Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
And this week is a little different. I have a tradition of writing to my daughter every year on her birthday. Some of my sweet friends who participate in FMF challenged me to take the prompt and do it all at once.
So, my sweet Mae…this five minutes is just for you. Happy 3rd birthday to my favorite girl in the world…I LOVE YOU!
Today’s topic: Listen
To my sweet girl on her 3rd birthday,
Sometimes I think back to the days when I was praying so hard for a daughter.
Praying so hard for YOU.
I wondered with everything in me if my Father heard me, if He saw the deepest desire in my heart…
That desire to be mama to a sweet little girl.
I knew what I was praying…I prayed it All. The. Time.
And you know what, my girl?
He was listening, as He always is.
He always hears and He always answers in the way that’s best for us.
And three years ago I held you in my arms for the first time.
I remember that day…the way I cradled you and sang to you the first of many, many songs. We began to bond…to be mommy and daughter.
I couldn’t be prouder of the little girl you are…your kind, compassionate heart shines Jesus so beautifully. The way you love others screams of His Love and Grace in your life. Your beautiful smile? Well, it lights up the room every day and my heart every second.
I am so, so thankful for you, my sweet Mae. This past year has been one of the most amazing of my life…and I am so incredibly blessed to have you next to my side as we walk (but mostly dance and skip) this path together.
Please never, ever forget how much I love you…to the moon and back, plus infinity.
Oh what a legacy you’re leaving your little sweetheart … love notes, one after the other, year after year. I love this, Mel!
Thank you, friend.
Ahhh, I love this!! A lovely tradition for a lovely girl. Thanks for sharing your sweet mama heart with us here!
Thank you, Anna…blessings!
The perfect post friend to celebrate your precious girl. She is so blessed to have you for a mommy… and the world is blessed to have you in it too friend.
Thank you, sweet friend, for the blessing you are. Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh my, Mel! You totally owned that challenge we gave you
This may be your most beautiful FMF post yet (that I’ve read anyway ;)). Oh how I wish we lived closer so we could get our sweet three year olds together for a play date, skipping, dancing, singing, laughing, loving friends. Happy Birthday, Miss Mae. You are so deeply loved, I can tell!!! Have a happy Friday, Mel!!!
You are sweet…and, oh yeah. Our kiddos would have so much fun! (So would the mamas!) Maybe someday soon!
Thank you for your kind words…talk soon!
Oh this is so sweet. I loved it and thought of my own baby girl all the way through. How I love her, how I miss her (she’s across the street at a sleepover). Beautiful!! Thank you.
Thank you, Debi! Blessings and I hope your weekend is wonderful!
This is truly beautiful. I love how you took the prompt and wrote the letter for your daughter. Happy birthday to your precious one!
Thank you, Barbie! Hope you have a great weekend!
Happy Happy Birthday sweet Mae!!
Yes to more dancing and skipping! So beautiful Mel! Happy birthday to your girl- they are quite grand!
Dear Mel
This little angel was stolen fom heaven!!! I am blessed to have a little niece of two years and I often have the privilege of looking after her. She looks a lot like you.
Much love XX
Thank you, sweet friend. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
He does tend to give us the most amazing answers.
Yes, He does…thank you, Kimberly! Blessings!
“He always hears and He always answers in the way that’s best for us.” I love the way you made sure to word this that He does not alway answer the way we want Him to but always in the way that is best. In this case, He bless you (and Mae) with both what you want and the best. Please give her an extra Happy Birthday from all her FMF aunts.
Lovely post. Enjoy your girl’s birthday!
Thank you, Holly!
Mel, you have become one of my favorite blogs. I love coming here and finding encouragement as a woman of the Lord. Bless you today!!
Thank you, Ashley! Blessings to you, too, friend!
Happy birthday to your girl! She’s blessed to have you.
Thank you, friend!
So sweet. Happy Birthday! I enjoy Spencer’s birthdays almost as much I enjoy my own. I, too, think back on how hard I prayed and struggled for a baby and how God answered my prayer just when I least expected it. Blessings to you and your family!
Yep…I would definitely agree there. Her birthday is so much fun for this mama!
Blessings, friend…wishing you a beautiful weekend!
Just. Precious. She will love reading your yearly words to her long after she’s grown. Blessings, friend
Thank you for your sweet encouragement, Rebekah! Blessings to you, too!
This is such a beautiful tribute to your daughter! I hope she has a wonderful birthday!
It was wonderful…thank you, Jennifer! Blessings!
Oh what a sweet picture!! Love that smile of hers!! Hope she had the happiest birthday!! I can’t wait to meet her (and you) in person…next week!!
So excited for next Friday…it will be great to finally give you that (in)RL hug!!!