Today I’m linking up with the Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. Join me!

And for more great Five Minute Friday stories, click here!

Oh, and the guidelines: Write for five minutes.
No editing, revising, or w
orrying. Just write.
Today’s Topic: On Forgetting
Today I snuggled up with my daughter
as she took her afternoon bottle before
her nap. This is not an unusual occurrence…she will let me cuddle her as long as she’s got her “ba-ba.” However, this afternoon was different.
I started to think…and remember.
The first time I held her…how tiny, new, and perfect she was in my inexperienced mom my arms.
I couldn’t believe that this was my daughter. It was the most euphoric, wonderful feeling of my life.
And while I haven’t forgotten that I was happy, I have forgotten just exactly what that joy felt like.
The first weeks were one big lesson in mommyhood.
The late, sleepless nights; the random feedings at insane hours; the pacing up and down the hallways to get her to sleep at 2 a.m….at the time, it felt like such a chore, but it was precious bonding time.
And while I haven’t forgotten the pacing and the late nights, I have forgotten the feeling of having this tiny baby nestled in my arms.
The next months…as she grew, changed, learned to roll over, “talk”, crawl, (almost) pull herself up…I watched in amazement as my daughter became a little person capable of so many things.
It’s been magic to watch.
And while I haven’t forgotten the joy of watching her grow, I’m afraid that I might forget how new and exciting each little step is for her.
My girl will turn one year old in just a few weeks. My tiny, precious baby girl…is no longer a baby.
She’s turning into a beautiful little girl…one who fills up my heart and makes me thankful to be her mommy every single day.
I love these moments, and I want to freeze time.
Because I never, ever want to forget them.
What a beautiful post. Savor the moments. In the blink of an eye, they grow up, but some of those moments will be forever written on your heart.
Julie (Just hopped over from Five Minute Friday)
Thanks for the sweet words, Julie! And thanks for stopping by.
So heartfelt…so true. With additional babies you remember the things you worried you wouldn’t remember. Still, there are so many memories that are yet to be made!
I have to remind myself that there will be a lot more memories!
Thanks for stopping by.
Very lovely post. I’m aiming to stay intentional about my time with my son, too. You capture these feelings so well!