Five Minute Friday: Motherhood Should Come With…

Today I’m linking up with the Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday.

Join me!

And for more great Five Minute Friday stories, click here!

Oh, and the guidelines: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, or w

orrying. Just write.

So, just write, I will!

Today’s Topic: Motherhood Should Come With…

…a manual containing the answers to every potential question a mom has

ever had, currently has, or is about to have.

…two extra hours in the day to give me time to actually do my makeup before I get in the car to go somewhere…and maybe so I can squeeze in that yoga workout that

I never quite find the time for.

(Really, why am I stopping at two? Make it six!)

…a coffee maker that just keeps brewing all day long.

Without me actually having to get up and keep it going…

…the ability to sleep anywhere.

(I think I’ve got that one now!)

…a daily hug and some words of encouragement, just so I know I’m doing okay with the mom thing.

…infinite amounts of patience and perseverance.

…understanding that no child is perfect, but my child is perfect for me.

a ten pound bag of dark chocolate M&M’s and twelve cases of Diet Coke.

(That’ll get me through the first month!)

…more love than I ever thought possible.

Yeah, I got that one, too.

Love my girl.


more grace. Grace for myself as I make and learn from mistakes, grace for those around me who are often just trying to help, and an acceptance of it from those who have been there.

…a badge of honor.

Because being a mommy is my favorite thing in the world.




  1. Okay…am on my 3rd Diet Coke of the day…and I never usually have more than ONE!

    • Haha…I have days like that, too. One day not too long ago I think I had five or six. But usually just one or two. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I agree with your post 95%, I am going to change Diet Coke into Diet Dr. Pepper, and the “Love my Girl” comment into “Love My Boys” if it weren’t for those two things, I would think you and I were twins seperated at birth!

    Happy Mother’s Day!

    • So many people I know loooove Diet Dr. Pepper. So there must be something special about it that I’m not appreciating. :) Happy Mother’s Day to you, too. Thanks for commenting!

  3. love your list and how fun it is =) and children are so perfect for the families they are in! love that you love being a mommy too…it shows :)

    • Thanks so much for your sweet words, Katy. I peeked at your blog a little, and I’ll definitely be back to read more! :)

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