Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s prompt: True
True confession?
I have a little obsession with making the top row of this linkup.
It didn’t start out that way, and it’s not necessarily ok or admirable or something I’m proud of…it’s just a confession.
And another one?
Tonight I sat there, singing songs and writing forms, marking changes and how many times we were singing the tag…and checking Twitter.
Missing out on #fmfparty, trying to follow along with random glances down at the pew between verse and chorus, not daring to actually tweet along…
But following.
And somewhere in the middle of Your Love Never Fails, the prompt went out, and I had to fight the urge to race into the hallway and figure out how to somehow blog this prompt from my iPhone, which I know is done all the time, but not by Mel. The girl who always writes everything from her computer.
And then I caught myself.
And since we’re talking true tonight, this might sound a little harsh.
Why is it that I feel the need to be first?
Oh, don’t get me wrong…it’s fun to tweet with my friends and then dash off our five minutes and spend an hour or so encouraging each other. That’s such the heart of this community and something I absolutely love about it.
But the truth is that competition doesn’t really help anyone. And, does it really hurt me to be mixed up in the middle somewhere, surrounded by beautiful sisters who love Jesus just as much as the lovely ladies in the top row do?
So, tonight? I’m going to spend some time loving on them…reading their words and their hearts.
And being thankful…for praise team practice, for the fact that I didn’t get home in time for the prompt, for the fact that I get to hang out somewhere new and fun.
I’m also making a promise to never, ever open Twitter during praise team again.
True story.
Friends? I have this rule, one that I’m seriously considering tossing out after the last two weeks, but not tonight. I always write the first thing that comes to mind with Five-Minute Friday…and this was it. Please know that I love each of you…regardless of whether you link up at #1 or #527. We each have a voice, one that should be heard…and I’m going to spend some time listening tonight.
Well, you won’t find any judgment coming from me, because I’ve done the same thing. And as for making the top row….well, I may have done that once but I’ve long since given that up. I just can’t get organized that fast! I’ve missed you in the twitterverse, friend!
I know…I’ve been so absent. Here’s to tweeting more next week!!! Love you, friend…have a beautiful weekend!
Mel, oh girl! I love how you are embracing being in the middle of somewhere new and the fun that it could bring with it. Grace and beauty right there. Right. There.
Thank you, friend! Blessings to you…have a wonderful weekend!
I am certainly not going to judge you either!! I sat up a few times a year or so ago and waited for the prompt, but then I just couldn’t do it anymore – I was even #1 once. Now end up somewhere down the line and wonder if anyone ever read my posts. Tonight I knew I was going to be up AND it helps that Lisa-Jo gives the prompt before midnight eastern time! Anyway, I get what you are saying and I love that you are joining the middle group and that I am near enough to see it and you!
Let’s meet at ALLUME…yes???
Absolutely…can’t wait for that hug, sweet friend!
And thank you for your encouragement…really, it’s all about community. And what I love about her linkup is that no matter where we are in the lineup, we’re surrounded by it. LOVE that.
Happy weekend to you!
I am the same way, girl. There’s this need I feel every Thursday night to get in the top 5, to be in the top. And I try to remind myself every week that no… it’s not the end of the world to be in the middle, to meet some new faces, to leave comments on new blogs and love in new spaces. I love love love you – and at Allume I really hope we can steal away, just the two of us and talk over a cup of coffee, because you and I? You were my first friend here
Text me this weekend 
YES. We’ll make sure that happens…we’ll find a corner table with two chairs and some coffee. With sprinkles! 😉 Will catch up with you sometime this weekend…love ya, friend! (((hugs)))
I *always* wonder how you happen to blog in the evening coherently. If I want to get a good five minutes in, it would not be when the word posts….which happens to be an insane hour of the night when I am unwinding my brain by reading. So I read yours, but I will be happy to be a much later post-er. Hoping to get around to it tomorrow. 😉
I forget, too, that I used to write later in the night on Friday…and I met some pretty awesome bloggers and friends that way! In fact, I believe you were one of them! 😉 Happy weekend to you, sweet friend!
I love this post..funny and so true to life…btw I always love reading what you write and it doesn’t matter what line you are on, thanks for the honesty!
Thank you for your sweet words, Somer! Blessings to you, friend!
Mel, I am new to the community here, just kinda thinking about getting my toes wet. I can say this though. Just because I am new, doesn’t mean I am not human! Who am I to judge how you react when the prompt comes out? But this….this is true. Your honesty, your transparency, your humanity. That reveals itself in your confessional nature of your post. It’s refreshing, humbling and real. Makes me wanna come visit every week.
You are sweet, Shell…thank you. And I’m so glad you stopped by and have joined this community. You’re welcome here anytime…I hope you’ll come by again soon! Blessings!
That’s quite funny, actually. My true in all this is that I feel a little odd and not quite part of the FMF group because the spiritual path is not the same as so many of the other FMFers. I enjoy the prompts, but I have to say, I have very seriously considered not doing FMF again, and I didn’t for a while. Maybe I should blog this, eh?
I’m glad you did blog it, friend…I’m headed over to read it in a few.
I think we all have those spaces and places where we feel we don’t belong. It doesn’t make it easier, but it’s makes us brave when we show up. You are brave, friend…and though there are differences, you are always welcome here! And at FMF, too…please keep being there.
Have a beautiful week!
I don’t worry about being at the top…but I also don’t “do” the Thursday party. This girl ain’t got no time for that!! 😉 But I honestly feel a bit left out because I don’t too…oh these inner battles we have stink don’t they?!
I love you friend and can’t wait to get to hang out in a few short weeks….
It’s coming up SO fast…eeeek! I can’t wait to hug your neck!
Have a wonderful week, sweet friend!
Hi Mel. I love your honest heart, and I can relate about the competitive side coming out. I’ve had to really work to overcome the need to join in to the #fmf parties and write right away. It usually doesn’t work with my family’s schedule to join the party. My life is so busy right now and I’ve had to realize that I can’t move blogging and social media up on the list of priorities. But I love coming to visit all of you on your blogs and read the occasional tweets. You are a blessing! Can’t wait to meet you at Allume!
I kind of think it’s a God thing that Lisa-Jo moved the time of the prompt. Sometimes I can participate in #fmfparty, but sometimes I can’t, and so it gives me that chance to reflect on purpose rather than competition. (Definitely a reminder I need daily!) You are a blessing, friend…wishing you a wonderful week! awesome.
I think we’ve all been there.
And if I were honest, I gave up trying to be on the top but that also means at times, I wonder if it’s worth joining in, only to be at the wee bottom of it all. Thank you for this post, that reminds me we are all a community of Jesus loving women, we all matter. I’m going to join you in showing every row of FMF some love tonight. Thank you so much for this post!!!!
Thank you for your sweet words, Stephanie…I think it’s always worth it, and I’m learning that.
There are so many incredible women in this community…and each of their words matter. Blessings to you…I hope you have a beautiful week!
You made me smile….I always look for your beautiful face when I sit down on Friday mornings. I will search for you even when you aren’t in the first row
Oh, you are the kindest, my friend. You are always so full of encouragement and love…and I look forward to visiting your space, too. Can’t wait for the day I can meet you in(RL)…these two friends need to exchange a hug! Love to you…have a wonderful week!
Dear Mel
Oh, thanks for your honesty, dear friend. You remind me of Jesus’ words that the first will be last and the last will be first.
Blessings XX
You’re welcome, friend! Wishing you a great week…blessings and hugs to you!
Oh, friend! I loved this! Me, who never links up the night before, who hasn’t been to an #fmfparty but with a peek here or there in ages… Happened upon the prompt and the writing just flowed. When I linked up I had to refresh Lisa-Jo’s page more than once to confirm that I was #1 on the link up and then I freaked out because my writing isn’t good enough for the top row! 😉
So I totally smiled when I saw that you were the first link-up this week…yay!
And your writing absolutely IS good enough for the top row. Looking forward to meeting you soon…can you believe Allume is just a few weeks away? So excited!
Have a great week, friend!
You are beautiful no matter where you end up in a line! Thank you for sharing of your motives–the hardest of things to confess!
Deb Weaver
You are so sweet, friend…thank you for that. Blessings to you!
A wonderful example of how the truth can set us free! Letting go of the top, in anything, frees us up to enjoy our pursuits. Welcome to the middle.
Thank you, Tereasa! You know what? I’ve loved this week’s FMF…have visited some great “new” spaces and met some beautiful hearts.
Blessings to you, friend…thank you for stopping by!
Totally awesome sister. I think, to be honest, He was more blessed by your singing than where you are in the lineup. But I’m glad you made it in just the same. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Thank you for that, friend…we all need a refocus now and then, huh? It’s a blessing to have a community like this to surround me, even on the days when I spill the ugly truth. I’m thankful for you! Have a wonderful week!
I think you just wrote a truth that we all feel but maybe afraid to admit. The truth that we want to be on the top for whatever reason we just want to. So no judgement from me.
Mel, I so appreciate your transparency. Thanks for your post. Blessings to you.
Blessings to you, friend…thank you for stopping by!
Oh girl – the ONLY time I EVER made it in the Top Spot was when LJ switched up the LInk UP so we all got that #1 spot for a minute or two! I gave up any hope of that from day one when I met Crystal and all her super impressive Ninja ways!
Loved this… and I will admit that while manning the Prayer Booth last night (in between praying for people) – I was sneaking glances at Twitter too! You are not alone, my friend! You are not alone!
Haha…I remember thinking, “HUH???” that week when she mixed things up. (Which was so awesome…giving everyone a chance to be on top!)
SO looking forward to meeting you at Allume, sweet friend!!! I think we’re down to 24 days???!!!