Five-Minute Friday: Hands

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday. So, grab a timer, set it for five minutes, and join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write. Then leave some comment love for the person who linked up before you…and anyone else because that’s the fun and the heart of the community!


Today’s prompt: Hands

I seriously can’t believe this is the prompt this week.

I’m not kidding when I tell you that my eyes filled with tears the second I saw it. The word, Hands.

You see, God gave me a gift this week. One He knew I needed…even when I didn’t know that.

He sent me a friend…a sweet friend from years ago. We’ve kept up as much as we could, but oceans and countries made that harder. Our lives were so separate…so alike, but that physical separation by miles isn’t always easy to bridge.

But she came for three days…and they were three of the most precious days. Days I will hold in my heart for a long, long time.

There were so many conversations. Some laughs. A lot of deep. Connections…sharing lives that had so many similarities but hadn’t been able to connect in the same room for so long.

What a beautiful gift.

She pulled away on Tuesday morning, and the tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched her go. And then I just breathed thanks…because God knows what we need, and He gives it in the most beautiful, unexpected ways.

But before she went, she left a sweet gift with me and my girl. Something from her life to wear on our wrists…a reminder to pray, and a reminder of our friend.

And so I did what seemed right at the time…I took a picture of our hands.

Just so I could have that little reminder of friendship. And of the way God brings people together in His timing.

Tonight, just before I left for praise team practice, I asked God something. Please give me a word that works…I’d love to write my Five-Minute Friday about this.

And He knew…and He gave it to me.

Friends. Always connected by our Father, even if we can’t be together. I love that He cares about the littlest things.

I’m so blessed.

Five Minute Friday



  1. This was beautiful. It is so encouraging to see His faithfulness in the small things, because if He cares about the small, then my forgetful heart remembers that He cares about the big, too. So thank you, so much thank you. –Your FMF Neighbor

  2. How lovely! It makes me think of all my friends who live in the computer, how we are connected by the Father, even if we never get to meet face to face. This is beautiful, Mel.

  3. Oh Mel! How beautiful. I love that He cares about the littlest things which enrich our soul and make us whole.

    I’ve missed your writing.

  4. God is good! Love your story. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I LOVE the sweetness of God and how personal He is!! So blessed by your story tonight, Mel! Thank you!!!!

    • I know it sounds a bit selfish, but I really think that prompt might have been for me. :) Thank you so much, Becky! Have a beautiful weekend. :)

  6. love you. love special jewelry. love special memories made with friends. God knows what we need everyday.

  7. Such a sweet testimony of how God hears our hearts. I loved reading this story as it brought me such encouragement that our God not only hears but He cares about the things which are matter to us. So glad you shared this & even more glad I stopped here today. Blessings!

  8. I hear you, my Friday friend. Because my eyes did the same when I saw that word.

    And I bet we’re not the only ones!

    Sparkling weekend blessings to you, to yours …

  9. Goosebumps!! I love how God works! This prompt is definitely for you. Precious!

  10. What a sweet testimony to the strength of friendship across the years and mile as well as God’s faithfulness to speak to us in our time of need.

  11. Big Smiles :)

  12. Loved reading this Mel :) so glad for you that God sent you back your friend…old friends are like soul medicine. I’m glad He sent you this word prompt!

  13. He is just so good!!! Love this Mel and love that you got three days to reconnect and build on!

  14. LOVE when that happens!

  15. I loved your story, Mel. And I loved it even more that God provided you with just what you needed for your writing!

  16. I got chills while I read your story. What a beautiful tribute to friendship and the deep love God has for us. I am continually amazed at how God blesses us and then reminds us that He blessed us! Your writing was a great reminder of that. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Indeed, Mel… He knows us very well. What we need, he has it store for us, given to us on His perfect time. Beautiful post, Mel… thank you for always blessing me!

  18. nellers says:

    Even when we don’t know what we need He does. What a wonderful thing friendship is and when it comes back to us just at the right time.

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