Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s prompt: Ordinary
What do you want to do today, girlie?
It’s a question I ask her often…and I usually get the same response.
I want to play at home!
This sweet little girl…as much as she loves going to school and play dates and park fun and adventures…she revels in the ordinary magic of a day.
Her favorites?
Coloring together on the back porch.
Playing in the sandbox.
Swinging or sliding or kicking the hot pink and orange ball around the side yard.
Hide and seek.
Walking the neighborhood and visiting friends we love.
Stories, songs, and princess-playing.
Coffee dates and chats with friends. (True.) 😉
Sometimes I wonder if I’m giving her a life that’s too ordinary…and then I smile.
This little girl has learned the value of finding the magic and wonder in the little moments that I so often take for granted.
Dear, sweet girl…thank you for finding a reason to celebrate each moment. You know what? I celebrate YOU. Even in the most ordinary of moments.
Because you?
You are extraordinary…and my life is so much more just that because you are in my days.
Love this. So enjoyed coloring with my girls.
Love your blog. Hope to be reading more.
Thanks, Melissa…blessings to you!
I just want to be her friend and come over to play dress up or put together puzzles. So cute! You are teaching her 1,000 gifts lived out.
One of my girls was just saying tonight she wanted Saturday to be a PJ day, no going anywhere, watch movies, read, draw – just a calm easy-going day. Sounds good to me too!
Sounds wonderful…I love a good rainy day for those very reasons! Enjoy your pj day!
Finding magic and wonder in the little moments – that’s what our little girls (or littles period) do for us, don’t they? What an immense blessing you have here in your daughter. And what fun it sounds like you’re having together!
She is such a blessing…one I can’t even really put into words. We do have fun.
Thanks, friend…hope your weekend is wonderful!
Those children of ours sure do bring out the magic in everyday life, don’t they?! I’m so thankful for the blessing of seeing life through their eyes. Thanks for sharing over at FMF.
Thanks for stopping by, Jen…wishing you a wonderful weekend! Blessings!
Our kids are really our seeing eyes if you will…we forget about how magical a day is, how everything could be a discovery…too busy doing important grown up things
i have a three year old “coffee” sipper too in early morning light before the other two girls wake up…i love it… in ordinary play their imagination really takes flight…they are themselves in the space they love and are loved…what a blessing to know your little girl loves to be at her home with her mommy 
Thank you for those sweet words, Somer…and, agreed. Life through her eyes is just simple wonder, and it’s awesome.
She is beautiful like her momma. I remind myself that there is never ever a time I look back and say that I wish I had not spent more time at home with my two. Those days of ordinary matter more than you know. It builds the foundation of what they will stand upon. I see the beauty of that everyday in my two beautiful big ones. You are both treasures. Love you so much sweet friend!
You make me smile, friend.
Thank you for the sweet encouragement and love…so thankful for you! Have a wonderful weekend. 
She is such a sweet girl!! I love that you find so much beauty in the ordinary things with her!
Thanks, friend! Hope your weekend is a beautiful one!
She is so adorable! And I’m sure her life is extraordinary! She’s a gift. Have a wonderful weekend, friend!
Thank you, sweet friend…blessings on your weekend, too!
Oh such beauty in everyday ordinary! Glad you pause and notice it!
Sometimes I wonder if the life I lead with my girls is too vanilla. Then I remember vanilla is the most popular flavor! So glad I can enjoy moments with your girlie too!
Thanks, friend…she’s a fun one, isn’t she? 😉
Joining you today from Five Minute Friday blog hop. Loved your take on ordinary – funny how we perceive most things as ordinary when they are anything but.
Thanks for stopping by, Shannon! Have a great weekend!
If we could all remember to just embrace each moment like your little sweetie does. We tend to want to reach for the things others call extraordinary that we forget to see the beauty God has for us in the ordinary. Thanks for the reminder. I hope you have a great weekend coloring, playing and just being with her.
Thanks, friend! We’re enjoying a rainy afternoon right now…when she finishes her rest time, I’m hoping for some coloring.
Blessings and hugs to you, Amy…I hope your weekend is wonderful!
Oh bless her heart. I’m loving that my girl’s favorite things to do? Cook in her play kitchen while daddy makes dinner. Throw all the pillows on the floor to snuggle and watch “moofes”…anything that involves paint & glitter. No fancy shows, no extravagant events – just time. At home. Being…ordinary. And I can’t get enough
I love it.
Mae’s in the all-things-princess-pink-and-glitter phase right now, and it’s completely my favorite. Oh, and has your little one discovered glitter glue yet? Oy…it’s a new favorite, and we’re working on spreading the glitter love around instead of making one big blob of a mess. I love toddlers. 
This was SO cute and the picture added to it
She sounds like a great girl and loves to be with her mommy!
She is pretty wonderful.
Thanks for your sweet words, friend…blessings and happy weekend!
Kids have a way of making the ordinary so very cool. Love this my friend!!
Yes, they absolutely do…thanks, friend!
Dear Mel
Oh, we can learn a lot from children. They see beauty in places we don’t even bother to look at. My little niece is just the same as Maelie; finding something extraordinary in all the ordinary things!
Blessings XX
Blessings to you, friend! Seeing the beautiful ordinary through her eyes…it’s just magical. I feel so blessed.
Sending hugs…hope you are doing well!
“This little girl has learned the value of finding the magic and wonder in the little moments that I so often take for granted.”
Ohhhh yes! Living in the ordinary moments so makes life extraordinary. Love your heart!
Thank you, friend! Blessings and happy weekend to you!
Oh Mel – you know you just got me and my Mama heart with this one! And if it makes you feel any better… my girlie still loves best to hang out at home with us… it’s such a gift… and in this crazy world – it really is anything but ordinary! Love you! Glad to have you back at the party last night, friend!
Thank you, friend…it was good to be back!
Have a great week!
These are the memories that she will take to adulthood with her too. My kids favorite memories are the ordinary ones…the days we ate in the car on the way to some practice or another, but we did it together. The Friday night pizza parties with our best friends. The lazy summer evenings at the pool. All simple. All memorable. Enjoy!
Thank you for sharing that, friend.
It’s such a good reminder to make time for those memories…I want her to look back and smile on even the ordinary. Have a great week…blessings!
I love this! This makes me love your daughter.
She is after my own heart. I’m trying to teach my son to appreciate the “ordinary” too. To relish it like I do. He’s slowly learning…
My favorite quote:
“This little girl has learned the value of finding the magic and wonder in the little moments that I so often take for granted.”
Yup. I get that. Love it all, Mel.
Thank you, sweet friend, for those words. Our littles really do teach us so much about embracing each moment, don’t they? Blessings to you…wishing you a wonderful week!
There is a joy and a simplicity in appreciating the ordinary. Today I saw a bird taking a bath in the alley in a little tiny puddle. he was so happy in this little surprise.
That makes me smile…thanks for sharing and for stopping by, David!
You know, the older I get, the more I just long for ordinary days!
Oh, the joys of the simple things! I miss those days with my girls. Keep right on making those memories, because they grow up so fast. Glad to “see” you last night!
It was good to be there…going for two weeks in a row! 😉 Actually, three…can’t wait for the live fmf at Allume…it’s going to be amazing to sit IN the same room as so many of you while we heart-spill our five minutes together.
Looking forward to giving you an (in)RL hug SO soon! Have a great week, sweet friend.
What a precious post, precious little girl and awesome things that she loves to do. This post reminds me of Ann Voskamp’s book 1000 gifts where she looks at ordinary situations and things in life and she is thankful for them. In the same way, your beautiful daughter looks at the little things, the ordinary things and she makes magic of them. She sees the beauty in the ordinary.
Visiting from FMF!
Have a beautiful and extraordinary weekend!
Thank you, Jessica! I’m actually reading One Thousand Gifts right now. (finally!) I love the perspective of giving thanks for the simplest (yet so beautiful) gifts in our days.
Wishing you a wonderful week…blessings to you!