m sure you were very much a blessing! When He blesses us so richly it can’t help but spill over
Love this! My husband and I recently returned from a winter spent volunteering in Ecuador. A much shorter period of time, but no less imprinted upon my heart. Those views, the people, that place – it will always be with us.
That sounds like an amazing experience! When we allow a place and its people to enter our hearts, we’re never the same. And that’s a good thing.
Blessings to you, Abby!
Such a beautiful view. Thank you for taking me to a place I would other wise may never go. Have a blessed restful weekend friend.
Thank you, Amy! Enjoy your weekend, too…blessings!
Substitute Alaska for Indonesia and you are writing my heart beautifully. My heart that I left pieces of there strewn across the mountains and the snow.
What I love about my heart being scattered in so many places is that my view is so much broader and more beautiful…thank you for sharing.
Blessings and happy weekend to you!
Thanks for reminding me of my mountains.
I grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee, and I miss them every day. I like Middle Tennessee just fine, but nothing beats the mountains. Nothing.
Very cool Mel. What a great perspective and a wonderful memory. I love it. Rock on sister!!!
Thank you, Debi!
I just came from the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference where we were submerged in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I understand missing that view! And I love your perspective about the people of Indonesia.
Oh, that sounds awesome…for the mountains and the conference. 😉 Have a great weekend, friend…blessings!
I love the mountains. I have visited them during my travels here and there and always wish I could stay and live there and breathe in mountain air every day. Thank you for taking me back to my own memories. And Indonesia? Wow! It sounds beautiful.
It was definitely beautiful…I was blessed to call it home for five years.
Blessings, friend…have a great weekend!
Lovely! You make me want to go there and experience the view myself!
Thank you, Kim! And you should definitely go. 😉
Beautiful descriptions…would love to see it myself!!
Thank you, friend! And if you’re ever up for a trip to Indo…let me know. I’m a really good tour guide.
Enjoy your weekend!
You have a beautiful blog, and lovely writing. Wow! Blessing me!
Thank you, Ashley!
Wow. I love the simplicity of your words and the way you painted beauty with every one. Thank you~
Thank you for your sweet words, Lori, and for stopping by! Blessings!
Thank you for transporting me there…lovely post.
Thank you, Mary!
I can feel your love for that place in these words, Mel. Lovely post. I relate completely because it is the way I felt when I lived in Madison, WI as a transplant from CA. Even now I still feel a deep ache in my gut when I think of Madison. I love that place :).
I love that you lived in Madison! We’re just a couple hours from there (nw Chicago burbs) and visit once or twice a year because my husband has family there. I love Madison’s farmers’ market, too; it’s the best…I hope we’ll get there at least once this summer!
Happy weekend to you, friend!
How very beautiful! In 1 week, I am going to the beach and taking your Indonesian sarong with me. Blessings for a wonderful weekend!
Thank you, Holly! And have so much fun at the beach…teeny bit jealous here. 😉 Blessings back to you, sweet friend!